Say something nice about my country

say something nice about my country

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Stanislav Lem

slavs are pretty

Poles got big tits

I can't


just do it

cool language

Proud history of survivalism, suffered more than any other peoples and did not become retarded extremists, pro-Western, spends on defense, welcoming (to white people), fast growing...etc

Why is Poland not considered based as fuck ?

Polandball is cute and adorable

it is quite proficient a nation at being conquered

based cunts

Your civilization would never have survived what they survived, with hypothetical parity of enemies.

Polish lactose free milk tastes kind of nice, though I stopped buying it because a Finnish brand sells it for cheaper

Of all the slav countries I hate yours the least.

My ultra nationalist christian american internet friend who always tries to convert me says he's polish

Poland is great in volleyball.

you have to watch your back not to get mugged and murdered by the bydlos everywhere, but they're fuckin based polish so its k

tesla is best

Poles are Freedom friends

Soplica is amazing, especially with milk

tesla hasn't anything to do with poland

The Witcher is a great game.


Your countrys posters are now more annoying than Aussies


Has a colony in İstanbul

here's what it looks like

You're not in mine

Proud members of the anti-wh*te alliance.