Fuck yes. Was planning to rewatch it soon. Is there gonna be anyone subbing it?

Fuck yes. Was planning to rewatch it soon. Is there gonna be anyone subbing it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh fuck, this is my favorite movie. I've been wanting to see an extended version for years.

>shitty weeb movie is getting a shitty weeb TV edited version so it can make more money off tasteless weebs

why should i care?


What's this movie about? Should I watch it?

It's about cute girls.


Love Exposure is one of those movies I really liked after having seen it, but I'm still wondering if it was because it was great or just so-bad-it's-good

Religion, cults, and upskirt photography.

WARNING. The following movie has:

1) 237 minutes in length
2) The movie title appearing after one hour of running time
3) A drag
4) Tosatsu
5) Kung-fu
6) Sex
7) Genital gore
8) Ultraviolence
9) Lesbians
10) A "Virgin Mary"
11) Erections
12) Ass-kicking female teens
13) Psychotic menopausal bitches
14) Pornographic furniture
15) A Joshuu 701-gô: Sasori (1972) tribute with a pinky film spoof character called "Miss Scorpion"
16) Love
17) Romance
18) "Exposure"
19) Lust
20) Betrayal
21) Child abuse
22) Perversions
23) A dead bird
24) A living bird
25) Panties
26) Catholicism
27) Religious idolatry
28) Religious blasphemy
29) Jesus worship
30) Kurt Cobain worship
31) A car chase
32) Implied pedophilia
33) A porn industry
34) Ravel's Boléro
35) A demented and disturbing climax
36) An emotionally pulse-pounding and extremely moving ending
37) Corinthians XIII recited in an impossibly flawlessly and perfectly timed, dramatic way by the sea in a single shot while Beethoven's 7th Symphony in A Major, Op. 92: II. Allegretto plays in the background

38) In one word: Japan

This is a candidate for one of the best celluloid drama epics ever made since movies were created.


I was told there was a six hour cut. I want all six hours, not five.

this, people here will praise anything as long as it's asian




Foreign means non-american which mean unpopular which automatically means good.

I was thinking about seeing this movie, but this post makes it look fucking terrible. Is it reflective of the film?

Are you retarded?

I like this shot, but eh. Can you compare it to another movie? Like I'll enjoy it if I enjoyed something else?

Evangelion without the robots.

>237 minutes in length
>Kurt Cobain worship
>Implied pedophilia

Guess I'm not watching it.

Watch it. It's one of the best films to come out of Japan in the past 10 years or so. Great work.

>this, people here will praise anything as long as it's asian

muh capeshit!

I'm pretty sure he copied that from a Letterboxd autist. Everything they write is pure cringe material.

>implying its endorsing any of it

Are you fucking retarded?

Damn, I love NGE, but 4 hours? Should I just wait for the TV series?

Have you seen any of Sion Sono's other movies?

Watch it, dipshit. Now STFU already

I never implied that, I just implied that I didn't want to see any of that.


Idiots like you make me mad.
Your list is absolute misleading bullshit.

It's a pretty fast paced movie, it doesn't feel as long as it is.

Stay fucking retarded.

I bet you think you catch the gays if you watch gays in movies. Weakminded omega faggot.

So pretentious garbage for people that think they are "smart" for getting it.

Guess I'll love it then

>holy mountain for weebs without any real thought behind it: the movie

I definitely trust your opinion now that you called be a dipshit.

I'll try it out then.

Kid, what the fuck are you on about? I'm just not interested in lesbians. That's not a selling point for me, you act like I said all gay people should be gassed.