ITT: Sup Forums in 1920

ITT: Sup Forums in 1920

Attached: 1920.jpg (556x356, 38K)

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Man, I can't believe music is still around 10 years later. I thought it was just a passing trend.

this is the most muggle tier statement I've ever seen

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oh god oh fuck why am i in 1920

Why is it the only way to see a good band is to become part of a criminal element?

I don't even drink.

unga bunga grug no like black man music

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It's not a 2018 thread faggot

gee I sure hope everything doesn't collapse in 9 years

>listening to records while planning my secret moonshine run
>thinking how great it will be that my kids won't have to fight in a war like I did

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U guys should really listen to this

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sorry, I don't associate with negroes

negroids uncertain, uh

you hear this new "classical music" stuff their putting out now
wicked devil shit

Ragtime is soy

My association lies not with the outdated strumpeta but with the New-Age Jezebel's

For fucks sake I just ruined the most clever thing I've ever typed cuz of a fucking typo

>This would be playing as I bust into the speakeasy

do you comprehend the significance of the words I'm uttering to you at this very moment?

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Scott Joplin is better than Stravinsky, there I said it.


swing didn't become a thing until the 30s

>rides up on bike that has one big wheel in front and little wheel in front while whistling this

"i dare say this economic prosperity will last forever and there wont be two world wars that kill millions old chap"

>tfw no alcohol

>the entire adult male population of my village is dead
Music for this feel?

>tfw won't be born for another 14 years

My word.
How does one listen to a picture?
And how are these ne'er do wells of the negroid persuasion?
And why is one of them allowed to handle a firearm?
And what are these strange clothes that they sport?
I remember the time when a negro knew their place, and weren't even allowed to handle a fire arm of any sort.
Sometimes I think Abraham Lincoln made a mistake when he outlawed slavery, and I was raised in Chicago.
I hope the local constabulary will arrive shortly to properly deal with these rapscallions, and properly disarm them.
The negro in general has neither the capacity nor the intelligence to properly handle a fire arm. If they did they would most certainly be recruited into the armed forces to protect the country.



hang all niggers