/gg/ Guitar & Bass General

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Hal Leonard's Bass Method:
Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2
Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene
Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene
Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav (embed) (embed)
The Beginner's Guide to Jazz Guitar:
Blues Guitar Lessons:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he thinks offsets can't rock

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r8 bass

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When do you think he realized he made a terrible mistake?

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probably never

So you think he's still here suffering?

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I like the axe but not the bibigun, get a real gun.

Meh that's just a decoration


The Bibi gun I mean

Aren't we all though?

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Nice i got a bot working for me.

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Sorry I had to change my name, Roman was pretending to be me again.

He's not me, I'm someone else. Just to be clear with everyone POST MORE GUITARS

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>trying this hard
>not triggered
Lmao choose one dago boy

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The real jcm has the roman dox. If youre the real jcm post it.

Post a timestamped picture of your gear and get a tripcode already. That way no one can impersonate you.

In case you don't know all you have to do is post your name in the name field like this


You're trying to get me to post something that you can report and get me banned! NO WAY HOSE


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Or just post the roman dox

>jass bass

velly good


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>yass bass

Same reason you don't

Because youre saving up?


I love the quilted diarrhea look.

I own a terrible Dean acoustic-electric. It's the only acoustic guitar I have, but I want something better. I've thought about getting a classical guitar but I'm not sure.

>starts a schizo episode
>claims i didn't get to him
>is going to lengths to try to annoy me
Thats how you know you lost also pic related.

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What's a good pedal for Judas Priest- Painkiller type tones.

I need a metal distortion, all of my fuzzes aren't cutting it.

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Gotta agree with you there. That matching is 10x better anything that gibson can do much less agile.

I bet you paid less than 300 for it and yet you expect something decent. Fucking poorfags

My friend's Dean acoustic guitar is the most godawful acoustic I have ever heard. Lots of superficial bullshit on the design but it plays and sounds like death and he has to adjust the truss rod every time he changes the strings. All aesthetics and nothing else.

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You're friend sounds like a fucking retard. He should have bought a nice Dean instead

Actually my mom got it for me on the last Christmas she was alive. It's nothing special but it plays fine.

I was nice enough to lend him my Yamaha acoustic in the meantime, he's progressed more in the last few weeks with it than in the last two years with his Dean.

Literally what does it take to be successful in the metal music industry nowadays? Is it just pure luck and skill? And if it requires skill, how much do you think one would need to practice guitar to have sick leads? 4 hours a day? 10?

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Did your mom die of disappointment because she birthed a pathetic sentimental fag like you?

Why are you such a cunt?

Like any other genre, get a following online before you even play shows. Most black metal bands don't even play live. Shill for yourself all over, hire a promotion firm if you're serious about it, this is how trust fund babbys do it. Your music has to be good though.

Because thats roman. But desu its pretty funny now theres two of me. Twice the fun

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No, it was cancer. Though my dad may die from the thought of me being a failure.

Post a tripfag +timestamp or they're both you samefagging

Your Mom teached me all her mysterious ways before she croaked


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Nah this is fun watching him sperg

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Could I get a rate?


Also what's a Roman? Is that a person or someone who does something?

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>Also what's a Roman?

Shut up Roman.

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T. Virgin

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I'm looking at this, hard

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>I made roman lose his shit and pretend to be me
Feels good man

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I know this is the wrong place to ask but I made up a little chord progression it goes:
Bm7 A E
Any ideas thanks

Old pic. Post the fullstack
They're nice. is that one mic or mik.

Guys learning music theory is fucking hard. Any tips to keep going? I just wanna learn scales and shit but the wording just confuses me. I hate being a punk guitarist. I wanna be cool like bob dylan.


>Post the fullstack
Why? So you can download it and pretend to be me again later? No thanks

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Or I may buy my vintage Supro back

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Why do people call me that. I'm so confused you this meme.

This is why I don't browse here.

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Wew lad. You need to stop

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just post a pic with a timestamp in front of your amp, guitar, etc.

thats the point he have never posted a timestamp, all he claims he is not roman all null and void.

rate my vibrato lads
also is there an audible deficiency with my upward picking

Hmm ive been wondering about this new line they have. Its made in china but they look solid. They have some z and vs from china too now. The user with the colt said his is good. But then again he does own a squier.

i think i'll go back to 9s. with an exception to the days when i'm feeling stronger, i usually play better on my guitar that's equipped with 9s.

I've done that 3 times, and I still get called Roman. But that's probably Roman calling me that.

It's literally the only thing its good for. It feels like balancing on tightrope to chickenpick and even fingerpick on it sometimes.

When is the next stop? This ride doesent suit me.

I am the user with the Colt. China's putting out some decent stuff lately. They've really upped their game.

I have tho.

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>refuses to timestamp
i told you idiots all along it was a jolly roman larp. this is what he does. you see how all of the jcm posts are cropped weird? he stole the pics from some random website and edited them down so they can't be reversed google searched. stop replying to him

After over a month of searching and visiting many music shops (most at least twice) I finally settled on a guitar. It was between either this or a Highway One Strat, I loved both but had to choose one.

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Fender Jazz MIM 2004

Jackson Futura EX

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Cool so when do you graduate high school

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ah my 06 jazz bass was that color before i refinished it
i hated that color

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Now it's the coolest bass in middle school

posting a really crappy photo of my gear cuz why not

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just got my first (acoustic) guitar i already fucked up
i really like the sound of electric tho so ill get that once im not dog shit
how long does it take to not be dog shit??

>that shitty cheap strap on a Gibson
You've gotta be kidding me.

Yea it’s thy midnight wine they call it and the Jackson is actually a deep blue in the right light

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Listening back to recordings I made when I started out, about five months for me. But then everyone has different standards.

is that you Kurt

This guy comes up to you holding an archtop guitar and says.

>"Hey Homes what set you bang wit"

What do you do?

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Do we post amps and pedals here?

Friendly reminder: the kiddies who post in /gg/ threads have nearly ***zero*** experience concerning guitar. Playing, repair, new player recommendations, etc. The average age in these threads is around early 20s: green as shit grass.

If you have an actual question this is probably one of the most uninformed & least knowledgeable places you could ever expect a proper answer to come from.

Be weary of any advice given here as it's amateur & perfunctory at best.

Have a nice day.

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Tbh he’s my biggest influence and I write songs with similar lyricism
I play lefty because I’m actually a lefty tho


I have an idea. Turn those chords into a song

Buy him a drink and talk subdominant chords with him until he gets bored and just fucking leaves me alone forever.

haha thx I was just looking for a quick answer
this is actually one of the least toxic generals I've seen though desu

>this is actually one of the least toxic generals I've seen though desu
Right? I come here to have a laugh and fun some retards and they act like it's the end of the world.

They all know Tonewood is real, I'm just Gods messenger.

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I wonder what factory it is. Very rarely do you see any chinese guitar over 500 bux

Finally recorded the electric guitars, now yet to eq them

does anyone here know how to get this sort of sound out of a guitar? i really love the way it sounds but i have no idea how to make my guitar sound like this

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I don't know. SNs seem to all start with a Y, but I can't find any info on factory codes.

Nice looking guitar.
>this thread is literally filled with spam from two separate posters with doxxing information and racism in their name field
>one of the least toxic generals you've seen