Now that the dust has settled, was it good?

Now that the dust has settled, was it good?

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>lounge adult contemporary muzak

It's not finished yet hang on

literally only one good song core

>was Russian psyops good?

Good fapping material


Yeah, I enjoy it.


It's alright but there's better city-pop.

who dis? ill check it


Yacht rock > city-pop

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who is the artist????

I fucking hate you faggots. You wont even tell me who this bitch is when I want to give you a fresh, honest opinion. I swear to fucking god. Im going to find you browsing Sup Forums and I am going to shove my fucking fist right up your anal cavity

fucking metrosexual, hipster trash bitchtit fucks

nice quads!

look up plastic love

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>plastic love
It's boring as fuck

Excuse the phonepost but learn to help yourself

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i'll take your bait, ever heard of reverse image search?

listening to plastic love for first time
its ok nothing to spam Sup Forums about tho

Well thanks to that i found this gem

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It was produced by Tatsuro Yamashita so it was good. End of the discussion.

Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love

Also to OP yes it is good

listen to taeko ohnuki instead

what do u listen to? i bet its better you fag