Get depressed

>get depressed
>Radiohead becomes 10x better

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>get depressed
>don't enjoy listening to music

how do I make it stop?

>get depressed
>love to listen to twee pop
i don't even understand

>feeling depressed
>walk into store
>feeling okay now

that song reminds me of my ex and makes me want to die

>depressed all the time
>still know that radiohead is shit

>being depressed

>be me
>be me
>be me

the only correct answer

listen to some of the music you listened when you were 16 or any point of your life that you were happy. Nostalgia will probably do the job and create some emotions.

Or maybe start listening to atmospheric sludge metal/post rock albums.

Try Cult of luna - Mariner

>get depressed
>start finding enjoyment in hardcore and grindcore

i never liked this music before but i been listening to a lot of wormrot recently. dont know much about the music so its hard to find new bands

>listening to radiohead ever

t. low test male

you are really "testing" my patience user ok?

>finally got out of depression
>all the music i loved sounds like shit

>getting depressed
>Hating my music

>get depressed
>can only listen to drone music

try to consume less eostrogen

Me with post-rock after I got out of the super depressed period.
Now I listen to shitty pseudo-depressed indie by young adult pseuds that caters to me

yeah this kinda happened to me too

I thought I was the only one

you're not alone buddy


>get depressed


no job
no friends
no gf
no family
no hobbies

Until you have all those things you're not really "depressed" it's just your brain telling you you're a lazy piece of shit and to get off your ass and do something productive.

>get depressed

you know how I know you're an underage loser?

>reddit space

>reddit propagator

>anti-reddit propagator reddit

Thanks doctor

It's something to do with the way the brain behaves while depressed Vs happy
It's also moving away from depressive things and knowing you can't go back to that way because it suck

It's even worse for me than that

i liked your pun user