I think we can all agree

I think we can all agree

stone > powergap >>>>>>> roberts >>> powergap >> dog shit > watson

Other urls found in this thread:


Roberts is best Emma.

elle fanning>

only if you're into vore

this. THIS!!!!

Roberts >>> Stone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Watson

1. Thompson
2. Roberts
3. Stone
999. Watson

> tfw no classy English cougar to prey upon me

tbqh they should have left Watson at Hogwarts


>implying burgerfus can compete with britfus

>Watson was born in Paris, France
she's a frenchfu

kek its funny how all of a sudden since Emma's muhwomenrights initiative, Sup Forums beta cucks all started revolting against her...I mean she used to be THE Sup Forums waifu.

i don't know about you but I'd still would take her, wouldn't mind arguing with her and baiting her, who wants a only insecure cucks want a complacent women.

You know how much hate fueled sex you will get with her, for all her virtues, there will be a vice in the bedroom. Emma must be a goat in the closet type of dominatrix.

>inb4 cuck

To British parents, she holds a dual nationality passport.

Or do you think Boris Johnson is American?

Or do you think George Washington is British?

>literally state only people born in USA can be POTUS
>Elect your first (and 44th) as POTUS who aren't American born


so anchor babies are american?

Keep telling yourself whatever you need to tell yourself, Watsonfag.

>Emma must be a goat in the closet type of dominatrix.
I'd love her to peg me and make me apologize for my male privilege tbqh

>that feel when some yuropoor knows more about presidential elections in your country than you do

not sure if i should feel bad for you, or bad for me. maybe both

>people only hate Watson because she's a raging feminist
>literally went to American college where they indoctrinate women into the idea the patriarchy and shit is real

What a surprise she's a turbo-feminist. America fucks it's women over with such shit in college.

If she was this loveable "I just want to look after a man all day :3!!!" shit and never talked about feminist issues other than "I don't think it's a woman's place to talk about what men think! :3!!"

Sup Forums (which is essentially Sup Forums Colony No.34) would be filled with



Roberts is make for sex.
I couldn't care less about the other two.
Kudos to stone that regardless the frog face isn't a insufferable cunt like Watson.

>men who want feminine women are cucks

Seriously snowflake, you can't just redefine every word you don't like.

this, only betas are intimidated by her.

I really could care less. I just imagine myself infuriating her by deconstructing her arguments, followed promptly with "lets agree to disagree" sex.

people hate on watson because shes fuck ugly compared to the other two emmas

The point he made was the complete opposite of that...

>I really could care less.
So you definitely do care then.

If an American man fucks an American woman and they give birth in another country, the child has dual nationality.

In terms of Yank soldiers stationed in, say, Japan, fucking a Japanese woman and her giving birth. The child is Japanese unless the Yank father marries the Nip and they go to USA, at which point they'd get an American passport.

Emma Watson is only considered French because she plopped out in the nation of France. That's why refugees want to come to UK, as if they have a kid in their 6 month visa (and most young male refugees will just leg it and never leave, thanks Labour!) then the child has a British passport and the woman can't be removed from the country.

It's another reason why women over 8 months pregnant can't fly. As if you're say, a Chink flying to USA and you give birth mid-flight, the baby has to, by law, be given an American passport. Which means the Chink mother can't be kicked out of the country, meaning she gets one by default.

Not that Yanks have passports. Only like 1/3rd do. Not much need for them. USA has every climate type you could want, if not on the continent, then elsewhere.


I think Watson is easily beat Emma even with all the femnazi shit.

>adjective 1. having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness.

All three are feminine cuck, the word you were looking for was 'docile'...cuck.

No, she's just ugly lol


yeah she is objectively better looking than all the other emmas if not for the shitty politics.

i wish we could go back in time 5 years.

>I really could care less

Couldn't care less. If you couldn't care less, that means that you care so little, it isn't possible to care less than you do now. If you could care less, then it is possible for you to care less than you do now.

Not surprised an Watsoncuck is dumb as a fucking plank.



Low test. So low test not only do they think Watson is 'ugly', but are intimidated by her.

>not wanting her to fuck you as she screams how she hates fucking you
>not making her do disgusting and degenerate things while you make her tell you 'she's only doing it cause nobody else would want to be with a disgusting feminist bitch'

I operate on an entirely different level to you chucklefucks. You're all probably septics too.

Roberts is vore queen.
Stone is feet queen.
Watson is ???

>You're all probably septics too
I'm no septic, rather I'm a skeptic. I only deal in reason, which means I can't stomach hearing bullshit such as feminism


Emma Watson is the definition of "Plain Jane". She's the most boring woman I can think of.


>everyone in this thread neglecting their monetary assets
/biz/guy here gets it.

id take the
>English accent/better vocabulary
>UN worker
>ivy league degree
(actors and actresses in my opinion have some suppressed escapist complex, only affirms that they must be freaky in bed)
>70 million

I want to see the look on my bros when they see the 'I get to tap this high society ass' grin at a bbq.

Its a package guys and a new paradigm, if women want to be the bread money maker, good for them. I can be a stay at home husband who shitposts all day, /fit/s and /ck/ included, why do you want to work?

THANK you. Shes such a basic bitch

Nice, that's how I feel about it too OP. Just the same.


cunt queen

>not some of the ugliest fucking people in the world


This is literally the objective truth in both looks and talent


In my many memeing years and shitpost analysis, I understand the scrutiny of a minute mistake as the premise to a rebuttal to be a
>le Hur I concede the argument but
So, yes, I couldn't care less cucki boi.



>wanting to fuck a frog
