Jay's glasses had no lenses

Jay's glasses had no lenses.

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I'm so sick and tired of these hacks.

Or maybe his eyes had no frames

Did they actually buy a glass frame for this shoot?

It doesn't look like a reading glass or sunglasses with the lenses popped out.


Do the RLM gang have any other friends? Is this all they do all day?

But Mike wears contact lenses
>P O T T E R Y

Jay has many friends outside RLM.

Not sure about Mike.

would be funny if they broke the cameras and had to resort to sponsors to pay for it

The cameras they're using only cost $4,000 new and is now about $1,000 used.

They have enough cash to replace them.

It's just that the production would have stopped for a couple days while the cameras are being shipped in from New York or Chicaco.

>had to resort to sponsors to pay for it

nah they can just have another RLM Auction and have fanboys pay hundreds of dollars for the shitty props used in their videos.

It's less funny when you know Jay is one of them


>Jay has many friends outside RLM.
How do you know this?

Does RLM consider the YouTube movie reviewer community to be they are friends? If so, why aren't they more afraid of burning bridges with them?

This is why he's so good at "faking" it

>Does RLM consider the YouTube movie reviewer community to be they are friends?

>why aren't they more afraid of burning bridges with them?
Because they don't give a fuck.

Jay said so on Pre-Rec stream and confirmed by Jack and Rich.

He wasn't boasting about it. He was explaining that he doesn't do everything with his RLM work friends after the work hours.

Wtf is Mike only 3 years older than me? Jesus I thought he was pushing 30.

I'm one of them. Jack has kids.

I love how you faggots will try to pass your autistic fanfic off as real by just citing that it was something said on a Pre Rec stream.

Who are they even making fun of with this?

It seems too direct


Their fanbase.

Kids don't count as friends

What does Jack having kids have to do with Jay having friends?


Almost everything.

Holy shit. No wonder Jay is so salty


And he doesn't even realise

That's from a few years back and says 34

Are your eyes alright?

nice to see Jay without Mike slowing him down

>guy imitating annoying, pretentious "totally nerdy xD" podcasters is wearing frameless glasses
Are you retarded OP?

Jay can really sell that douche look.

Nerd Crew is, by far, RLM's comfiest show. I almost wish it was real content.

He's uploading many pictures with other people and talks about parties all the time on Twitter.

Nothing you're saying is true.

Is Jay friends with Jack's kids?

Who isn't.

So what is up with Jay's fake vlogs? I skimmed a few of them and they do change over time.


Without Mike Jay wouldn't exist.


i still sub to schomes and screen junkies and rlm though

that's the joke

So Mike is nearly 40 and doing Star Wars reviews while making funny voices?

All reviewers should be executed.

living the dream

keep telling yourself that, you fat fuck

So are Jack's kids sluts?

Anyone else thinks Jay looked really cute with those glasses and that cap? He looked even more boyish than he usually does.

This is not a Youtube board.

go back to your waifu circlejerk

found the redditor

can i be on the nerd crew?

Why is RLM so deathly afraid of using actual corrective lenses in their props?

>mike is almost 40 now

jesus christ they all have like fucking zingers prepared and jay is just sitting there


>tries to cash in on the hottest youtube meme of the year
>fails abysmally because he completely ignores what makes it funny

sasuga latza

They just need a 6/10 girl with pink hair to make this parody complete.

No shit he was making fun of hipsters

latza splatza

I would imagine Jay thought they were going to have an actual discussion and not just shout empty nonsense. Notice he has never been back since this and the other episode he was on(which were both shot at the same time).


They're not afraid. It was a joke on hipsters.

Why did this get me?

You posted an incomplete link.

Just click open, user

Corrective lenses fuck your eyes up if you don't need. They could have used generic reading glasses sure, but the whole joke is the hipsters wearing those thick frames with no lenses.

>best 80s action movie
>Aliens isn't even on the list

what the fuck?

When you click the embed is says error, you have to copy and paste the link into google to find the vid.

Except I clearly just posted a picture of clicking on embed working on my end
I don't know what kind of fucked up browser you're using user

>When you

No, when -you- click, retard.

>all that cape merch
have they literally started shilling their shit to capeshit fans? or is some sort of joke.

Me and apparently 2 other people, retard. Funny how every youtube link works except for yours.

Why is Jay so hairy yet so cute?

i think mike secretly collects toy/movie merchandise. who else keeps a titanic popcorn tub for 10+ years



this thread is so much more on topic that that sersha thread that just 404d

>tfw you will never have a girl be that close to you again until you have to pay an escort to sit with you

>mike is a hoarder

Filmmakers don't throw shit out. You never know when you can use something for a prop.

>Mike, what if we threw out this 11x17 poster for Strange Days?
>and this promo action figure from The Waterboy?
Now, THAT I might actually need for a future movie...
>Mike...no. It's covered Rich Evans' spit.