Attached: DX_cGnvU0AEFq6u.jpg orig.jpg (1480x2048, 371K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: omo.jpg (576x771, 40K)

Attached: Twiceboyuggo and Chewbuggo.webm (480x600, 2.8M)


Most normie-tier idol ever

Attached: jaehyun is watching you shitpost.jpg (600x600, 34K)

literal goddess

Attached: 1520925803661.jpg (2000x3000, 677K)

eunice is the top goddess these days desu

Attached: 6206_5031.jpg (2048x1365, 325K)

whats this guys name

Attached: a marshmallow.jpg (1200x1800, 183K)

projectile vomits


Attached: 1517525388591.webm (608x1080, 2.97M)

Attached: 1517261828034.jpg (850x478, 79K)

based pcy

Attached: 1509571411464.jpg (2048x1365, 1.08M)

>no emotion whatsoever
talk about bland and boring

Attached: 1568146496.gif (540x306, 2.96M)

doyeon's rack isn't nearly that big

>This is why I've adopted asian culture myself and have completely thrown away western '''values'''. I wear asian clothing, I only eat asian food, I only listen to KPOP and JPOP. I only watch anime, I only read books in Korean or Japanese language. I only try to speak Japanese or Korean, and am even thinking of maybe uninstalling 'English' from my brain, if it's ever possible.

Fucking yikes, get help, dude. You've kind of out me off chewy.


Attached: 1-26_사본.jpg (1300x1947, 1.7M)

Attached: DYLMkwXVAAANaIx.jpg (1500x1000, 184K)

Attached: 널벗어날수가없을것만같은느낌.jpg (1103x1500, 1.09M)

dumb retard saving all my webms whilst hating me

Attached: fatty.webm (854x480, 2.91M)

I'm gonna kill him

vocal, dance, visual, songwriting and charm queen

chewy WILL get it

Attached: 1324.jpg (750x750, 44K)

chewyshitters are mentally ill

leave xiumin alone dumbo


Attached: DXjbhz5VMAEVi1H.jpg (1200x1800, 151K)

>vocal, dance, visual, songwriting and charm queen

Attached: smugrin.png (800x717, 369K)

that was probably you. none of the twicebros here type like that

>that pout
too cute

change the filename idiot

Attached: 1520992046553.webm (835x720, 2.93M)

why do btsshitters always end up fighting eachother when there's more than two of them in a thread

Attached: 16892.jpg (800x1200, 87K)

Attached: DXhZpiiVMAA-xSI.jpg (1200x1800, 190K)

Black kpop fans are weird

finally a good post

Attached: he sees everything.jpg (600x600, 59K)

it's just 2 guys

>steals your spot as visual

Attached: RM27.jpg (1000x666, 85K)

Attached: DHkp_lYUwAE1Owq.jpg (1248x1926, 299K)

only until you change 123ksoo.webm to fatty does aegyo for money.webm

Attached: AKD12.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

goodnight kpg

we usually have shit bp posters, but the jihoposter is nice

Attached: taeil.jpg (457x659, 101K)

RYTHM TA is song of the century

the better question is why do you read what any of them post

how is wendy not the visuals

she's beauty incarnate

Attached: 18-03-14-19-55-45-246_deco.jpg (491x741, 224K)

>that fucking button

i fucking love smugrin

sorry for calling you fat bro I didn't mean it

Attached: 1516141329375.jpg (213x212, 15K)

word but Irene

it's damn good i'll give it that

Attached: ju-nelook.webm (660x540, 241K)

Attached: 798.jpg (700x786, 191K)

Attached: 1313.jpg (1334x2000, 1.21M)

Attached: DWxz4-LVMAALR_6.jpg (685x684, 42K)

good webm

she has a shovel for a face

lmfao she looks like that one g dragon picture

wait a second...isn't that actually photoshopped and this is the original one?

Attached: 1500046537959.jpg (424x391, 43K)

Attached: slug33.gif (500x500, 3.36M)

her jawline is so fucking weird

there is no way on goddamn earth these pics are real

>this thread

It certainly wasn't me since I'm not mentally deranged. Girlpop shutters however..

that's a funny shop


no way keep dreaming

Attached: 1478830142736.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

wtf i just watched some of the nct showcase and i thought that one pedo was memeing but jisung really is a pretty good dancer

what's the correlation
idiot what if i had to use it this thread

*orders red velvet selfie book*

Attached: 1520824653953.jpg (2000x3001, 2.14M)

Attached: 111.jpg (604x486, 52K)

jaw shaves should be illegal

post more from this set NOW


Attached: 1517829998860.webm (640x800, 849K)

Attached: IMG_4024.jpg (926x1062, 83K)

Attached: 1519601653181.gif (600x494, 3.07M)


Attached: 1491692426250.jpg (500x375, 61K)

when you guys call male idols fatties is it in an affectionate way or a derogatory way


Attached: ScientistsDiscoverThatSlugsCanSmile.gif (268x280, 1009K)

support abril please

Attached: 1521042432936.jpg (1800x1024, 1.39M)

I genuinely ordered it last night

you will never be like gd

Attached: gd_1.jpg (700x466, 42K)

and a slut

how much is it

Attached: sluggie more like huggie.jpg (767x1200, 137K)

jin is beautiful

Attached: 1520022110584.jpg (664x1024, 107K)

don't start

>ywn bait Irene's hook and then gut the fish she catches which she will then cook into a delicious meal for you to eat

who is your favorite member of oh my girl?
i personally like mimi.

>idiot what if i had to use it this thread
i'll be using it every thread for the next month or more. sorry.

where's the best place to order it?

very affectionate from me

Attached: 79e05adef1a22996d70b3b8d1ee7ce46.jpg (736x1083, 41K)

wendy 151202

fatty falls over with icecream in hand for money.webm

Attached: 04. PLAYBOY.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

>"I focus on personality and atmosphere. I don’t have an ideal type and it’s not limited to a girl."
is this a definitive coming out statement from yoongi? sounds gay as fuck.

LITERAL goddess

Attached: 1512537340336.jpg (2000x1331, 523K)

same with rat and xiumin, i don't mean it in a mean way

holy shit ur right

Attached: 2.jpg (676x527, 197K)