ITT: Soul-crushing lyrics

ITT: Soul-crushing lyrics.

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Gary, can't you see I was blind?
I'll do anything to change your mind
More than a pet, you're my best friend
Too cool to forget, come back 'cause we are family
And forgive me for making you wanna roam
And now, my heart is beating like the saddest metronome
Somewhere I hope you're reading my latest three-word poem

it kills my soul.....hey hey hey

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Broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it
Where are you tonight, child you know how much I need it
Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run



(and i got it on my hand)

somewhat meme-ish but

>And i forget just why I taste
>Oh yeah I guess it makes me smile
>I found it hard, its hard to find
>Oh well, whatever, nevermind

>And I do picture you there, molecules dancing
>But I'd rather you were in the house watching the unfolding everyday life of this good daughter we made
>Instead of being scattered by the wind for no reason
>So I sing to you

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>I'm gonna ride on

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Take a look, you may see me on the ground
For I am the parasite of this town

When I look at you
Oh, I don't know what's real
Once in a while
And you make me laugh
And I'll see you tomorrow
And it won't be long
Once in a while
Then you take me down
Then you walk away

>Night eyes producing ashes
>We love to view unfortunate passions
>Still, she takes my photo to bed

Soul-crushing to the extreme. Upends the entire concept of being a music-listener.

>A multiverse of fuchsia and violet
>Surrenders to blackness now
>My world closes its eyes to
>Sex and laughter

>Goodnight, travel well references twinkle twinkle little star because hes singing a lullaby for his dying mother
Not the worst thing out there but it still gets me every now and then

A book of Aubrey Beardsley art corrupted me in youth
And now I'm trapped inside my youth
And you're in love with late-stage youth

Thank god for the little things and, and
Fuck god that they're little things I am
Running out of prayers to sing and I

And pretty soon you'll find some nice young
Satanist with braces and one capital "o", significant Other
And you can take him home to your mother
And say "ma, this is my brother

>iron waves crashed on his face
>made him feel less alone

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>My great grandfather left himself in an elevator shaft
>Passed out drunk after his shift at the bottom
>Red brick building out of town that you drive past every day
>Left a son to take his place
>Left a family in chains
>I share his name

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And Heaven knows
That without you
Is how I dissappear
And live my life alone
Forever now

>If you're so funny
>Then why are you on your own tonight?
>And if you're so clever
>Then why are you on your own tonight?
>If you're so very entertaining
>Then why are you on your own tonight?
>If you're so very good-looking
>Why do you sleep alone tonight?
>I know
>Cause tonight is just like any other night
>That's why you're on your own tonight
>With your triumphs and your charms
>While they're in each other's arms

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>Why is the bedroom so cold
>Turned away on your side?
>Is my timing that flawed,
>Our respect run so dry?
>Yet there's still this appeal
>That we've kept through our lives
>Love, love will tear us apart again

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>post picture of brooks from shawshank hanging
>get this

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>When I'm afraid I'll lose my mind
>It's fine it happens all the time
>Isolation caved in, I adore you, the sound of your skin

Based dubs

u gon make me cri

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You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything

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>Though she needs you, More than she loves you

i cried to this song after my (ex)gf of 6 years broke up with me

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Not exactly lyrics but
>"You hate everyone! To you, everyone's either a moron, or a creep or a poser. Why do you suddenly care about their opinion?"
>"Because I'm shallow ok? I want them to like me."

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I'm just as damn disappointed as you
Only I just do better to hide it
And the one thing that keeps me from falling for you
Is I'm truly alone and I like it
I'm truly alone and I like it

Death is real
Someone's there and then they're not
And it's not for singing about
It's not for making into art
When real death enters the house, all poetry is dumb
When I walk into the room where you were
And look into the emptiness instead
All fails
My knees fail
My brain fails
Words fail
Crusted with tears, catatonic and raw
I go downstairs and outside and you still get mail
A week after you died a package with your name on it came
And inside was a gift for our daughter you had ordered in secret
And collapsed there on the front steps I wailed
A backpack for when she goes to school a couple years from now
You were thinking ahead to a future you must have known
Deep down would not include you
Though you clawed at the cliff you were sliding down
Being swallowed into a silence that's bottomless and real
It's dumb
And I don't want to learn anything from this
I love you


Fuck man.

>Apologies to future mes and yous
>But I can't help feeling like we're through
>The ripping of the tape hurts my ears
>In my years, I have never seen anyone quit quite like you do


Soy lyrics. Wah my wife died, b-buy my album I shat out in a day!


We've been
We're dying
Let us

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Fuck, I like a lot of talentless hacks


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Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tock

>I tried so hard and had it all
>but in the end it doesn’t even matter

this must be in top 5 of saddest songs ever
the lyrics are so raw and direct

>why do you sleep alone tonight?

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gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang

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After a year of break up, I still remember everything while listening to this.

Give it a try, I don't know if already exists any good translations, but if you guys want I can translate it.

