Is this kino? I'm thinking yes

Is this kino? I'm thinking yes.

MAGA. Fuck minorities!

Is Chicago full of black people

>our president is actually doing something to improve life for Americans

I'm so happy.

Cant wait for China superpower putting Americans in their place. Thanks Trump for speeding it up!

>it's a Sup Forums episode

And real life right now is more kino than any film released in the last half-decade. We have a president whose entire modus operandi is just to shitpost on twitter and an escalating real-life conflict between tumblrite SJWs and quasi-stormfags, both of which camps seem to be populated primarily by complete social autists and who only represent maybe 5% of the country tops but are now the driving force of politics because the rest of the nation has become so disenfranchised it doesn't care anymore.

1/3 white 1/3 black 1/3 mexicans

Is Trump Chicago's mommy?

yeah, I mean, that tweet already has, like, 4 thousands likes

Go fuck yourself liberal cuck

>unironically asking for and worshipping a police state led by a Zionist born-rich CEO
Americans are fucking retarded

Writing a short film screenplay as of now


He's been signing orders since he stepped into the White House. I didn't support him in the primaries, but I think he'll be a good president and will do a lot of good in his first two years. Then the Democrats will probably recapture the house and/or senate and stop him from doing much else.

>I will send in the Feds
What kind of fucking sense does it make to send FBI there

Really makes you think...

Report it and move on unless you want Sup Forums to look like this for 4 yrs

>le police state meme

pothead detected

Give us national concealed carry you fucking Jewish puppet

I beez thinkins weez
>*dodges mods preemptively*
>user was banned for this post
We wuz
>spergs on shia leboufs webcast
Sup Forumsr9k/tv/v/eddit n shiiet?

This is you

If the police are not doing their jobs (or are corrupt as big cities tend to be) the federal government is sent in to take over the police force and fix it

It usually happens in small hick towns where the with a sheriff and like 5 cops who are all corrupt, but it happens in big cities to, the feds got sent intp NYC in the 70s/80s

Its not like what Trump is doing is new or unheard of

organized crime, investigate gangs and drug trade routes

3/5 black 1/5 white 1/5 mexican

Serpico 2017

Considering how bad the last 4 years has been for this board it can only be better

Is this Sup Forums? No. Please use your containment board
