What the FUCK is her problem?

What the FUCK is her problem?

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she's been hurt too much
love is dead

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Woman from the UK.

She's a feminist cunt.

Who the fuck is she?

my gf

i love lavren
she’s like one of my kpop waifus but white

over my dead body

scottish booze chugging waifu >>>> plastic generic kwhores

She's only moderately attractive and is in a ok at best pop band


Possibly Brandon

I'm Kenyan.

> writes song about tripfag


I wonder how she actually feels about him. Apparently she lurks.

she's an ageless qt in a world of withered goblins

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lifelong borderline malnutrition

she's an angel in a world of horrible people like you

I don't think well ever know.

She hates him

Probably hates me,damn.

imagine being loved by lavren though. is a better kind of love?

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Lauren a shit

omg no

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You always think the worse.

she's reading this right now

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Lol bump


she's not having her pussy eaten by me 24/7

Go away

don't talk shit about mai k-waifus

She knows those photoshops of her face covered in cum turn her on but she can't admit to it in public.

Bet she wishes it was "you know who's" loads.


I bet she loves bukkake so much that she orgasms as soon as a load splashes against her face.

You want to do it, shut the fuck up.

poor bb ;_:
that's just memes, don't take it serious lav


Pic bums me out

Lewd. You're just giving Sup Forums a band reputation for when Lavren reads this.

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We already have a bad reputation


There is nothing wrong with being a feminist

>wh*te """""women"""""

Except that it makes you a cunt.

But she's from Scotland, user :^]


>when Lavren reads this
stop this meme

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She watches her little pets, and keeps a close eye on brandon

Are you posting from a parallel universe where Scots lack the self preservation instinct?

When are we going to stop this stupid shit about Brandon?

When Lauren publicly apologises on twitter.

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When they both squash the animosity between each other

Being a fucking subhuman Scottish.. English people should have genocided them way back

Huh? There's no animosity from me.

Scots are celts

They are mutts

when she apologizes

*Scottish people should have genocided English way back

Why is she wearing this contraption on her face?

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this is the only lavren pic i've ever seen where she doesn't look like a teenager

>should have
>implying they ever could have

Takin' care of them pipes

lauren is dying, user

I want to see Lavrens feet, specifically soles.

Get that Sup Forums bullshit out of here.

I bet you're more subhuman then anyone

>t. soyboy

> alt right dipshit with fragile masculinity

Why won't they squash it?

Sqaush what?

Looks like Scott is mad wow

>t. angrily wipes soymilk from chin with king gizzard shirt sleeve

what about his ass?

The beef.


I have no beef with her. She might with me but who really knows

has she unblocked you on twitter yet?

literally guys like us

but I'm a gentleman and a scholar who respects women

never listened to a single song by her but I'd let her sit on my face any day

I have no idea. I'm not blocked on her insta.

ultra rare lavren deep f a k e
pastebin aechcmDy

finally someone guessed to dp her with jav actress. shame that original material is utterly boring

Larva, if you ever need a real man it me up qt ;)

Talk to her

Brandon I can fuck her for you and tell you how she is

>retards itt giving namefags attention
Filter them.

s l i d e i n t o d m s

What do her feet taste like?

Is only that one insta such a huge staple in your life? You share aesthetically rich photography often and have tons of attention?

the point of these threads is shooting the shit with other anons and the tripfag, so that's missing the point

Lol no
No and no

Brandon seems alright and down to earth about the Lauren thing

so much words so few pics of her butt

agreed. I don't understands why he subjects himself to ridicule on Sup Forums

Even though I really do need to up my Instagram game, I don't have that much of an interesting life

yummy lavrerina

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