Recommend me some martial arts kino

Recommend me some martial arts kino

Other urls found in this thread:

>those clones coming out of the door

>he didn't got to a clone high school

Ip man
Drunken Master 2


all weebs should be hanged


those are gypsies

I like bloodsport

I love this fight. Does anyone know the story?

i can smell the vodka from the webm

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

okay I've seen this posted a thousand times

what is the actual context? could someone link a video?

Flash Point

Why are white men so pathetic?

holy fuck this is some enter the dragon shit right here

This is fake, retard.

fake and gay

holy shit

thats the whole thing

its some russian guy fighting a family of gypsies, 2 of whom are completely wasted

supposedly they tried to scam/steal from him in some manner

It's because it's not a real fight.

What kind of gay ass fake shit is this

>the only "fights" you got into in school was you sucker punching people or poking them in the eyes

you might say i know how to avoid trouble

The Divine Move
Rough Cut

Everything else in this thread is literallly reddit

this is why I called it some "enter the dragon shit"

that dude got fucking LAID that night

Okay I know he's just brawling some drunks and its not THAT impressive, but him breaking the plank with the kick is like something out of a movie.


>gf has his back the entire fight

I hope they have a long happy life together.

thats some toribashshit

what are some movies with actual messy fights like the no country for old men
sugar strangling that cop was fucking terrifying

This video makes me so angry. I wouldn't have clicked it if I had realized what it was.


>tfw u wanna learn too fight but ur to fat and dont want to take of ur shirt

Thank you for ruining my day

I wish I wasn't raised by my grandmother feels bad man
I have no skill with women or fighting whatsoever because i've been raised in a bubble, you really are a product of the enviroment and my dad hates me for it

I play too much SFV, I actually saw reversal flash on screen.


if i had ever got into a fight as a kid, it would have gone exactly like this

that's a wild hog, they're plague my dude, hunting of them is not only permitted but encouraged, that's just how life works


I'll let Sup Forums decide which is which.

>raised by your grandmother
>father hates you for it

Well, the kicker here is your father is a piece of shit deadbeat faggot for not raising you himself.

i dno, why are you speaking their language , living in their country while complaining about them? pretty beta

I was surprised by the fights and shootouts in The Hollow Point.

The shield has a real fight between shane and I think he was named Tavon. Some nig that joined the strike team. Just a nasty sloppy fight

ya this is fake

i'm an unexpected pregnancy and my dad and mom had to work 12 houras 24/7 to afford me and left me with my grnadmother from mom's side to raise me
he doesn't openly hates me but it is clear with the way he looks at me and how he talks differently with my brother who was born 10 years later in much better financial conditions

it is just unfortunate desu



i'm from philipines nigga and i only speak cracker language because we are taught in school

Those kicks looks like they have no power

She had a kid on her lap...
What's the context here?

fucking nigger-posters

Black people hate white people

>but it is clear with the way he looks at me and how he talks differently with my brother who was born 10 years later
However I know that you're fantastic user! Take it from me, I specialize in knowing who's fantastic!



No shit. He probably learned to fight from fucking Street Fighter or some shit. While the moves are supposed to look badass, they're really weak and impractical.


Is boar tasty? I think I tasted some at some point and I remember it being delicious

I live in a country where the black population is only 1%-2%, so i only know two black fellas but they are nice people, but seeing this black bitch do that i can see why you guys hate them

this is fake look at the blue shirt, bad acting


>had to work 12 houras 24/7

It's obviously fake and horribly choreographed if you actually ecer watched dindus fight. Also that white bitch would've been knocked down and not just weirdly pushed against


jesus christ


So am i good at 6.3 ??

>korea that low

This explains both Kim AND the e-sports.

Is the Congo even advanced enough to measure this shit?

>tfw the only """fight""" you ever took part in was a little scuffle against this semi retarded guy

I kinda wanna get into a fight before I die, I think I'd do alright, but I'm too afraid of the consequences

No because you are a virgin and you will never use your dick. Also, you're not 6.3.

tfw 7"

Eight years of martial arts classes and a pile of broken boards later, the moment has arrived
All his training has culminated in this, him getting laid out with one punch

How pathetic must he feel right now

You're the nigger for thinking this is real.

damn, did that guy get fucked up?

He fought well but got hit in the ankle by the machete. He survived.

that old lady drop priceless

>that guy getting hit with the rock

This is some bizarre shit, sauce?

Mmmm yes i am

this cant end well for that dude

>measuring to the tenth of an inch

holy shit can you get any more beta


I heard the mom called her a nigger or some bullshit and had the kid as the shield/

was that a fucking sink?

Hey i am only 18, i still have a chance right ??

Wtf i love spontaneous public brawls now

Martial arts is my favorite genre. I have a few recommendations for you, and they are on netflix if you have it.

Tai Chi Master
Kung Fu Killer
Once up a time in Shanghai
War or the Arrows (kinda less kung fu, more action)

If you want classic kung fu kino, watch The Five Elemental Ninjas. Best kung fu i've seen besides Jackie Chan.

Tastes like shit.

Niggers lie always
Can't believe them

Fist of Legend
Heroes of the East
5 Deadly Venoms
36th Chamber of Shaolin
Drunken Master 2
Big Brother/Miracles
House of Flying Daggers
Legendary Weapons of China

>18 and still a virgin

94% of people who are Virgin at the age of 18 will still be viring at the age of 30

There's still a chance but it's very slim.

its really good

>one stupid minority does something bad
>holy shit I get why you guys hate X group


My only "fight" was giving another kid a light joke-y push and having my throat grabbed while pushed up against a tree by the kid telling me he didn't want to fight, with me just being surprised and wondering what the hell was wrong with him.

It was years later before I realised he and his family had fled the Bosnian war a year earlier or something and was obviously dealing with some PTSD-stuff from it, causing him to immediately go 100% at any slight chance of danger.

The other chick was talking shit about the girl at school

>that guy who's like "here, take my jacket" and then just stands there, before backing off


gfy chinks

Was this the inspiration for the scene in Oldboy?

He constantly worked 12 hour shifts, you autist

So 12/7, then. ;^)