Based on a shit anime

>based on a shit anime
You know this is gonna suck.

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God, she looks hideous.

So many Asian qts could've done better.

This is one of those movies that all my interest in watching it was instantly lost because of the lead actress. If anything I'll torrent it in 9 months and half watch it while posting here. Good job casting a dumb bitch you morons


There's a reason why every popular anime ever is overrated. It's because this stuff isn't made to be great, it's just solid entertainment.

anime is trash but maybe ScarJo can salvage it

>how would you like your sex robot design, pham?
>just give me 32 years old ScarJo senpai

no nipples guys. NO NIPPLES!

I stopped watching anime and I hate most of what I have watched, but this was a legitimately good sci-fi movie.

Cast her

>Ghost In The Shell
>shit anime
Do you consider Evangelion good anime?

desu the nipples were pointless titillation (pardon the pun) that was detrimental to the film. She doesn't even have a vulva so why have nipples?

I liked Stand Alone Complex more, thinking about it and all...

Its not based on Arise, so i dont really see the point you are trying to make, faggot. The movie is going to be terrible but that has nothing to do with the source material. Neck yourself you pathetic plebtarian imbecile.

Togusa was the best, just a normal family man that's the most competent investigator surrounded by a bunch of crazy military cyborgs

SAC was awesome. Shame we'll never have more.

asian people are fucking ugly it's the reason they cut their faces and draw their characters as white people fucking get over it already

>he said on Sup Forums

Famous asians are pretty

Holy assmad, Batman. Don't shart your spaghetti out all at once, ScarJew.

I read that they're including the Kuze story in the movie. Real shame it's going to be nowhere as good the last episode of 2nd Gig.


I'm just pissed off they aren't using the OST by Kenji Kawaii. Fucking Jewywood.

You sure sound like op. If you hate asians so much why in the fuck are you on a corboncopy imageboard of on theirs.

>based on a shit anime
This is bait but the live action will be shit, yes.

>not 18 y o LiT Scarjo
You shame the memory of your ancestors.

That's not what he said. He clearly said that the anime was shitty, not referring to the live action movie which no one knows the quality of yet as it hasn't been seen by anybody. Are you so weakwilled that when you see other points of view, you actually have to rewrite them and pretend they said something else altogether to protect some farcical facade in your head?

SAC's director was hinting that he might be working on something new not too long ago.

But the character chose an American body.

Wew someone is triggered. I didn't rewrite shit.

He said the anime was shit, to which I responded that was bait.

Then he said "You know it will be shit" referring to the live action. To which I said, "yeah, it will be shit".

Are you retarded, autistic, or both?

Who the fuck is this guy?

>that watermark

that woman isn't what I would call american

>no nipples guys. NO NIPPLES!
That makes it hotter, somehow. I'd like to keep her in a closet and treat her like a doll.

>the live action movie which no one knows the quality of


>LiT Scarjo


So it's going to be a third season for SAC?
Finally a good anime.

Who knows? Could be a movie or an OVA. I feel like they wouldn't get a big enough budget for a whole new season anymore.

If that's all you took away from GiTS well man you must not have read the opening text or understood Project 2501's last words.

If an Evangelion movie were to happen, Who would you cast as Shinji?

Keith Stanfield, then he gets to be in two Animekinos.

Idris Elba

Closest to a 10 I've ever seen.

tell me faggots, who would you have preferred to be casted as Major if not scarjo in a hollywood movie

Emily Blunt.

You need to leave the basement more.

>Emily Blunt.
Not him but go fuck your piece of shit self, she is plain jane as fuck, isn't sexy worth a fucking damn.

Antje Traue, aways...

Clearly you haven't met many plain janes in your life. However my interest isn't in her prettiness, it's her physicality. I can believe Emily Blunt can kick some ass, but not ScarJo.

oh god this
such wasted potential

fuck you snyder

i wouldve cast asian actors for this movie about japan

What did Shirow mean by this?