I'm saddened

>Memories made in the coldest winter
>Goodbye my friend, will I ever love again?
>Never again
808s & HB is hitting way too close right now in my life

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I should have known better
Nothing can be changed
The past is still the past
The bridge to nowhere
I should have wrote a letter
Explaining what I feel, that empty feeling

and also of course all of 4th of July, fucking hell

Well I'm a candidate for suicide the more that I get old
I'm a candidate for suicide the drugs have taken their toll
I'm a candidate for suicide I was raped at 8 yrs old
Well I'm a candidate for suicide cause I'm a cheap liar and a wh*re
Well I been busted up and beaten down no self esteem to make me proud
Anti social depressed and cursed
Well I hope I feel better when I'm ridin in that hearse
And all my emotions have left me and I no longer hurt

Well I'm a candidate for suicide cause I'm burned out from too far gone
Well I'm a candidate for suicide no matter what I do it seems wrong
Well I'm a candidate for suicide cause I hurt the ones I love
Well I'm a candidate for suicide cause I never laugh that much

I been busted up and beaten down no self esteem to make me proud
Anti social depressed and cursed
Well I hope I feel better when I'm ridin in that hearse
And all my emotions have left me and I no longer hurt

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>Maybe I'll get into art forms, and things you give a shit about
>And I'll run up to your dorm, so I can tell you all about
>Just how you make my heart warm, every time I sit around
>I smile cause you're alive

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that song is wildly underrated

I read this to the tune of Blurred Lines

You have to be 18 to post here.

>I thought I heard you whisper
>It happens all the time

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that's what makes the lyrics true and good, he wasn't trying to come up with anything to make hipsters think and buy his album, he literally said what he felt after dying a loved one. you may argue about the sound, quality or his vocal, but if that's not the authenticity you look for in an artist then i don't know what the fuck you're doing here

expectations weigh on me
to satisfy these endless needs
and i don't care and i don't know why
maybe i'm no good inside
all this wasted time
to see your fucked up life
become mine

all these thoughts just won't be still
i bless my habit, pray to pills
i can't be part of your life
until i know how to die
all this wasted time
to see your fucked up life
become mine

fake flowers begin to wilt
in this house my heart had built
to keep me far away from us
i know i'm not brave enough
keep me far away from us
i'll never be brave enough
all this wasted time
to see your fucked up life
become mine

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>throwing a party, WITH YOU

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"I believe the stars are the headlights of angels
Driving from heaven to save us
To save us
Look in the sky
They're driving from heaven into our eyes
And though final words are so hard to devise
I promise that I'll always remember your pretty eyes
Your pretty eyes"

If I had a dollar for every tear that album closer made me weep, man.

>and I thought at 15 that I'd have it down by 16
>and 24 keeps breathing in my face


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so we lost it all
and nothin last forever
i'm sorry
i can't be

>And I’ll never let his Mom move to La
>Knowin’ she couldn’t take the pressure now we all pray


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so simple but so powerfull

"I MISS THE COMFORT IN BEING SAD" always gets to me, despite how simple it is. Kurt was really good at making soul-crushing lyrics very unassuming.

>and you never knew
>how much I really liked you
>because I never even told you
>oh and I meant to

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Not many songs fuck me over like that one does. Destroys me every time

>I'll have my brother stop by this Saturday, to pick up my things
>Just make sure you're not there
>This may sound bad, don't take it the wrong way
>I love you
>You hold me down

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s t o p i t ;-;

"you can't fire me because I quit" delivered so early in the record always gets to me

Our daughter is one and a half
You have been dead eleven days
I got on the boat and came to the place
Where the three of us were going to build our house
If you had lived
You died though
So I came here alone with our baby and the dust of your bones

Fucks sake Phil.....:(

>a lot of japanese people on the pic
really makes you think

A change in the weather is known to be extreme
But what’s the sense of changing horses in midstream?
I’m going out of my mind
With a pain that stops and starts
Like a corkscrew to my heart
Ever since we’ve been apart

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Somewhere back in her long ago
Where he can still believe there's a place in her life
Someday, somewhere, she will return

>I brought a chair from home
>I'm leaving it on the hill
>Facing west and north
>And I poured out your ashes on it
>I guess so you can watch the sunset
>But the truth is I don't think of that dust as you
>You are the sunset

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>ghost with a boner

When I die, I want it to be like a dream
I want to see myself ascend a marble staircase
Through the swirling clouds of bliss and hope
A step for each of my worries lost
To the sweet surrender of the ever after
As I draw down the blade and cut my flesh
I'm reminded of amber fields
Blues and whites in the sky
The porcelain stains red and I exhale
Something better awaits me there....
And then I feel it come over me
Like I would never be sad again
The warm water caresses my open cuts
Serenity now, pouring from every major vein and artery
A silence and a distance like I've never known before
They coalesce and in this moment everything is right
It's so beautiful...

