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Reminder that GRRM could have finished TWOW by now if he cared as much about writing it as he does blogging.

>"slightly less autism" edition

not on my watch

>"slightly less autism" edition

name a better pov character
(protip: you can't)

ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong

Theon, Cersei and Barristan.

I don't believe anybody ever claimed he did.

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

>didn't use 4 swords

>the long winter clearly affected the culture of Westeros

name one way. people talking about how spooky the winters are doesnt count as culture. they live like a 'normal' medieval society, they farm like a 'normal' medieval society, they function on a day to day basis like a 'normal' medieval society, they build permanent settlements like a 'normal' medieval society, etc etc etc.


Who honestly cares about TWOW? Don't people realize nothing's going to fucking happen in that book? There's like 50,000 words released via the sample chapters already, and barely anything has happened except for the Meereen battle.

I would bet 100% that Dany at best barely sets foot in Westeros at the end of the book and maybe even just sets sail.

Shared histories does count as culture.

And why would they not function like a normal society? Again, that's the point, people experience some big shit (a massive winter, a nuclear bomb, the Black Death, etc) and then move along years later as if nothing happened because hey, the crops are doing well. Going about living their lives would be exactly the normal thing to do and people have time and time again that they learn relatively little from the past, hence why KL feels like they can ignore the Watch begging for help because it hasn't affected them yet and they never think it's going to happen. Human folly is not bad writing.

I again will concede that the human/animal population is probably too large though but GRRM also fucks up stuff like that often (the Stark family is thousands of years old but they're reduced to a single nuclear family by GoT).

>people have time and time again that they learn relatively little
*time and time again showed

>a massive winter, a nuclear bomb, the Black Death, etc

these are all massively flawed comparisons because the long seasons are documented throughout thousands of years, the older population having lived through at least a few of these cycles, and they're expected and anticipated to happen again. Thats not comparible to events like a bomb or a plague that weren't even fucking considered a possibility and arent expected to be an annual event.

>Thats not comparible to events like a bomb or a plague that weren't even fucking considered a possibility and arent expected to be an annual event.
How are bombs and plagues not considered to be possibilities?

>And why would they not function like a normal society?
Because a normal fucking medieval society would be completely wiped out by a multiyear winter.

Stop playing stupid, you know exactly what I meant. In ASOIAF literally EVERYONE knows the seasons are cyclical, being as surprised by that as they would be by a bomb or the plague would be like people today freaking out because spring turned into summer.

>Shared histories does count as culture.

No it does not when the specific shared histories in question amount to little more than scary stories and have no other effect on how the society functions or interacts.

Other than the food storage and castles like Winterfell and the Eyrie?

And that's also ignoring Preston's theories, if you want to go down that road.

They also have long summers, and again, people recover pretty quickly from disaster and continue their lives normally. GRRM has shown that he has issues with scale and that applies here too, but to think that people don't just move on with society is ignoring much of human society. Again, human error is something real.

>And that's also ignoring Preston's theories, if you want to go down that road.

No, nobody wants to go down that road you autist, because we're talking about book canon

shadowcats are basically panthers yes?

isn't it weird that Mance got BTFO by one?
Mance is definitely a great warrior ( like top 50 westeros ), I'd bet on a great warrior with a sword against a panther every time.

I don't think a panther would have it easy even against an unexperienced fighter with a sword, long as he's fit and sportlike...

>They also have long summers, and again, people recover pretty quickly from disaster and continue their lives normally. GRRM has shown that he has issues with scale and that applies here too, but to think that people don't just move on with society is ignoring much of human society. Again, human error is something real.

You're missing the point dude. The problem isn't that people aren't freaking out for the inevitable winter, the problem is that this medieval society with its magical weather patterns is literally indistinguishable from any other standard medieval society with normal weather patterns. If george never said anything about the seasons lasting for years, and we were just left to assume that they function like our real world 4 seasons, would it have changed absolutely anything about the books at all? If the upcoming long winter was just a thing of prophecy, a legend, an event that has only happened in stories from thousands of years ago, would it change anything about the books whatsoever? No it would not, and thats the issue. The seasons in ASOIAF are unexplored and pointless.

