No Radiohead album deserves more than a 8/10

No Radiohead album deserves more than a 8/10

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hey but that 8/10 is pretty damn enjoyable to listen to.
As long as you don't pay for it, there is no reason to be mad.

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amnesiac is based


Try 6/10

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But, user, the best is KidA


Fair enough. I think I like TKOL more tho.

After Pablo, which is the worst?

ok computer

The Bends is an 8.1 though

>No Radiohead album deserves more than a 8/10
t. non musician

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The Bends is on par with Pablo Honey

Hail to the Thief is still their best album

The only good Radiohead album is The Bends and it always will be

I can agree with this. OKC, Kid A and Amnesiac are all 8/10, their other albums are all 6.5/10 or lower

The Bends is shite m8

>I'm a pleb
I already knew that

Kid A is a 9
but everything else is 7 or less

I need an actual answer. What the hell has gone over this cursed board that they shun what was originally THE essential Sup Forumscore band? Is it because of the influx of Normies and Plebs who infested this board and brought forth "fun" and "poptimist" music here? Is it the Sup Forums invasion that brought forth the "soyboy" memes and destroyed "pretentious" music to replace it with "masculine" musicians? Or is it genuinely a shift in opinion caused by their constant omnipresence on independent music sites like these? Either way, we're losing too much.

8/10 is generos considering they are a whiny soy band

Old Sup Forums was gay anyway.

Yet we had a better taste and weren't as shit. Really makes you think.

>better taste
I don't think so, Tim.

Reddit invasion