ITT: Musician couples where the girl is the most talented

ITT: Musician couples where the girl is the most talented

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You first

How 'bout none.


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joanna newsom and andy samberg

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el goblino...

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What? Ethan coulda taken any druggie groupie whore and made crystal castles. Just so happened to be Alice, and shes nothing special

if anybody posts Joanna and Andy I'll leave Sup Forums forever

name a more iconic duo

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Joanna Newsom and that other guy from Lonely Island

nigga don't even joke about that. Her fucking gargoyle screeches wake me up at night.

man that is one massive shirt

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U know it's true

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this is correct

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Tom Tom Club

not even bait, it's just a fact

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Best one itt


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begone thot

goddamn I feel clever today

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