John wick

the more i think about it the more i like the idea of this beeing a long running series.

how long will this last until it burns out?

already has.

in the middle of the movie

i can't understand why this is hyped so much. it's and average action flick at best.

John Wick was a lame 13 year old's power fantasy with mediocre action choreography.

Because there have been no average to good action flicks in recent years. It filled a niche and is a slick, enjoyable film. It was genre defining but it was good for what it was

>there have been no average to good action flicks
There has always been a shitload, they just weren't as promoted as John Wick and didn't feature Hollywood stars. That's how the idea that Wick is the saviour of the genre came about, from people who never gave a shit about the genre in the first place

it's hyped because of the gun-fu and great action directing

it pigeon holes into the 'plebbit underrated gem' genre

because its exactly this.

and average action flick done with a likeable actor and good style. just something to watch when the mood is right.

i somehow cant watch expandalbles or fast faggots.

post some of this "shitload" that come close to JW greatness.
you cant

yes, most 13 year olds have dead wives

taken 1 is the only who comes into my mind. what is this "shitload"

The wife's only purpose in the movie is to contextualize revenge. There's no emotional maturity behind anything in this movie.

>John Shit fan
>also thinks that Taken is good

It did the typical revenge B movie thing in a very stylish way. That's all it has going for it.

>mad max
>mission impossible ghost protocol
>fast five
>the raid 1 & 2
>the A team
Just to name a few that a far superior to Shit Wick

maybe if you're fucking 12

>any of those movies
Action movies are dead. Not even the chinese can be bothered trying anymore.

bait please be bait

>if yew lyk it ur underage
nice meme, but thats not an argument

If you are saying all those movies are shit you need to kill yourself

How's this for an argument then?

John Wick is a stupidly shallow movie. Its idea of presenting action with 'style' is if anything the opposite. The gimmick is that John Wick uses IRL operator moves. He keeps out of sight and puts people down quickly. That's not a style, that's just /k/-faggotry done for the sake of people who wouldn't know the difference anyway and are only impressed because the only other 'action' they've seen is Joss Whedon's autistic 3-hour colour-movement cg clusterfucks. And the attempt at storytelling is so painfully hard to watch that I sincerely hope you don't need an argument there.

you tried to make your bait legitimate by adding 2 good action movies in there. but its bait nonetheless

Ever see a post that makes you genuinely angry just because of how stupid it is, even though you don't give two shits about the subject matter?

>John Wick is a stupidly shallow movie.
as opposed to deep action movies? lmao fuck off moron.

Trilogy although it could have made a great TV series or something. For movies, I mean how many times can you make John 'come out of retirement'?

Choreography can have depth. Yuen Woo-Ping's movies are entertaining through sheer spectacle, but at the same time they're funny and full of character. John Wick feels like a stunt-reel cut together with a shitty Tarantino knockoff student film.

This exactly the level of films we're talking about here. Taken, Transporter, John Wick, might as well top it off with Fast and Furious and nu-Bourne. Where are the crouds celebrating nu-Bourne? That's an average action flick as well, were's the cult following?

Maybe he buys a cat next time and the mailman accidentally kills it, leading to John Wick: Deliverance.
I mean it's not like you can't come up with anything

two films will be enough. if they make a third it should be a crossover with Kingsman

>wanting crossover with this reddit tier quipcore flick

>people will still say the reddit boogeyman is bollocks after seeing this post

>quip =/= automatically bad
it's all in the delivery

every line of JW would be shat on here as edgy quipcore if it was delivered slightly differently.

>he thinks Bourne is any good.
Even the most average of normie could tell it was little more than a boring rehash of the first three films.

mad max, maybe

>I say it's an average action flick
>you pretend I say it's any good
No, it's a pretty average action flick. Just as shit as Wick.

>Sup Forums hates John Wick now

no just the fandom of plebbitors who hype it into mush

>caring about "fandoms"

Maybe you should go back to plebbit

Keanu has gone full operator mode. This shit isnt hitting any brakes and is never stopping.

Get ready to be rekt pussy redditors and stupid russians mobsters

Not op, but in terms of debate your argument devolves fairly quickly into hyperbolic hate and insults so I kinda just ignored most of what you said because of it.

So how many references to Payday 2 are there going to be in John Wick 2?

Well, the FF and expendables, I find, try too hard to be massive, event, action films. John Wick was a simple, streamlined story that's easy to follow. It's got subtleties in the directing that lead to later viewings (like the fact that John gets progressively better in small ways), it's a good white notice movie, you can put it on in the background and it won't distract you too much, but it's not so bland it's pointless, and it's overall a fun movie to watch with the boys. It's not Die Hard or anything, but it filled the gap in R-rated action films we've been missing out on for years

>(like the fact that John gets progressively better in small ways)
Except in the last fight with Viggo where he somehow manages to stab Wick. Even after mutliple rewatches, that scene just seems so weird.

>maybe go back to fandom central

Fuck it, I'll take the bait
Meh, tries so hard to be 80s, it felt 200s
>mad max
Came out after Wick, invalid
>mission impossible ghost protocol
More of a spy movie than action movie. If you're going that route, Skyfall is much better
>fast five
>the raid 1 & 2
Can't argue with these, just that it won't get as much of a normie audience because amerifats hate subtitles
>the A team

>implying anybody gives two shits about Payday 2 anymore

I like the movie, and will agree that fight brought it down for me, but in all the big gunfights, there are little details that highlight his improvements. Such as that the first time he tries to shoot Theon, he hesitates and fails, the second time there's no hesitation and it's gone. He learns to count his ammo better. He gets less caught up in CQB, etc.