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thats not tay tay

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At least she's not a pube shaver.

i wanna chew on those pubes

moar lude mileys pls

Who's this guy?

Leonardo decaprio

oh i love him

"lude" enough?

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Try luder


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That leotard looks too fuckin stupid for this to be attractive. The happy merchant in the mirror is just the icing

You sound like an unattractive paranoid Sup Forumstard.

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>Becomes ratchet hip hop girl for a couple of years
>turns back into basic white girl when it's no longer profitable

What's her current look now

Why, because I think Miley Cyrus is a dumb whore who got manipulated by scumbags through her formative years? Kill yourself soycuck

From her latest shoot.

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Miley Cyrus is just as fake at that one stupid bitch who was on 16 and pregnant and made a mock pop album and got fucked in the ass by that one famous porn star. The only difference is Miley has a little bit more talent. She should have just stayed that way she currently is. It was more comparable to her pre-freak out phase when she was performing stuff like party in the USA. If she had stayed as innocent and sweet her career would be a lot less of a laughing stock.

Gal's so hot.

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