Literally everyone on Sup Forums outside of /classical/

>literally everyone on Sup Forums outside of /classical/

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Other urls found in this thread:

flippin trolled

Classical is literally just the beat

What? user, there's a thread up right now about emotionally stirring lyrics with over 200 replies and 150 unique IPs.

>emotionally stirring lyrics


lmao enjoy your "super epic" study music bro

I'm Kenyan.


3-4 minutes is the superior length of time for a song

that's literally how every genre outside classic sounds like

Funny, I was thinking the same way when I was 15.

this kills the poptimist

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The music itself is supreme. The generals went to shit a long time ago. It's no different from the bickery bitches in every other thread only its more embarrassing because user choose to be petty when they have the knowledge to avoid such base bullshit.

oh yeah? name 5 albums that don't fit my extremely wide generalization of popular music in which I've somehow included all other genres, not necessarily pop, smartass

>classical music's tempo is similar to the human heart
That's like saying a car's tempo is similar to the human heart. If you listen to more than 2 classical tracks you'll notice that not all classical music has the same tempo. You might as well just listen to anything else that just happens to match your heartbeat.

>makes you happy
So does any music the listener enjoys.

Lmao fuck off, first you say every genre outside of classic, now just pop


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damn... really makes you think dude...

Normie memes are not funny. I remember my old musician friends posting this. Let's just say they ain't my friends anymore.

Pretentious classical fans and braindead "DUDE JUST TURN YOUR BRAIN OFF LMAO IT'S A FUCKIN BANGER" trap fans are the two opposite ends of the musical autism spectrum and they are both the most irritating fanbases in music, prove me wrong.

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A man cannot unsee the truth. He cannot willingly return to darkness, or go blind once he has the gift of sight, any more than he can be unborn. We are the only species capable of self-reflection. The only species with the toxin of self-doubt written into our genetic code. Unequal to our gifts, we build, we buy, we consume. We wrap us in the illusion of material success. We cheat and deceive as we claw our way to the pinnacle of what we define as achievement. Superiority to other men.

t. radical centrist

Metal is for children.

I feel like the bottom text on that pic only applies to Pale Waves which keeps getting constantly shilled despite being absolute shite.

>puts you to sleep
i'll say.

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hip-hop is the only true music

I bet you do.

>Fights depression
>Boost memory
Damn, then my IQ must have been 26 when i was 10.
>Tempo matches heartbeat
>Implying I listen to something that wouldn't give me a heart attack.

no u

QUICK name one thing that's better about classical that doesn't have to do with being more complex

Classicalfags are the ascetic undermensh. They remove their body from their mind and walk around like husks claiming that by stripping themselves of their passions they have overcome. Sad.

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this post is nigger-tier stupid

kill yourself slowly

big facts

This thread is everything wrong with this sad excuse for a board. The really sad part is, none of it is ironic. I'm just glad I've found it before every third reply was "soy" combined with 99% worthless threads.


pipe down porch monkey

Even shitposting isn't on the nose or ironic anymore, it's whatever came to your mind first.

>QUICK say anything I'll automatically disagree with to prove my personal taste and preference in music somehow supercedes everything and anything

Music evolves. Oldheads are just nostalgic for a time once passed. Classical oldheads wish they lived in the prehistoric age where everyone was rocking powdered wigs and couldn't sing. Rock oldheads think that classical rock was the peak and they still wish they could rock the tight jeans and smoke cigarettes in the high school bathroom. Rap oldheads won't acknowledge anything besides songs about killing cops and "being hard" despite the fact that they're probably not from the hood. etc. etc

>appreciation of art is actually a desire for living in a certain time or zeitgeist
You poor, brainwashed by capitalist media, child.

ok adam22

classical was better when we lived in monarchies, had dysentery and died at 30

you cannot debate this

Well, what happened there [on 9/11] is, of course—now all of you must adjust your brains—the biggest work of art there has ever been. The fact that spirits achieve with one act something which we in music could never dream of, that people practise ten years madly, fanatically for a concert. And then die. [Hesitantly.] And that is the greatest work of art that exists for the whole Cosmos. Just imagine what happened there. There are people who are so concentrated on this single performance, and then five thousand people are driven to Resurrection. In one moment. I couldn't do that. Compared to that, we are nothing, as composers. [...] It is a crime, you know of course, because the people did not agree to it. They did not come to the "concert". That is obvious. And nobody had told them: "You could be killed in the process."

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the common folks who lived in dysentery and didn't live past 30 didn't listen to classical

I wish those musicians would not allow themselves any repetitions, and would go faster in developing their ideas or their findings, because I don't appreciate at all this permanent repetitive language. It is like someone who is stuttering all the time, and can't get words out of his mouth. I think musicians should have very concise figures and not rely on this fashionable psychology. I don't like psychology whatsoever: using music like a drug is stupid. One shouldn't do that : music is the product of the highest human intelligence, and of the best senses, the listening senses and of imagination and intuition. And as soon as it becomes just a means for ambiance, as we say, environment, or for being used for certain purposes, then music becomes a whore, and one should not allow that really; one should not serve any existing demands or in particular not commercial values. That would be terrible: that is selling out the music.

