Seriously, this guy's life is pure kino material. When will we finally get the inevitable biopic miniseries?

Seriously, this guy's life is pure kino material. When will we finally get the inevitable biopic miniseries?

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i would cast javier bardem to play him


Hope asshole SJWs don't call it a white-washing though.

that's when we beat the fuck out of them user

There are no Tunisian actors

Idris elba

They'll blackwash him

There was one and they made him black. Would rather them not make another one and save the argument because they will try to make him black. He was kinda like a modern arab but more Germanic


what, you don't believe the History Channel

>a Mediterranean/Arab looking guy
>played by a straight up sub Saharan African
Why is the history channel so shit

who are you kidding, you're a neet skinnyfag

Can you name any good Arab actors

Vin Diesel has been talking since forever that it his dream project to make a "Hannibal the Conqueror" movie. I think it will be really good since I heard him talk about historical figures during the period of the Roman Republic, and he knows some stuff but it is Vin Diesel we are talking about here.

He's a shit actor and looks absolutely nothing like him, please no

Vin Diesel is a smart guy but its a shame his "acting" is shite

No, I'm actually a pretty big guy

The guy who played saladin

he wasn't arab you mongoose

He certainly wasn't some European white guy, he's from North Africa

this is b8

North Africans are as white as southern Europeans

He was Mediterranean.

He was born in Carthage, Tunisia which is in North Africa you stupid nigger
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>high speed Elephant chase through roman paved roads
>CGI'd Paul Walker cameo as Scipio Africanus

It might not be complete dogshit if's he knows what's up and just acts as producer.

>retard walks up and down Italy for years while his country gets raped


He's a huge nerd, so he might make something good if he's not in front of the camera.


>be Carthage
>be a naval super power
>walk your way to Rome

no wonder they lost
Hannibal the Loser should be more appropriate

its been done