/metal/ general

/metal/ general
death metal edition
old thread:

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Posting music that's better than Bruce Dickinson-era Iron Maiden.

metal with a deus ex aesthetic?

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more obscure thrash

fun Texas thrash

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you had me at thrash user


Where can I find more authentic, emotional death metal like this?

Hell yeah these dudes are tight. My buddies in Black Market Fetus did a split with them.



>You're fucking retarded and just nothing more than a sheep who can't think about anything on a deep level

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that split is ace, Radiolokator is pretty much Gride + Lahar
oh btw, do you know if this is related in any way to any of the other awesome Austin, Texas bands? (War Master, Versklaven, Dissent, Türbokrieg etc.)

why sos srs

If the user from the black metal thread asking about trilogies is lurking in here, pretty sure this is what you were searching for.

crossover gold!

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Pic not related

get a load of this pleb

Just started listening to Septicflesh, and was looking for stuff like it, leaning closer to the death, than symphonic. Any suggestions or charts or something?

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You'd probably take a liking to the first two Paradise Lost albums, the ones that actually aren't dogshit.

high speed crossover

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how long’s it take for you to get burnt out on metal

You snivelling cucks don't belong on here. All you do is talk down to talented successful people because you have a micro penis

After about five years I got bored of metal and moved on (my metal intake at that point was mostly progressive and alternative), but then like a year later I got back into it and now listen to almost exclusively 90s tech death and black metal

what do you mean?

>You snivelling cucks don't belong on here. All you do is talk down to talented successful people because you have a micro penis

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I own all full lengths by this band. Pure elite black metal

I stand at the fires, still my breath steams in the cold
In the light of the fullmoon I mount my horse
It's the night of retribution and christian holocaust
From the pyres their screams call our old horn's return...


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You're still ass blasted about before, fucking pathetic. I'm glad Satanic Warmaster causes you so much pain, you pathetic pencil dick faggot

I don't listen exclusively to metal, and some days I don't listen to any metal, so I hardly ever burn out on it. And the genre is so gloriously varied that, with a little effort, any fag can find at least three subgenres he likes and can explore. By switching between the subgenres I enjoy, and by following new releases, I can sustain my interest indefinitely.

>It's the night of retribution

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Strike hard, without forgiveness
When armour and flesh are torn apart
Our dawn will break to show no light
For the jews ravaged with no remorse


He blatantly sings about killing jews in front of massive crowds, no one else does this. If you can't respect this band you don't have any place near metal

>this pic
my side are absolutely blasted

Haha That songs is about kill (((christians))) not commiefornians though.

Goatmoon sings about killing niggers in front of some pretty big crowds to. Both bands are based

Shit this is good

Is Nails actually soy?

eat my dick.

Nails is popgrind for fags, even Nasum is better

Are cowbells brvtäl?

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I think there was a T.M.P. from Yugoslavia as well (related to Patareni)

Pfft I'm not even that guy I just started quoting you because you post like a goober.


Well you are a fucking idiot, let me guess you know nothing of the occult, so fuck off. Black Metal is not for you and never will be, nothing you can say will ever be relevant to this thread

>yeah I'll take fries with my order, Mr. Soy

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>Well you are a fucking idiot, let me guess you know nothing of the occult, so fuck off. Black Metal is not for you and never will be, nothing you can say will ever be relevant to this thread

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My point was that YOU (don't deny it, idiot) were too stupid to see any ideological reasons for respecting hitler or national socialism without actually being a national socialist.
I was the first person to post numales in that manner on Sup Forums you fucking poser. Stop copying my propaganda for your marxist atheistic purposes

All you can do is copy my style. Just shows how brainless you really are
We started posting in this manner to patronize those who don't respect Metal attitude, redditors like you

>My point was that YOU (don't deny it, idiot) were too stupid to see any ideological reasons for respecting hitler or national socialism without actually being a national socialist.
I was the first person to post numales in that manner on Sup Forums you fucking poser. Stop copying my propaganda for your marxist atheistic purposes

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You're an atheist or a christcuck, you have some reason for shilling so hard against someone that actually respects black metal and it's spiritual essence

I can't differentiate what's irony and what isn't anymore, think I'll take a break for a couple of days. See ya lads.

Don't come back, it won't be any better

I will because I love this place, even though it's quite shit.

I guess we're both unwise then because I still go to this shit place

True Satanic Black Metal are bands such as Darkthrone, Arya Satankampf, Graveland, Gestapo 666, Satanic Warmaster, Beherit and Impaled Nazarene. You can listen to Metallica if you want, but you do not understand the true Hitleric Nazi black metal thing. You just poser and you can fuck off the whole scene. Black Metal is real music, not intended for animals like you, but the real Satanic Misantrophics who do not care like you clown from. Black Metal is an elite music, and you do not understand it. None of you understand the real Satanism. You ridiculous little kids. World view is based on hitlerism, on a personal level Satanic individualism, collective level hitleric fascism. Without a theoretical understanding of the occult, it is useless to dream of understanding wotanic worldview. None of you can not understand Wotanism, because you are all intellectually at the same level as the earthworms. You can not reach an elite level of Satanism, so why even dream about it. Satanism and Black Metal are the elite. For real misantrophes.