>2017 Scarlett
D R O P P E D bitch you had your chance to be my waifu. goddamn never dropped a bitch so hard


There is nothing explicitly about Japan in the GiTS film that wouldn't transfer over to ANY other sci-fi version of a city on Earth, except for the suite of "Making Of A Cyborg, Boat Ride, Reincarnation." That's the point of the film. The ideas it puts forth are applicable to ALL humans.

of course it will
cuz it doesn't have the Puppet Master

mite be a decent action flick desu

>Clearly you haven't met many plain janes in your life
Go watch Sicario which didn't have her in make up, she looks generic as fuck.

She's alright. I seen some plain janes in my time, and EB is higher than them for certain. She's also got a more believable physicality for doing the things the Major does than ScarJo.

Ultimately these things don't matter. What matters is the script.

It can possibly be worse than that shitty 90s movie. Visually it was amazing but everything else was as shallow as a spoon. If this new release actually manages to be worse than the 90s one Ill actually eat my own shit on cam.

How was GiTS shallow? What are your opinions on the opening text and the last words of Project 2501?

I like ScarJo, and she could look great as the Major, if she would just hit the gym, the Major is a cyborg built to imitate the pinnacle of physical condition, she could rip your arm off and fuck you with it.

Scarjo just looks like a weird sci-fi cop. Needs muscle.

>ghost in the shell

do u have the dumbs?

Something I learned from Lucy is that I do not need a movie with Scarlett as a lead.
and from the avengers :
55% stunt doubles
44% cgi
01% Scarlett



It probably will be, but the trailer actually looks pretty good, especially when it comes to visuals, art design, kinomatographie, etc.

Scarjo's bulbous nose is becoming a real problem, shes going to hit the wall completely in 2-3 years.


I hope they show her pusy

Just look up Under the Skin caps, damn near blew a bollock looking at them.

He's right though. The average Asian has ugly features. They wish they were white.

This trailer looks good at least.

> He's right

Lol bitch, do you seriously think you can ever fool anyone?
> She's right


>watching the electric jew
No thank you.

It's another thread where delusional white people thinking anime is everything is about them again...

Shhh, I know it hurts. Best not to struggle.

its another "let's cherry pick fake skulls to prove a point about a drawing." episode

>talentless Jew

Yeah it is.

> Nordtrash roastie quotes Abdul and his mates gangraping her

Shame those "ugly" Asians will outlast you, eh? No loss, the prettiest whites are brown haired and brown eyed anyway.

everything you said was true except the nothing explicitly about Japan. GitS is for the most part about a japanese cybercrime investigative unit exposing corruption in japan's political system.

>fake skulls
>photos of real people
You're still sinking, friend.

imagine jewhansson trying to act in this scene

From the producers who squinted at Ghost in the Shell on a CRT television 20 years ago.

>top: ok scarjo, youre a cyborg so sit as stiff and inexpressive as possible

They hired the perfect person for Major because she shows no emotion in the first place

Nice logic fallacy, retard. Stick to video games. Sizing women up isn't your thing.

Dude she wouldn't have had a career without Snyder.

>anime version has different buildings in the background
>film is just the same 2 buildings copypasted
in no way a cashgrab

webm please and movie name



delicious weeb tears, nothing more tasty than that.

>its the "bright and shining" future but we're still in the dark about what it means to be human. and/or people are the dark flaws on the grandeur of "the future."
>in the future beds will be made of CFL tubes

can everything just stop please

Hollywood will never be able to accurately adapt a superior medium such as anime.

>shit anime

there's another kind?


It's an anime, not a lecture. Fucking stupid how a lot of anime and manga have dumbass philosophical shit in them. It'd be like having heavy action scenes in chick flicks.

I'm pretty sure some of the bodies were anatomically correct in that world. I don't think Major would feel real without correct parts. I guess that's their way of making her look like a robot in the movies.


It's going to be MOTY, watch the dubs.