So uhh, how am I supposed to get my thick ass fingers on the chords correctly without having to mute every other string...

So uhh, how am I supposed to get my thick ass fingers on the chords correctly without having to mute every other string? Are there tutorials for thick fingered niggas such as myself?

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I was going to give you advice but then I saw that you are a stupid tripfag, now you get nothing and like it

With that attitude you're no better than a Tripfag. might as well give me that advice. I could really use it. Please.

Stop tripfagging, best advice I can give

Woah, hey look, it's me. Stubby Finger guitar advice please?

Even thin fingered folks mute strings when they start out. Curve your fingers and keep adjusting until you get a clean sound. The thumb goes to the middle of the back of the neck. Keep your wrists straight. Keep practicing getting a clean sound and it'll come naturally.

As long as you get the notes you want it doesn't matter if you end muting any other strings

Just keep practicing there is no magical secret, you have to get comfortable with the instrument by racking up hours of playtime

Play bass

Get a bigger guitar. classical flamenco type acousic guitars have bigger spaces between the strings nd you can find a student one cheap as shit, put a $10 piezo on it to electrify it. you could get by doing that until you find the guitar version of Lubbocks Very Big Shoes.

Yeah, stop playing u shrek

He really doesn't need it. Once you get past the learning curve and get comfortable it won't matter if your fingers are a little fat. If he doesn't want to play classical then learning on one will just be a handicap when he wants to play on an electric or steel string acoustic.

Also I'll mention that I had the same problem as OP did when I first started, now a GS-Mini is my main guitar. It really doesn't matter, you find ways to work around the fat fingers when you really have to. I barre 3 strings with my ring finger for example while playing an A-shape chord while small handers will use a finger for each string.

no op yr fucked. fat people can't play guitar.

Alright., OP... this is what you're gonna' want to do:
Purchase an 8-string guitar.
Take every other string off.
Now you have a fat finger-spaced 4-string riff machine.
You're welcome.

Use a pocket knife to calousize your fingers. Or play more.

have you tried not being fat

It's ok if you're strumming, but if you need to pick that high e string you'll have some trouble.
Just keep doing it, it will eventually work.

Hey lose weight.

get some sort of Zakk Wylde guitar

play bass m8 watch some victor wooten vids you'll love it

Compared to my Squire Bullet, whats the difference? Is there more space between frets? That price range is nuts for my current situation.

>playing the high e string

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Practice more. It's muscle memory. The muscles in your hand that you use when playing guitar need to be built up over time. Treat it like regular exercise, spend at least 30 minutes a day. Eventually you'll start to see leaps and bounds in your ability, but it only comes through regular practice

This is why I hate this board.

play bass instead fatty

Well, at least it's not an affinity.

What you're looking for is nut width if you really are that fat(i'm obese and i can play just fine on anything, even affinity strats)
A "standard" nut width on electric guitars is 1.65 or 1.7 inches or 42/43mm.
There are narrow nuts at 1.6"(40mm) which are designed for girls under the age of 12.
Then there are expensive guitars with wider nuts, none of which are in the same price range as a bullet strat afaik.

TDLR: learn to play it like this, or play an acoustic guitar first, they usually have wider nuts.

if Itzhak Perlman can play violin with the very same huge hands what hold you to play a guitar with even bigger fingerboard ?