Maybe reddit is more suitable for you where everyone is just a normie hipster faggot.

I unironically love this album and own 2 copies of it on vinyl, one first edition and another for listening.

>You're an atheist or a christcuck, you have some reason for shilling so hard against someone that actually respects black metal and it's spiritual essence

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These days everybody's got something they want to say to me
These days everybody's got advice on how to live
All you mother fuckers well you don't know shit
This is my life and I'm the one who wants to live it
And I'll admit that I do not know shit but
It's up to me I'm gonna do it how I want to do it
I don't need your advice
Let me live my own life
I can fuck it up myself

>teehee blakc metal is so silly xD I'm only here for the le music and memes, satanism are cringe I'm a le atheist
Go back to r*ddit

Stop shitting up the thread, no one values your posts or your worthless existence

If you don't stop fucking replying to every shit post he makes you are just as cancerous if not worse

>hide thread

you didn't hide the thread. you opened and replied.

>World view is based on hitlerism, on a personal level Satanic individualism, collective level hitleric fascism
Somehow who ever made this shitty copy pasta knew of rare quotes from Werwolf (satanic warmaster) himself because he's said stuff like this before about Satanism and fascism

It must have been like 2011, someone from Finland on Sup Forums said he met werwolf and werwolf told him national socialism is Satanism on a collective level (this was before the copy pasta existed)
Then years later, I saw Werwolf on his facebook page make the same quote but saying that fascism is satanism on a collective level, so it confirmed that the user from Sup Forums was probably telling the truth

Alright alright I'll let mister satanic cults cool off a bit.

This but ironically. I see nothing wrong here except Metallica is ok and I have my suspicions that aryan satankampf might be a Finnish meme

what the hell is the point of listening to Satanic music without being a Satanist or atleast holding Satanism in high regard?

cheese factor

You know this what a textbook numale would say, right?

Soy or not?

perhaps, but i don't care.
but if someone listen exclusively to something because of muh ideology/ism, they are pretty corny don't you agree?

Never. There's too much of it and other music to lose interest. This is where people who only listen to metal shoot themselves in the foot.

Yes, but that fucking Prozac Nation sample isn't. So close to being amazing ruined by a dash of soy. Still love this shit.

I don't see anything ''corny'' about the occult or paganism, or Satanism. These subjects were taken all very seriously by most in the old days. Turing one's nose up at these things is a ''nu'' thing to do from this modern world.
Religion pushes people to war and thus supremacy. Satanism is the ultimate ideology of strength and war

I'm asian

Also I'm asian

I'M*inhale pig squeals*ASIAN

yeah like a thousand years ago user, during modern times they have always been weird and sick fucks.
why the need to revive something that has been dead for a long time?

Shit thread. Post music, fags.


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>why the need to revive something that has been dead for a long time?
Black Metal is very much about glorifying the old days and ways of the old. It's astonishing that people don't know this, it's why you should lurk more

Been trying to pick this up on vinyl for ages as I dug Coffin Birth's EP a lot; somewhere between The Kill and Sadistik Exekution in execution(kek). But the first cunt I contacted didnt get back to me for a month and now it's been ages since he sent me an invoice and he won't reply again. And the other guy had it listed but had sold it and had to refund me. Fuck. Bad juju on this cursed album.


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Remember the past but look to the future.
otherwise we might as well start treating people medically with mercury again, and let religious fucks rule us.

Dude just apply for Norwegian citIzenship and get it over with. There's probably a nice Muslim family you can shack with.

have you tried contacting the bands or the label, also discogs, there is like 6 copies for sale.

t. nu-males

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Yeah na, two of the guys there are the dudes I'm talking about. The second guy was fine and apologetic, but this first guy just sent an invoice a week ago after like a month without so much as a "my bad" and I've just noticed it now and wondering if I should even bother trying to hail his attention again. Dude has like a tonne of albums listed too so I don't know how he thinks he's running shop

oh ok, then try emailing both bands.

Nah, I'll give this other guy 2 days max to hit me up with an "all ready to go" or I'll just buy from the one listed on there for a bit steeper still in Australia. Good thing about underground metal in Australia. It's all dirt cheap to begin with. Highly recommend Coffin Birth's ep.

Is dungeon synth allowed?

yeah, most grind is cheap. the one from australia is the white limited edition (100 copies only).
i have most of CB's stuff already.

Good stuff. Very underrated

check out Headless Death, another one of these newer aussie grind bands.

g'day cunt, ya cunt

Will do my dude, aussie grind/death metal is the shit
Sup bulla

queensryche - rage for order