Kpop generaI

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uggo below


fuck you pcy

they're definitely one of my current favorite groups, if not my second favorite one. their title songs are definitely catchy and good but have you heard this banger yet? it's the perfect example of how successfully ambitious their sound really is. on one hand you can tell the drums aren't too definitive of the groove, and on the other, the lack of strings is honestly a challenge usually hard to overcome but i bet most people didn't even notice it. i'm excited about both their new releases as well as future performances. i remember ever since their debut teaser people talked about them a lot, perhaps eventually they'll get the shows winning streak recognition they deserve

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fuck the pcyshitter and the ratclub and all of exos stupid fans

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lasagne du jour

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who is the one in op’s pic that looks like an ugly version of yuri

me likey

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Tzuyu with bangs tho

Wrapping Mina's tiny feet.


i haven't listened to any of their b-sides yet, but i'm looking forward to! they looked nice in their b-side promotional stage as well

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so many sulli chingus


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god's representatives on earth

exo has a great discography and that's all that really matters

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She is perfect

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good exo members:

shit exo members:
the other one

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good taste user

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couldn't say the same if they were filled with uggos

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I think tonight is one of those nights where they are going to purge kpg

duet seola and jungwoo when

>lay in brackets
don't hecking start this

it's suho.

suho is great fuck you

Oh no no no

this but remove the with

check out this anime

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let me fix this
great exo members - kai
exo members not worth concern - the rest

we can only hope

thanks for the heads up i'll make sure to lay low

You okay there?

xiumin is such a useless ugly member. literally more useless than sehun; what can he even do? look at that olympics pic of him next to ivanka, he literally looks like the grinch

i think you might be right

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she'd look better as asuka
definitely a 10/10 qt tho

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fuck off pcy

he's just a pretty well-rounded member, i don't really like his singing voice though

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too pure for this world


she leaves for China to film produce 101 today ;_;

the lasagne breakfast menu is temporary on hold

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just a little closer...

post underrated exo tracks
>tender love

Mina's birthday soon.

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*calls you a retard*

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yoonamanlet pov

i know

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is there someone in this picture or

only white girls can cosplay asuka

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pengu day

do we want them to do well. i'm conflicted.

can I have someone's gaypop folder they seem more fun than girlpop

I love exoshitters
all this bullying is entertaining to watch
just to name 2

definitely you should, i promise your thoughts on their music will only be reassured when you do

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t-thank you oppa

t. exoshitter
go rub one out to the eve you f*cker

do they like tributes

queens and ambassadors

i'm 5'11 stop calling us manlets

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I have no idea... if they get in the top 11 Yuehua might pull them from WJSN and just focus on China

i had no idea they covered chococo

isn't that king of manlets?

"well-rounded" is code for totally useless


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that's not yoona

how is he supposed to blast to the eve when none of them do the bodyrolls right except for the black man

i'm all stocked up for it, we can make it through

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>my lady
my chingu

mine is a mix of nice pictures, memes, gifs and reaction pics

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oppa didn’t do anything wrong and people are trying to blow this up so people will stop talking about w1

make your own idiot

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>sana will never wave to you
why live

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I hope kang daniel didn't do that thing today

the hanapedomanlets are absolutely revolting
we won’t let you forget your crimes

woah look at those guns

i'm 5'6 and not a manlet

please share your lasagne-rations, i only have seaweed packets and they're calorie-free....

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sehun's instalive was days ago, but for some reason they just noticed it yesterday.

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wanna one did nothing wrong