Bands that outdo Mr Bungle in terms of creativity, variety and weirdness?

I'm not trying to challenge Sup Forums or anything, I just need something similar to Bungle to listen to.

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Check out "CARTOOOM!" by Plus-Tech Squeeze Box

Beefheart.Nothing like Bungle, but he outdoes them in every aspect you described.

Naked City and other Zorn projects.

Here you go OP

Attached: tzY0VBf.jpg (1428x1984, 482K)

Honestly pretty good stuff in here
Skip out on the Manson, Big Dumb Face, iwrestledabearonce, Escape the Fate, MSI, and NIN and this is full of solid recs

this is actually a good chart, shitty rant aside

Very fun fact, Zorn produced Mr Bungle s/t

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This is like a more accessible version of Fantômas' "Suspended Animation", which is also worth a listen along with "Hurtbreak Wonderland" by World's End Girlfriend.

secret chiefs 3

Slipknot's first EP is heavily inspired by the s/t Bungle album.

Attached: mate-feed-kill-repeat-W320.jpg (320x320, 26K)

as a graduate of the Goth 2 Boss program, i can verify whoever made this chart has been digging through my closet.

Butthole surfers

some seriously good albums on this list, notably melt banana and hanatarash.

I didn't know goths had such a fun, colorful taste in music. I was always under the impression they listened to shit.

wtf I love mallgoth now

Tfw my ex told me one of her guy friends liked melt banana and I prentended it was shit because I was jealous. Still havent listened to them and never will

>this is actually a good chart, shitty rant aside
On that note, I would add:
Throbbing Gristle - Second Annual Report
Throbbing Gristle - Heathen Earth
Tera Melos - Tera Melos
Komara - Komara
This Heat - This Heat
This Heat - Deceit
The Pop Group - Y
AMM - AMMMusic

lmfao at that embarrassing essay at the bottom
"I do like some genre fusions when they're tastefully done, for example John Zorn's Masada"
What an absolute cringelord.

Great recommendations though.

yeah most assumptions about musical subcultures on this board are wildly off base because the average user here is terrible at talking to other people, and instead operates on flawed or erroneous assumptions.

crazy, right?


I know what you did there.

my music is very strange, maybe just shitty:

How the fuck has TMBG not been mentioned yet?

Attached: TMBGandThreeOtherGuys.jpg (970x545, 129K)

First reply should be Sun City Girls

Mike Patton has also worked with Zorn on a variety of projects

Masada is one of Zorns only good projects though.

Bungle isn't music. To answer your question though, the next logical step is Cpt. Beefheart and Zappa.

Literally anything by Cardiacs

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>Skip out on Manson and NIN
I agree on the rest though.

Wait their eyes look normal