

Some Netflix Maisie Williams fluff for you fangoys.

Is that a remake of hunchback of notre dame?


timecode for the gangrape? not sitting through all that malarkey

is it about a tranny


It's called iGoy

>a teenage boy gains extraordinary mental powers after chunks of a broken smartphone are accidentally embedded in his brain


Maisie is really going for the quality movies


It looks so shit lol

Any sex scenes? Nudity?

You're telling me this show has Skyrim jokes?

I bet the orthopedic surgeons did this!

yes yes

Christ, it's like an 80's movie. Like how lightning hitting a robot can somehow bring it to life, that sort of thinking.

Don't you dare compare this shit to the kino that is Short Circuit

I usually don't give a fuck about celeb nudes, but I am very eager for Masie.

Is it about a girl with down syndrome?

>His cell phone blew up?
>No, his cell phone blew in - to his mind!

She is irish.

She is British.

She is ugly.

Post a pic of yourself so we can compare her to you.

I accept that she is manlier than me, no point in shaming me, user.

So where's your picture?


Timestamp and reference to Maisie in iBoy plz or not real.


is this the one with that fucking accent atrocity


thanks a bunch google, really useful information

no thats the book of love


The scene where she gets eaten out is really awkward.



and Maisie is Jimmy Boom Box

What episode

they can pretend to be all for body acceptance and all that malarkey, but the people who make movies don't want unattractive people as stars



netflix can't do anything right

what a dumb premise

Her career will be dead after Game of Thrones lmao

You're autistic, you know that?

Is Netflix willing to do literally anything now? Do they ever reject a script?

Netflix is doing the next logical step in building a media empire

First they got as much content as they could to pump up the catalog size. This let investors take notice and run up subscription numbers.

Second, they pivoted to those rejected by or unfit for the cookie cutter studios and offered unique projects a home - say what you will but doing Daredevil, the way they did was a risk and a huge get. The Crown won at the Golden Globes. Seinfeld is coming etc.

Third, having proven to investors they could hook consumers and having proven to consumers they could produce big budget content, they're now going to start shitting out as much original programming as possible.

Because its way more profitable to be a television network than it is to be a content re-seller.

Netflix a smart.

If you watched The OA you'd know the answer to this question

Go ahead and look up the RT and IMDB scores for this show, I dare you

I see an 8.0, which is retarded because it was pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Then again, so is Westworld and a bunch of other stupid shit released lately.

We are truly in the end-times.

thats the shitkid from the place beyond the pines right

>when you gotta defeat Dr. Hap before Namek explodes

>Phone fragments in head give him super powers

Who is responsible for this shit?

I watched the first episode of this shit.
It was about a woman trying to find a wifi password.
It looks like it gets even more retarded.

Pretty much every TV-show on IMDB is >8.0. I guess only fans bother posting rating for TV-shows.