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First the mic, then a half cigarette
Singing "Cathy's Clown"
That's the man that she's married to now
That's the girl that he takes around town
She appears composed, so she is, I suppose
Who can really tell?
She shows no emotion at all
Stares into space like a dead china doll

I'm never going to know you now
But I'm going to love you anyhow

Now she's done and they're calling someone
Such a familiar name
I'm so glad that my memory's remote
'Cause I'm doing just fine hour to hour, note to note
Here it is, the revenge to the tune
"You're no good
You're no good, you're no good, you're no good."
Can't you tell that it's well understood?

I'm here today and expected to stay on and on and on
I'm tired
I'm tired

Looking out on the substitute scene
Still going strong
XO, Mom
It's okay, it's all right, nothing's wrong
Tell Mr. Man with impossible plans to just leave me alone
In the place where I make no mistakes
In the place where I have what it takes

I'm never going to know you now
But I'm going to love you anyhow
I'm never going to know you now
But I'm going to love you anyhow
I'm never going to know you now
But I'm going to love you anyhow

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Bury me softly in this womb
I give this part of me for you
Sand rains down and here I sit
Holding rare flowers
In a tomb, in bloom
Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved
See my heart I decorate it like a grave
You don't understand who they thought
I was supposed to be
Look at me now a man
Who won't let himself be
Down in a hole, feelin' so small
Down in a hole, losin' my soul
I'd like to fly, but my wings have been so denied
Down in a hole and they've put all the stones in their place
I've eaten the sun so my tongue
Has been burned of the taste
I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth
I will speak no more of my feelings beneath
Down in a hole, feelin' so small
Down in a hole, losin' my soul
I'd like to fly but my wings have been so denied
Bury me softly in this womb
Oh I want to be inside of you
I give this part of me for you
Oh I want to be inside of you
Sand rains down and here I sit
Holding rare flowers in a tomb (oh I want to be inside of you)
Oh I want to be inside
Down in a hole, feelin' so small
Down in a hole, losin' my soul
Down in a hole, feelin' so small
Down in a hole, outta control
I'd like to fly but my wings have been so denied

Lucid dreamer
You and I are the same
Living for fiction
As we live to escape
Lucid dreamer
Stranded love
I would be your cartographer
But young dreams
Have a way of falling apart

shockingly poignant moment on an otherwise shallow and bombastic album. It's weird I just re listened to it yesterday for the first time in years and was taken aback by how real and pained that verse felt.

>The last time I saw you, I was holding your hand
>And I couldn't wait for you to leave.
>I knew right then that it was over and done
>And I couldn't believe that I was free.
The fact that it's on what's generally their silliest album always blindsides me with feels.

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>It's coming around again
>And I just can't pretend I didn't see this here we go
>Play the record hold me close
>Now I know you're leaving just tell me that you care
>Down the road we'll never know, down the road I wanna know

>And girl I hate to say this
>Maybe its the wrong time
>To bring up the feelings gone
>Maybe you were right
>But I can't do this now so
>Pretty eyes, I'll say goodnight
>I said enough, I'm letting go

It's been 2 years Sup Forums. Will I ever be able to let her go?

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Please go away. This is a music board.

This is the song for Baby Birch
Though I will never know you
And at the back of what we've done
There is the knowledge of you

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Mother, you had me but I never had you
I wanted you
You didn't want me

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>it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes
Wait for it.
I start fucking bawling every time.

I've been wasting all this fucking year on
The idea of getting up and moving on
But I wait around, just emptying bottles
In the basement of the slovak center on my side of town

It's a major fucking bummer

Because I feel nothing like my father
He's been sleeping underground
Don't wait around, cause there's nothing there at all
There's nothing but the end

You're not awake
(Tell me, tell me the things that I'll never have)
So I'll just stay home
(I'm talking to you)
You're not awake
(Tell me, tell me the things that I'll never have)

You're fucking gone
Gone, gone


I know it's past visiting hours
But can I please give her these flowers?

Hide behind life
You should be living
But you only survive

Life holds nothing
But pain and death
Don't look for love
There is none left

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>I vaguely remember laughing with your best friend
>And you used to tell me that she didn't like me
>Did you lie or did she pretend?

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>Maybe I left you
>But you were with your friends
>I tried to make a good impression
>But I failed again

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i wish the west texas highway was a mobius strip
i could ride it out forever when i feel my heart break

I wish that we could talk about it
But there, that's the problem
With someone new I couldn't start it
Too late, for beginnings
The little things that made me nervous
Are gone, in a moment
I miss the way we used to argue
Locked, in your basement

I wake up and the phone is ringing
Surprised, as it's early
And that should be the perfect warning
That something's a problem
To tell the truth I saw it coming
The way you were breathing
But nothing can prepare you for it
The voice on the other end

And if I die before your album dro- *gunshots*

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there was heat and light and day
there was life, there was “they”
granite columns stripped away
what remains? what am I?

it doesn't slow
and it doesn't end
sleep, don't dream
but nothing mends
it never gets better

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