Also I just want to add that you keep bringing up the Black Death as an example of how societies move on from tragedy, but the Black Death had enormous social, religious, and economic ramifications that effected the course of european history...

>They also have long summers
Which should ALSO change their society.

>and again, people recover pretty quickly
Do you not understand what a multiyear winter would do?

> and continue their lives normally
"Normal" human lives are based on a quarterly winter ever year. Humans that have to endure harsher winters have different societies than humans that have to endure mild ones, etc.

I don't know why you turboautists keep giving him shit for it, he has never owed you anything.

>people recover pretty quickly from disaster and continue their lives normally.

yeah they recover but theyre still fundamentally different from the society they were before the disaster happened, for example everyone has moved on and continued living their normal life after 9/11 but the US is a much different country now than we were before that happened. and this point applies with any major event thats shaken an entire population since the beginning of time

sorry this was meant for

>US is a much different country
For the average person plodding around it didn't change that much, and you don't need to make a new post to reply to every single fucking line from another one.


>For the average person plodding around it didn't change that much

yeah it definitely did, our economy is completely different because of the war for example and just because you don't *feel* any different doesnt mean we're not a different culture. stop getting mad that nobody agrees with you

>"slightly less autism" edition

Everyone's standard of living went way up because they suddenly had all this extra furniture

>My mind says "Wait, Chataya? Why not Alayaya?"

I didn't come here for politics I came here to shitpost

this bitch is overrated as fuck

>isn't it weird that Mance got BTFO by one?

Panthers are ambush hunters, if the got the drop on you, you wouldn't have time to draw a sword (and shadow cats are the size of tigers).

Deal with it

9/11 didn't kill everybody in the country.

A winter that last for YEARS (and happens again every several years) would.

go ahead and tell that to the inuit

he owes us two fucking books memelord.

>go ahead and tell that to the inuit

All 10 of them...

You can't support a population of hundreds of thousands of people when winters last for years on end, especially not a medieval society.

i dont even know why youre fucking arguing with me when i agreed that the winters should effect shit, do you think near total annihilation is the only way a culture can possibly be changed in any way? is that why youre being so autistic about me bringing up 9/11?

Go ahead and tell me which Inuit live where winters last years.

they inhabit arctic regions you stupid shit

i dont think the winters are as harsh when you get to the reach and dorne. its just kings landing on up that gets a shit load of snow. i might be wrong though.

if it all gets snow and everything is a blizzard all the time then you'd have to breed and tend to animals indoors, ice fish, fish for things out in the ocean and basically stay inside.
it could be done but yeah like half the population is going to die.

>i agreed that the winters should effect shit

The multi-years long winters would absolutely effect shit, right to the point of extinction....

Even with all our modern tech, we've have a very hard time surviving a winter that went on for X years (and only a fraction of the current population) and we'd only do so by importing food from southern regions but all the deer, bears, rabbits, (non-migratory) birds, even the fish in the rivers and lakes would all die off in the first multi-year winter.

hey no shit sherlock, you know youre not responding to this guy right? what are you even disagreeing with me on?

You're the one comparing 9/11, an event that happened once on a single day and killed 2,000-odd people, to winters that last for YEARS and this happens over and over again.

As has already been pointed out, it was stupid of Gurm to include this element to the story, if he was going to ignore the effect it would have on the population of Planetos.

my god you fucking autistic 12 year old, the point i was very obviously making was that tragedies have lasting effects on culture beyond just death, which the other user was disagreeing with, and now you're mad because my example proving how this is true isn't an exact 1:1 correlation to asoiaf? go to sleep

And the arctic has seasons too you stupid shit.

Medieval logistics couldn't handle importing all the food, nor could medieval economics, considering most of the population were subsistence farmers.

HOWEVER, even Gurm realized he made a boo-boo and that's why he tones down the winters (especially in The World of Ice and Fire) into a rapidly occurring climate change - there are "midwinter thaws" during which farming is possible, just as there are "midsummer snows".

What makes Westerosi people freak out is that the summer about to end is not only the longest in recorded history, it is also one without any midsummer snows, so "logic" (ie. superstition) follows that the following winter will also be the longest ever, and this time the snow won't melt, which would indeed lead to most of the population dying.

