It's a Gordon has scripted flirting with a young waitress episode

>It's a Gordon has scripted flirting with a young waitress episode
How frail is this man's Ego? Why insist on this?

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she wants the brie

I wanna rail Miranda so bad.

I liked that italian daughter who was married to the busboy and her dad owned the restaurant and ran it poorly

Lel boy. Ramsay is a fucking chad.

My man

link to episode?

Girl marries a busboy at her fathers restaurant sounds like a comfy angel

Please don't post that picture of that fucking pizza anymore. IT'S NOT GOOD OKAY.

We might be thinking of two different episodes, but the one I am thinking of is the Greek guy, who owned an Italian restaurant, that he bought for his daughter. That chick was married to a line cook there who was only working there because the place was in shambles and was trying to help his wife out.

The place closed down like six months after the episode aired.

>scripted flirting

Haha hardly he's probably balls deep in them in them between takes

>its a gordon fucks the cute waitress behind the freezer episode

How does his wife put up with it?

KN porn parody when?

>that fucking annoying "Scotch-Irish" mom and daughter that owned an Italian restaurant that used to be a fucking drive-thru with the head chef who was a meth addict
>mfw she (the daughter) commented on how good he smelled three fucking times in the episode

>mfw that thread
I still have her nudes

It's an "Owners are so fed up with their situation that they drow their sorrows with the restaurant's wine and would rather do a MFF incestuous threesome with Gordong than be there" episode.
Good times.

Someone post their favorite kitchen nightmares episodes. I need a good laugh.

>that fucking Indian restaurant that was owned by an Indian, with two cooks from Dehli that couldn't speak fucking English and didn't know how to cook Indian food.
>that fucking manager that sat around doing fuck all and Gordon accused of taking advantage of the owner
>that QT Indian waitress

Horrifying episode aside, if waitress was cute as fuck and I'd have gladly race mixed with her.

Well now

All of U.K kitchen nightmares is good

U.S KN is trashy shit for retards but sure it can be hilarious

Actually you might be right he mightve been greek

Greek italian tomato tomatoe

The one with the neckbeard who's constantly wearing a fucking fedora is funny. His dad steals 200 grand off him for his shit dining joint.

Ramsay is known to fuck around and just leave his wife at home with the kids.

Hes the embodiment of the alpha chad. And he flirts with virtually any female on any show. If you havent realised.

Dis one is gud.

The one where the guy doesn't know how to cook scallops


>mfw that heart-shaped birth mark

>tfw it will never be real

Why even live?

Was this the burger kitchen place in California that was a 2 part episode? I've never been able to see the second part but that was one of the most uncomfortable family situations I've ever seen.


Is Gordon /ourguy/?

>ywn marry a small town waitress

U.K. really has some good episodes, overall focusing on the dishes, in actually showing Gordon helping instead of highlighting the drama bullshit with jumpcuts and wierd sounds. Soul Kitchen is a really cozy, heartwarming one.

"Burger Kitchen"
>'Straya dad makes a restaurant overseas with his father's mob money.
>Son is a balding fedora-tipper with a goldigging fiancée/girlfriend.
>Top Wagyu

>marrying what is essentially a stripper with clothes on that will leave you for whatever new thing comes into town at a moments notice

Im not getting banned so you can fap. Check one of the many archive sites

that Australian father is a fucking cunt embarrassing us with that fucking horrible pie

>Was this the burger kitchen place in California that was a 2 part episode?
Yes, good memory. The second episode starts with the fedora crying to Gordon about how that chef has threatened to beat him up in the past. Then they get Yelpers to roast the owners.

Which fucking nightmare was a three-parter? I know it only happened once and the place was a pure disaster.

>that english hoe that turned to prostitution after being too lazy to get her restaurant going again

just spoiler tag it

How often do you think he gets to worship the qt waitress's feet after they've been running around all night getting their feet hot and smelly?

cuckchen nightcuck

litearlly lying

Anyone have a picture of that waitress whose parents owned the restaurant or something, and the dad was asian and mum was caucasian.

The cutest chipmunk.

EGO? What's ego got to do with a guy flirting?


I was just about to post about fedora's crack addict girlfriend, but you made me remember the dad's irrational fear of Yelpers. Such a great episode.

Wagyu beef.

which episode had the 21 year old head chef?

redpill me on this chipmunk

Gordon or the method addict?

>the trophy wife mom and her daughter bullying the mobster esque husband
>daughter clearly looking at gordons dick
wish i remembered what episode it was


Remember this guy? Season one was generally the best, waifus notwithstanding.

remember when gordon cheated on his wife with a woman who wrote a book about cheating on your wife

was that the one with two chefs who just microwaved everything? and didn't even know how to use the microwave correctly so they just nuked everything?

The two fat fucks tweed dum and tweedle dee? Pizza restaurant?


delete this

>tfw no winefu

Go to bed, Gordon

she looks like one of those weird progeria kids, only hot.


A rich, successful, older man who isn't all that bad looking, is known to be charismatic, isn't obese, has an english accent, is confident and knows his shit about food. He interacts with a waitress who probably makes less than minimum wage. Of course she's going to want the dick, even if subconsciously. She WILL be attracted to him.

Not them, they did actually make shit

Mill Street Bistro. 2 parter about some knob in a rural town running a restaurant like he's in NYC or LA. Probably fucking his goat.

>Calls mommy and daddy when Gordon Ramsay critiques him

>I think I won that one

It was like a Sup Forums argument.