Literally "No Singles Policy: The Movie"

>literally "No Singles Policy: The Movie"

This has to be one of the most depressing films I've seen.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums should write a script about going to the cinema and have Lanthimos direct it


It was a movie at best

It was at least cinema.

It was a filmnema, note quite a film but also superior to cinema with some sprinkles of elevated flick

It's the best film of 2016.

Post em.
>crow masterrace reporting

Crows are the best birds.

>most depressing films
Have you seen The Road?


>Not being a Parrot with your bros

>Housecats should not kill birds

1. If it's a housecat, why is it going outdoors
2. If housecat = domestic cat, then that is also wrong as by law, cats are considered wild animals.
3. Does this question mean that a cat should know not to kill a bird, or the owner thinks the cat should not kill the bird
4. Does understanding cats do kill birds and in a perfect world they would not, get incorporated into the question? As in, if you could make a cat not kill birds, would you?
5. Does the question assume that cats are killing for food or what? Because basing on the comment they're 'housecats', one would suggest with this word they have ample to eat and thus are killing out of instinct. So is agreeing they shouldn't also agreeing they should go against their instinct? If so, is that what the test is measuring of me?

Difficult desu.

>I prefer to dance

Here is another interesting question.

1. Does the term 'dance' refer to the means of performing body movement to music, you know, exercising type thing?


2. Is it referring to the act of masturbation, like the famous song "Dancing With Myself" by blink-182?

Difficult desu.

ayyyy water bear bro


Idk how I feel about this but w/e

>age old philosophical question
>user thinks it's funny

what did he mean by this?

>tfw no loop option

That's what I thought.

I said 'Nothing'.

Otherwise I would be no longer a bystander

I got Rhino, Sheep and Horse.

I'm an Ares, which is sign of the Ram. My Chinese Animal is the Horse. So I went with Horse. Apparently I enjoy carrots and oral sex.

not him but the edits of the moral argument are popular on /lit/ and Sup Forums.

I can live with this.


Ha. Ha... Yeah. What LOSER would have less than 6 months? Hah. What DOUBLE LOSER would have NEVER had a relationship of any sort.

Ha. Ha.


I didn't say I was thirsty, bitch!

I wonder what the kid thought when he saw what she was doing.

Ayo hol' up

top lel

Lol kill yourself


>not him but the edits of the moral argument are popular on /lit/ and Sup Forums.

They've been around on Sup Forums forever you newfag

Did you get to chose between three animals? I picked the horse

my options were rabbit, camel, or spider.
Rabbit said it enjoyed golden showers and hated being alone, both which I disagree with and the spider seemed like autism
so I chose camel

Literally Japan's future, the movie

But if I did that, I'd truly be alone.

Prove it.

this site is pretty cool desu, one of the funnest personality tests ive done

>life of the party
>browses Sup Forums
test confirmed for bullshit

Stealth Panthers


Pretty sweet.


Literally the best option. You never want for anything, get to spend all day preening and chilling, and somebody rubs your belly all day.


>"They'll turn you into the animal nobody wants to be"
>In his next movie, they turn Colin Farrell into Johnny Depp

What did they mean by this?

I like the job security desu

Was offered Camel and Rhino as well.


Movie was incredible. I've never felt so bad for laughing at some of the scenes.


I'm ok with this.

>there's people on this board who have never had a girlfriend

how does it feel being so unlikable?

It's pretty depressing desu.


Kinda surprised they threw a trolley problem question in there.

What would you do, Sup Forums? Would you kill all those people in the bus to save your family member, or save the people in the bus?

Save the people in the bus.

Its not about killing those people, because simply doing nothing is Not mieser. Its about actively killing one of your own to save seventeen strangers

*Not killing

glad I didn't pick owl like these fucking nerds.

> masters of diplomacy

but it's forbidden to be patriotic in my country

got panther but really wanted eagle or any bird of prey

i want to fly damn it

fine by me

>literally "No Singles Policy: The Movie"
this is so true I can't believe it didn't occur to me beforehand

first act 10/10
second act 7/10
third act 3/10

Getting a girlfriend isn't that hard, guys

Just be more outgoing

but rape is easier

literally Sup Forums

getting a boyfriend is equally as hard as getting a boyfriend though.




Surprisingly accurate

The image says Im not that alone...
But here I am, the lone Dolphin.

1. it was released in 2015
2. several 2016 films are better than the lobster

How long until japan implements something like this?

What's up antbro

well this is surprising

post the camel

>If it's a housecat, why is it going outdoors
Look at this pleb

Who cat here

>just b urself goys

I hate normies so much

He said to be more outgoing though, nu male. Obviously don't be yourself, loser.