Also, Westerosi culture IS affected by the long winters, which is reflected in how everyone stocks food for YEARS, and even that may be not enough for the coming winter (then again, preserving anything but flour for several years with medieval technology is a stretch).

>tragedies have lasting effects on culture

There wouldn't BE any culture because there wouldn't BE any people, beyond a handful of stone age Eskimos eking out an existence along the coastline and surviving by fishing.

No he doesn't.

>there are "midwinter thaws" during which farming is possible, just as there are "midsummer snows".

That ain't going to save him, (nor the people of Planetos) as you can't grow apples or whatever in a summer that only last one month before winter arrives again (and all the wildlife would still go extinct).

The fantasy climate of GoT is stupid and should just be ignored.

>page 8

Are there multiple got generals or something? Fuck this is dead

It's offseason in late january, what did you expect when the show's not coming back for another 5 or so months?

>page 8


Friendly reminder that Syrio Forel survived and is currently disguised as Meryn Trant.

>wat is ice age

humans were still 100% hunter-gatherer in the most recent ice age though

please stop with this shit

Did anyone read a knight in the seven kingdoms? Is it just a cash grab?

Jaqen H'ghar did nothing wrong


The fuck are you talking about

do you know of any... meme... that might help him, bring him back ?

what the fuck are you talking about

Not the user who made the post, but he was referring to this shitshow.

I just realized that D&D will most likely kill Melisandre by burning her to death, that's the kind of poetic death they like to write.

>pay with my hard earned money for five books
>books leave me in a cliffhanger.
>the fat fuck just travels and writes in his blog
'hurr durr he doesn't owe you nothing"


go to /lit/.

they have links to websites that you can download literally any book you can think of.

i still have blueballs though

Friendly reminder that S6 Jaqen H'ghar is the same Jaqen from S2.

>what is love

A man know some memes, but...it might help him, to bring a man back.

>baby don't hurt me

wow dude

>dont hurt me no more

I'll take Chataya.
Skin Diamond > whoever the fuck that is.

You guys are going to hate how pic related is brought back into the show.

Fuck off

oh fuck no.

in the show he would have fucking starved by now.

Let's just say the vault wasn't as secure as they thought it was.

Is his fate different in the books? What about Dorreah?

dragonfire cant melt ice beams

Xaro eats her before realizing he can escape. He later claims that since he didn't build the vault himself he didn't know there was a secret passage. Presumably the people or person who built the vault put the passage there to steal Xaro's fortune, but probably checked it, found it empty, and didn't bother doing anything about it.


This is just lazy storytelling. Into the trash it goes.



On the one hand, I wish I was lying, my dear user.
On the other hand, I can't wait to see the tears. Your reaction only confirms that the salt mines will be replenished to full capacity

It's so shitty I just refuse to believe it.

I'll be honest with you, user. I already contributed some of my own salt to the mines when I caught wind of it. But I'm over it now and I'm ready to enjoy everyone else's anger.

>implying he woudln't eat her anyway even if he knew he could escape
she looked delicious.

he's still alive in the books, the locking in the vault thing doesn't happen. Xaro comes to Dany in last book and politely tell her to stop fucking around with the slave trade and all. Still make her marriage offers and shit IIRC.

He exposes her as an hypocrite because she keeps someone as a slave and she justify it because "he was a big meanie, he should be happy to be alive!" or some shit, so basically it's fine to have slaves as long as they're "enemies", which totally isn't a slippery slope I guess.

Then they chat some more, idle threats, bit more direct threats, then he leaves and Dany knows Xaro will now oppose her/Qarth will war against her.

I don't buy it either.
Not because it's shit. All of S7 will be shit, this would fit D&D.

But they don't give enough of a fuck about Xaro to do something like that. Dany has enemies enough, why would they write such convoluted plot for a nobody like Xaro?

They don't even write convoluted plots for their main characters.

Anyone heard that new leak?

was it sophie's anus leaking from cum from a dozen black studs?

if not, I don't really care

Who /ofthenight/ here?

The Sansa Crossbows Harald Karstark leak? I can't believe it.