Tfw close to done writing a masterpiece of an album that will be one of the most acclaimed records of the 2020s and be...

>tfw close to done writing a masterpiece of an album that will be one of the most acclaimed records of the 2020s and be heavily discussed on Sup Forums, RYM, etc.
Man, I love being a genius.

Attached: wtfimbased.gif (232x320, 67K)

This but unironically with three layers of post irony.

>tfw can't play any instrument

yeah you and every other shitty rapper on soundcloud

dubs of double irony

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Hey Stefan/Zach/Andy

can I hear a demo or a single

is it?

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>tfw close to done writing an album that I think is good and adequately expresses the musical ideas that I wanted to put forth

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you're never going to finish it to completion.

Keep going. Don't let anybody discourage you

Get ready, Sup Forums.

It's not rap music.

You will soon enough.


Thanks, man.

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I see you took Death Grips in a new direction, Zach

what clue can i get to know it's you whenever it drops? also whatcha waiting for? final touches?

>heavily discussed on Sup Forums, RYM, etc.
This is not a good thing

Post a clyp or you're a pussy

oh hey Kanye, can you up the release date to this week please? thanks in advance

This looks totally aesthetically gay as fuck. Learn to feel what’s around you before letting you’re ego get the best of you, Kid.


>Just a hodgepodge of genres with no merit

Come back when you've penned something good, preferably through-composed.

is it you rivers?

Are you finally going to make the modern day pet sounds?

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