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Just good advice.

pretty much any extreme metal album, bruh

Based on the image's description?
Yes - Close to the Edge (odd time signatures, long songs)
Ekkehard Ehlers - Plays (no drums or vocals, long pieces)
Don Caballero - What Burns Never Returns (odd time signatures, no vocals)
Horace Silver - and the Jazz Messengers (no vocals, rhythmic pattern is relegated to ride cymbal)
Bill Evans/Jim Hall - Undercurrent (no vocals, no drums)

Thread should've ended here lol

repeating patterns is needed for survival of the BODY in nature. music is a product of this body (and mind) and thus has the same fundamental framework. this is obviously written by a floating brain and not a ubermensh.

inb4 meal is for children


That is one facebook-tier shitpost you've got there friendo.

ma non cagare il cazzo!!!

>a floating brain
sounds like an overman to me

>fights depression
not the classical i listen to

I don't wanna. You're right.

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Alright but how does classical fare in being a great sex background genre

>tfw when missed the last 200 years of philosophy


Anyone who is into Beethoven’s symphonies or Wagner’s operas and is told that the Beatles’ catchy three-minute tunes are the masterpieces of rock music will simply smile and politely nod, but never listen to rock music again; and will thus never learn that rock music has also produced 20-minute avantgarde suites and hour-long electronic poems that are easily as complex and as futuristic as contemporary classical music.

im asian and i agree

*Excuse me* Like what exactly?

That still shouldn't trap bands that are experimental and use V-C-V structures as necessarily pop, because of one thing: you can employ multiple styles of experimental/avant-garde music in V-C-V structures alone. Bands like Mr. Bungle, Faith No More, Primus, Ween, and many others can shift entire genres in the course of a song alone, ranging from Heavy Metal to Funk to even Drone-esque sequences in a V-C-V song. Heck, if a song featured absolute Noise/Static/Industrial melodies that shift from a different time signature
(say from 8/4 to 3/4 to a completely unorthodox time signature not heard in natural music like 10/12 and 27/55*) in just the verse of a song alone, and then had the chorus that included syrupy guitars, or even pitch-shifted instruments and some Ambient melody to accompany it, could you really consider it "pop"? There's a reason why pop music is traditional; most actual pop artists (disregarding sub-genres that fuse pop with non-poppy ideas) fail to deviate from a simple, easy-going and/or catchy melody/rhythm, and instead focus on appealing sounds and accessibility. I don't consider Alternative Rock pop music because it bridges the Gap and blurs the lines between traditional Rock and Pop music with unorthodox ideas not found in the commonality of reality. As such, pop music shouldn't envelop every artist or musician that isn't experimental in your definition. And also, who says that experimental music MUST follow your definition anyway?

>What? user, there's a thread up right now full of soyboys


You make me embarrassed to admit I like classical music.

harsh noise

I know this is a meme but what exactly is "genuine culture"

Oh like that garbage doo doo Sister Ray?

>classical music’s tempo is similar to the human heart

I’m fucking speechless

The fact that people this retarded exist blows my mind.

>you listen to music written in a certain year
>that means you want to live in said year

everything people listened to before rap, rock, jazz and other american cultural imperialist memes took over worldwide culture


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It's raw. Go suck a ding dong.

Everything that isn't consumerist culture? You know, art, tradition and values and shit? Not being obsessed with money and consuming.

Consumerist culture IS American tradition.

Yeah and it's bad

so, what, you believe that the world before the 50s was some magical place where consumerism didn't exist?

>traditional values

yeah fuck off with that shit. "waaah how come things don't stay the same forever"

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i have an iq of over 140 i listen to classical and i am euphoric

The world before the 20th century was a magical place, relatively speaking.

were you alive during it? I've read a lot of books on history and lemme tell ya there was some serious shit back before the 20th century that make the troubles of today seem almost laughable.

hey guys check out this picture of OP i found

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/classical/ here. We really just listen for the super epic fortissimo possibile beat of timpani and cymbal crashes at the end of a symphony.

>The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute
>Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica
>Yes - Close To The Edge
>Tool - Lateralus (this one is more deceptively complex in its rhythmic structure rather than sheer displays of virtuousity. Trying to play the drums to this album is a nightmare)

Whoops, that first link actually has some stuff cut from it

>what is jazz/jazz fusion
>what is prog rock
>what is extreme metal

There's literally nothing wrong with enjoying single-tempo, allegro, 4/4, repetitive, kick-snare type patterns of the general verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus-fade variety for an approximate period of 3-4 minutes.

>not 3 minutes or less
I don't have all day, fag.

beethoven > mozart

Dunning-Kruger - the soundtrack

Don’t cut yourself on that edge

Also you must be 18 or older to post here

He’s right, it’s just a pathetic feels thread, why are you angry?

Sup Forums is the reddit off Sup Forums boards

>not 30 seconds or less
I don't have all day, fag.

Sup Forums as a whole is reddit

What are some classical or orchestral music composers/performances that falls in the same boat as this?
I'm looking for something grand and loud and aggressive.

Only TMR can even claim to be as complex as most classical music.