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Other urls found in this thread:

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literal goddess

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Let's start this thread by posting some good fa*cams.

hungry for kyungri

engineered perfection

Attached: f17e2d84bbc80de243bc487312010e8e.png (1080x1080, 1.26M)


cute smile

fuck off faggot

ugly cunt

Jihyo in red-ish

Attached: tumblr_oyn7zw6NcE1uh7ri8o2_400.gif (268x400, 2.76M)

chewy is a cute girl not some robot

why does she only wear flannel shirts, track pants, and beanies

Attached: DYVQWaoVQAEFpFs.jpg orig.jpg (1200x1800, 165K)

that's our yerin, punk

who has the most dfc in kpop

chewy is a cute girl and a robot

It's comfy

sonyuhshidae leader

because she's g'd up from the feet up

i don't know how to feel about white girl kang

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cute robot girl

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did they ever explain why the chinese wujus are on produce china? are they quitting wjsn or something?


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isn't it just cx

her airport fashion is still stuck in the twiceboy phase

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May it last a thousand years

Attached: [CLC - BLACK DRESS] KPOP TV Show _ M COUNTDOWN 180313 EP.562.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

there's so much more money in china. companies have no choice but to placate them or they'll just leave for good

It's stylish

stop making and posting these


Attached: DYAhYUJVQAA2UnL.jpg (1417x2125, 534K)

this will never get old


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twice's elegant private life is being subbed by oncezone

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absolutely inferior to slightly tanned kang

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Attached: CLC Black Dress #장승연.webm (606x1080, 2.96M)

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It's classic

how do I marry doyeon?

why is byul perfection?

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twice should go back on asc

Attached: omo.webm (960x540, 2.79M)


i got excited for a second thinking you were about to say another season was coming out

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I thought it was already subbed?

they got crazy a couple times

Not really fond of that show, tobh

Attached: CFMgWrhUsAAWjA6.jpg (600x600, 63K)

comfy twice hours

only nugus go on that

yeah but they're so hard to find and always taken down. and oncezone does the best subs

i wish, but i don't think they got the time anymore

all the mamamoo members are natty tho

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let's get crazy

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you can't even joke about that with solar in the group

the fuck is that beach, water looks like aids

nayeon jennie jisoo right? who is the last person

i think that's lena, the old jyp trainee that was supposed to be in 6mix

don't believe the rumors

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goodnight kpg

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someone said that kpop is becoming popular in the west because of government funding

but if this was true wouldn't a news reporter expose them for doing this?

don't trust in lee~~
don't trust in luu~~

sleep well friendo

her laugh is hecka cute

goodbyes are not forever my friends

It's only bad when Russia tries to do something like this.

dude that's an official national policy of soft-power, it's not hidden nor subversive, actually all countries do it to some extent

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Slug better have 24/7 protection.

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what exactly is wrong with this that it needs to be exposed?

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*soob soob*

yeoreum with a hat

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maybe he thought it was something secret or corrupt and not an open investment on cultural exports

>invest money into the success of an enterprise
>have it become successful

It's only ok if Cucked/Global countries like South Korea do money laundering shit. Same with the individuals like Hillary and why the media never expose her. All of these countries and people are under the same London Umbrella anyway.

hallyu was always government funded

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five minutes until......

I don't enjoy trash like BTS getting forced down my throat by the South Korean government, but that's just me.

i'll take bts shoved down my throat over katy perry any day of the week

just don't go on twitter and you won't see it

are you telling me bts didn't become popular in the west because of their amazing music? whoa

>i'll take bts shoved down my throat

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i hope the twice comeback teaser is another chorus like heart shaker

why would the korean government shill bts when no one in korea even knows who they are

that's non-ironically an argument some people would make

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Isn't South Korea funding KPOP the same as England funding BBC propaganda?