What is the worst album Sup Forums has tricked you into listening to?

What is the worst album Sup Forums has tricked you into listening to?

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that one, i'm with you, op. fucking insufferable.

fuck this honestly, all garbage except the first minutes

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crushing disappointment desu

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Love this album
Fuck this one


not terrible but definitely overrated

you're a pleb

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A thousans times this
Literal garbage tier crescendo core pleb magnet
A guy i know wears hoodie with this album 24/7 and keeps laughing at people's tastes while his number one album is itaots followed by the money store

this shit is so fucking BORING

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i didn't like Bonito Generation but i'm super glad i listened to it because it made Only Acting hit that much harder

all of them


anything by björk

this, I just can't listen to her

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definitely this or ITAOTS

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Any other album by her is vastly superior

Antlers - Hospice
fuck that melodramatic falsetto cancer bullshit

Eat shit

How could you be tricked into thinking this might be good? Look at the cover

This thing sucks big time

These. Except godspeed was kinda cool for the first 5 minutes.


The one you posted OP, total pabcore

Literally anything by Grimes. If it weren't for Sup Forums, I would've just dismissed her as a pop star I don't like. But so many people are so enthusiastic, that I kept trying to figure out what I was missing.

Fucking terrible. Too much wasted time.

Same thing happened with The Strokes and St. Vincent.

That said, Sup Forums also probably pushed me to keep trying with Slint, and I am so glad I did. Spiderland is an amazing album, but it took a few tries for it to click.

This or twin fantasy
One sounds like shit and is basically unlistenable (b-but muh aesthetic its all about the shit qualitu!) and the other one should be called "autistic screeching of a gay furry"
Fuck both of these

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at least keep your shit taste contained in a daily
it's not difficult for k-fags and classicals, so why the fuck these grimes shills cant shut the fuck up

You are so pea-brained dude.

can't tell if b8 or pleb

that's a good album though
I mean not a patch on their debut, but still good

Unironically love this album, laughed all the way through, I do get not liking it.

>hopeless plebs itt

this 2bh

The Strokes and St. Vincent are miles ahead of Grimes though. I'm not saying all their albums are masterpieces, let alone some of their songs, but when their at their best, they're pretty great.


>The Strokes and St. Vincent are miles ahead of Grimes though
lol you wish
Grimes is the artist of the decade that no one will ever surpass.

There are Grimes threads for that. Are you blind?

>Fucking terrible. Too much wasted time.
Announcing your pleb taste has never been cool, user.

only true chads can understand Kero Kero Bonito you fucking pleb ass scum

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anytime someone on Sup Forums says they love grimes I genuinely feel so much better about my life in general because at least I'm not sad enough to pretend to think grimes is good

Still sad enough to browse Sup Forums though.

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you could just fit that in one post faggot

no you

this is too real wtf

Fuck you ITAOTS is unironically a masterpiece

>falling for the itaots meme

This will always be the ultimate pleb filter

This except the last minutes instead of the first.
disagree, but only mildly disrespectfully
>he fell for the twin furry meme
I still don't get Loveless, though.

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Fuck this album, seriously. It's just so constantly either obnoxious and pointless or underdeveloped and bland. The only real highlight is Brain Damage/Eclipse

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b-but i like The Great Gig In The Sky more user...

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what other albums do you not like ive been looking for some good albums lately

my smile is stuck :D

tell him I think he's a faggot

Anything by Death Grips.

The ultimate poser-core

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we keep redpilling him on that, but he just resorts to "you plebs don't understand music"
like literally i was forced to play with him once, as he's a """drummer"""
he can't play for shit, and when he's late or misses a beat he just starts yapping about avant-garde music, some niche drummers or fucking tool's 19/8 time signatures
fuck this guy



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except they don't fucking stay in them retard

stop generalizing

Merzbow Pulse Demon

To be fair it'd be a cool hoodie.


I heard he was poetic or whatever but the music's not even good and the lyrics aren't worth shit

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Of all the Kendrick albums you felt weren't worth a listen, you chose THIS one?

most likely this trash

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>Looking for poetry in music
absolutely plebeian.

what in the fuck is wrong with you. this album is fucking excellent. it isn't even niche. it's just fantastic music. fucking what.

I decided to play it on the way home after a long day to see what the deal is and it intensified my headache beyond concept

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This. In fact I gave it another try for the first time in years at work today and it literally gave me a headache halfway through, I just don't get this album. It just doesn't seem like an album you can listen to sober, I feel like you have to be fucked up on something and zoned out to enjoy it.

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>judging things by their cover
Holy shit, grimes haters really are fucking underage plebs

>implying the cover isn't a major hint

nah this album is bretty gud

if it doesnt make you feel some type of way then you probably listen to metal or mumble rap

if you hate on this because of "muh frequencies" you're the poser, bitch

that cover is beautiful


I hate on it because it gives me a fucking headache.

>dude let's play a high pitch note that'll make your eardrums bleed

imagine listening to eai the same way you listen to other genres of music

These, awful shit
Really annoying shit album. Check her other albums though, they aren't bad desu, I think grimesfags are just in denial about her becoming garbage

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That album cover is literally soybeans.
wew lad

say whatever you want but i truly enjoyed art angels and a lot of people did

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you can say it's bad but it's not fucking boring. what kind of music are consistently listening to that is more interesting than this

+1 another vote for this being shit but liking her other albums

Cool cover but the singing is pretty cringey at times.

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I think it's just her voice that ruins that album for me. I liked World Princess and Butterfly.

The more static portions of the album, with light knocking noises and shit were pleasant. Reminded me of ASMR to be quite frank.
But those portions were absolutely ruined whenever those god awful high pitch whines were introduced.

That's weird since World Princess 2 is one of the few tracks with added effects to her voice that I can see being "annoying".

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aggressively mediocre album

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Light + Space is a great track on this album

crush king legend

i just don't get it

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how can you not like it user its great.

The money store

well that just isn't true


nah it's good