Kanye's new album is autotuned post-trap shoegaze btw

kanye's new album is autotuned post-trap shoegaze btw

Attached: Przechwytywanie.png (445x441, 357K)

That sounds cool but there better be a song about food on it if kanye is a man who really raps about his life

Croissants, specifically

>Please don't stand on my work stations it's relly delicate
>Mr. West please stop

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That sounds very interesting.

fish fillets and grey poupon

Poor lad.

Man I love fat Kanye.

I feel like his next project is gonna go further down the same path TLOP was exploring, with weirder beats and bonkers hilarious lyrics.

I love how Kanye is just as good when he's trying his hardest, as when he seems to not really give a fuck.


Nah, it'll be vocoder like at the end of THat Part
>post trap
It'll be highly electronic beep-boop like his Bed remix on his soundcloud (around 9min mark) most songs will be long form too 7+ min

ty jebana polska kurwo

This isnt 2007.

You mean autotuned pop rap

But Life of Pablo was one of his best albums

I already knew he would sample shoegaze after i saw him wearing that MBV shirt

>newfag tripfag

It doesn't need to be 2007. kanye will always be relevant



So i could just listen to bladee.
