This is the best album from the 90s

This is the best album from the 90s

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nah it's this one

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>browses reddit once

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the remake is better

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Wtf I love trap now


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how could you forget about this one?

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That is one of the worst swans albums

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ummmm no sweetie.

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Gay people fuck off


>he says in a thread praising swans (LMAO)
oh no...oh NO NO NO NO NO!


Agreed. The aforementioned Laughing Stock is a close contender but no cigar.

>post any swans albums
>some guy has to say that it's the worst one

every time

What is this? The only album I haven't heard ITT

It's literally one of the only two passable ones.

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Trust me the band is still shit, but every band in the 90s was shittier

it’s that indie emo that sounds like Guided By Voices, Grandaddy, or Pavement

it is not ok conputer

Ok computer is a shit

rym says its #1

Dude, Great Annihilator and Soundtracks for the blind are way better

Fuck off rym-asslicker

Gay people are banned from this thread

Laughing Stock is #2 behind this.

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