Is there a more patrician way to get your kino than torrents, Sup Forums?

Is there a more patrician way to get your kino than torrents, Sup Forums?

I doubt it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I shiggy diggy

>Total seeding ratio being below Download ratio


...and many others.


fuck off

The correct answer is Usenet

>lol pay to play

I download movies in 480p and watch them on my phone though the tinny speaker in 10 minute instalments

fuck you auteurs


turbo pleb tetrarchy

it's calle mitorrent you pleb

eMule, actually, if you want to search for odd stuff


What did YIFY mean by this?

There's hardly any difference.

>constantly download stuff from torrents
>at the very second the download finishes I close the software stop seeding

>There are people still using uTorrent in 2017

I am deeply concerned

bullshit, I watched that movie by yify a couple weeks ago and it looked better than that

>tfw still using 2.whatever
just can't be fucked to change

I only seed on private trackers.

Are seeders literal cucks?

Deluge and private tracker masterrace

Honestly how the fuck can you even into good/obscure cinema if you plan on actually buying it? That would cost so much money and a lot of lesser known movies aren't even available physically

switched over to qbittorent
i like it much better it has a search function to search through your downloaded torrents.

ddl. Enjoy your isp letters scaring you.

>Getting letters

Yes, buying directly from Criterion because you're not a lecherous NEET

I don't know, I appreciate their generosity.

Why does everyone hate uTorrent? Never had a virus or any problem with it why y'all mad?

>physical mail

What is this the Stone Age?

And also, the worst a letter could do is a papercut

use bittorrent


Now that is down, where do you get your albums?

So what if they have some ads not a big deal just don't look at them if they bother you.

>Year of Our Lord two thousand and seventeen a.d
>using utorrent

>why is X shit?
>it gives you butt fungus
>but I like it, and you can ignore it

nice bait 5/10

what is vlc?