Imagine enjoying this soy trash

Imagine enjoying this soy trash

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This should be considered spam, Sup Forums-tier, ban-worthy shit.

Cry about it, vegan

I feel like people I know browse this board and shit talk albums I've played recently. I remember once I showed someone Lonerism and and their was a big thread calling Tame Impala fans fuckboys.
My point being, is you are shite.

Lonerism is a 6.7/10 though.

Guy at the store made fun of your Luke Bryan CD huh? Sorry big guy.

What's the problem with this

it's reddit


Why should we hold marty robbins to a different standard than we hold authors and actors? Shall we demand that authors only write about things they have experienced?
Actors must only work on films about acting?

because fuck Marty Robbins

I don't care if it's fiction or not. It's soyboy pussy sissy queer numale shit lol

Maybe now days, and even then that's arguable, but it kind of brought back psychedelic rock and even revolutionized it to an extent.
Even then shit like Apocalypse Dreams and Feels Like We Only Go Backwards are brilliant. I get if you don't like the genre, and believe me Indie rock has become increasingly inseparable, but it was still at least a solid 8.5/10. I'd personally say pushing 9, but again that's debatable.

so you're just trolling.
got it.

Imagine getting this mad over something released in 1959.

not an arguement you dumb cuck

No, not an argument. Just an observation. An argument was already stated above, this is no different than any other work of fiction. You fail to refute that arguement. Did Mr. Robbins hurt you in some way?

Cry about it

hey uh check this 5

Imagine being so scared of a food item you have to use it as an insult.

A food item that is destroying western civilization and popular music

Fallout New Vegas

ah, a man of reason and honor.

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You're really annoying, I can easily imagine nobody liking you irl

Imagine complaining about soyboy music.

>using the terms soy and cuck as an argument

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Cry about it

Horrid game but this is unironically good music

we don't have to imagine. Gunfighter Ballads is a Grammy award winning Top 10 album that sold 500,000 copies as the vietnam war was beginning, kennedy was elected, feminism and the pill were breaking and the addictive effects of nicotine were beginning to be understood. it continues to prove it's worth everytime it's re-issued as an expanded edition or in boxed sets. it's in the national recording registry and on the list of 1001 albums to hear before you die. it's been universally recognized as an american classic on all fronts.

Attached: wiki.png (720x1210, 217K)

[citation needed]
Specifically recent, peer reviewed, accredited, scientific or academic resources.

There's no way that image isn't ironic.


aww did mommy give you extra computer time tonight?