Season 2 never

>season 2 never

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Season 2, sort of?

o no

someone post the gif

>Animated show
End me now.

I just realized the guy playing Coldwater in the magicians looks like a cross between Matt Ryan & Wilson
It's uncanny

Still better than nothing I guess
CW already has too many supernatural theme shows on their network anyway

Should just merge Constantine with Supernatural. Constantine works perfect in that universe.

I know, it sucks. And we're getting this short ass cw seed animated show instead. Hopefully it'll lead to something

Just no

>kid friendly cartoon Constantine

Fuck that

At least it'll never turn into post-season 5 Supernatural now.

Be wondering, does it count as a new season 1 or is it season 2?

stop triggering me

Constantine is better than all these crap


Eh, Cw has been able to do more adult stuff

If your in need of Constatine Justice League Dark is out

I'm in England and watched this years ago. S5 is where they kill Lucifer right? I got up to that point and just never had the motivation to keep watching after that as I felt it was all tied up pretty nicely. What happened to it? I watched an ep recently and it was awful, why did they resurrect Lucifer? Why is his cage literally just a cage?

On topic: Constantine was great, thought Matt Ryan (is that his name?) did a good job and I liked how the show was developing. Was gutted when it was cancelled as I've always loved the character.

Just read the comics, who the fuck cares about this awful show or the watered down animated series?

Because it was fun and they seemed to genuinely care about the adaptation?



O shit i forgot about that. Is it any good?


Why it's seen that usually means they can do even MORE then they can on network.

Plus its a direct continuation of the live action show.
But that really already even happened wiht matt ryans appearence on arrow

It's basically taking matt ryan's constantine and putting him in a more full on comics environment. He is alot more powerfull too.

But it takes SO many cue's from the NBC show besides just matt ryan playing the role.

The intro to move, is almost a copy of NBC show intro. It also features other actors from the live action show back in there old roles like Richie.

And there are musical cues to the NBC soundtrack as well

jc's signature thing is smoke constantly. smoke one after another. you barely see a panel of him without a fag in his mouth. this version of john constantine on televison doesn't smoke. it's even worse than softcore porn.

Is this just the comic in motion? Or new shot?

Meh, there is more to his character than smoking. The show still suced though.

yeah but if they're gonna adapt a character like that, they should keep his most known traits. when someone tells me about constantine what comes to my mind is a blonde british bloke with a cig in his mouth.

What the FUCK are you guys on about.
He smoked a ton on the show during back half of season.

Only eps he didn't smoke were pilot and first few, cause show runners were fighting NBC about it,

But he did in the end smoke a ton

Well I guss I dropped the show before that.
It was after the episode where he punched some guys.