Was he right, Sup Forums?

Was he right, Sup Forums?

I hate Ross but he did nothing wrong..

When you're "on a break," that means "The man has to sit around and wait for the woman to take him back." Otherwise, she can a cunt because "you didn't wait for me." Meanwhile, she can take any dick or pussy she wants, and SHE can use the "We were on a break" excuse.

shit tv show

lrn2 relationship.


it's the excuse to take another dick while still having you for backup later

So just lie to her and it will all be alright? I'm not a beta and neither was Ross.

Yes, they were on a break but that was still no excuse for him to fuck the xerox girl

I fucking hated Ross so goddamn much

Ross was objectively the best Friend.


While technically he wasn't with Rachel at the time, it was literally hours after they split up and he wanted to get her back.
The next day he treated the girl like shit, hid her and tried to stop Rachel from finding out at all costs because he fucking knew it was wrong.

Ross was a terrible, jealous and petty boyfriend and he is a pretty shitty person all round.


>not a beta

They were both dysfunctional retards.

fuck yeah redpill MGTOW amirite

I lost my faith in women when I realized that they unanimously side with Rachel and came to agree that they shouldn't have any rights because their inferior little brains can't handle it.

>While technically he wasn't with Rachel at the time, it was literally hours after they split up and he wanted to get her back.
>The next day he treated the girl like shit, hid her and tried to stop Rachel from finding out at all costs because he fucking knew it was wrong.

>Ross was a terrible, jealous and petty boyfriend and he is a pretty shitty person all round.
not at all, he was a romantic guy and best friend, only one to be honest and frank with them.

>Implying any woman would ever be remotely interested in you

Rachel was right you little shit.

He lost the argument the moment he admitted guilt.

Rachel tells Monica her and Ross broke up the night before.
She then goes and asks Ross if they can get back together.

Ross was completely innocent.

What kind of cuck agrees to be "on a break"? If a gf suggests this shit then she's obviously a whore and you should dumb her right at that moment.

>only pussy ass beta bitches can ever get women

Well memed, son. I bet you're hit with all the ladies and their sons love you too.

>he was a romantic guy
He constantly pestered Rachel when she was at work because he was insecure about Mark, he tried to claim her as his property by sending loud obnoxious gifts, he had absolutely no faith in Rachel to be faithful to him and he was utterly obsessed with Mark and Rachel's COMPLETELY PROFESSIONAL relationship. Ross was a loser.

He fucked Rachel 300 times, made out with Chandler's mom, nearly fucked Phoebe and one of Rachel's sisters, had the English qt willing to take him back as long as he didn't see Rachel again, picked up a baby store slut right in front of pregnant Rachel.

>completely professional
>round her apartment the moment he smells trouble
>mark later admits that he had feelings for her all along


And Rachel did nothing


She lied about Mark being in her apartment

A break is what a girl suggests when she wants to break up but is too scared to say it outright.

Yes he was right. Jesus Christ, she said let's take a break from us. What a serious bitch

Rachel unironically made me hate women.

When you take a break from working, do you do any work?

Both Ross and Rachel are shitty people, he was basically stalker, and she kept him in hanging in orbit.

>Mark and Rachel's COMPLETELY PROFESSIONAL relationship

Come on now.

No but I had this argument in real life a couple of times and I just loving saying "Yeah, but, THEY WERE ON A BREAK"

terrible analogy

>When you take a break from working, do you do any work?

When you get fired, do you get another job?

It's more that Rachel was the worst Friend.

For fuck's sake they were both wrong. Neither of them knew what the other defined a break as and both justified their own actions as a result. Rachel was too much of a coward to outright end her relationship with Ross and Ross took advantage of the ambiguity of the conditions of the break to justify sleeping with that woman and then trying to assuage his subsequent guilt. Both of them should have acted like adults and explained what they thought a break meant but instead they both stormed off. They were both shitty people and deserved one another in the end.

Rachel: Oh my God. I cannot keep having this same fight over and over again, Ross, no, you’re, you’re, you’re making this too hard.

Ross: Oh I’m, I’m making this too hard. Okay, what do you want me to do.

Rachel: I don’t know, I don’t know. Urrrgh! Look, maybe we should take a break.

Ross: Okay, okay, fine, you’re right. Let’s ah, let’s take a break, (goes to the door) let’s cool off, okay, let’s get some frozen yogurt, or something.. (opens the door)

Rachel: No. (Ross is standing in the doorway.) A break from us.

Rachel defined what she wanted the break to be, even going so far as to correct ross' thinking it was just a break from the fight. Rachel wanted a break from the relationship. Ross was perfectly justified in his actions. Rachel was just jealous. There was nothing ambiguous about her words.

Eh, they were technically on a break but I wouldn't go hooking up w/ some random chick the very same night.

>waiting for a woman to come back to you
fuck that shit

More importantly, rank your favorite characters

>Mr Geller
>Bruce Willis guest character w/ the hot daughter Ross was banging

Pretty good ranking, although I'd swap Rachel and mr geller
>Mr Geller
>Alec Baldwin's extremely optimistic guest character
>Bruce Willis guest character w/ the hot daughter Ross was banging
>Phoebe's brother

Jesus christ you guys are autistic. Pretty sure you shouldn't sleep with anyone a DAY after you guys break up. Let alone while one a break.

its not uncommon for people to find rebound partners right after the break up. Ross loved her so tried to avoid complications but anyone with balls would dump moody Rachel who does not know what she wants in life


You don't owe anything to the person that just said you should have a break from your relationship. You're not together anymore.

It's not about owing anyone anything, it's about not being shitty.

I could understand that for the person who proposed the break, because that's just dumping and switching, or obviously just not wanting to feel guilty about sleeping with someone you met while in a relationship.
In ross' case, however, he was basically just broken up with, so why should he feel shitty about moving on?

>we should take a break from us, also I'm inviting my single male-coworker who is obviously hitting on me tonight haha lol ;)

why did he even want rachel anyway? she got plowed by that foreign guy with his confirmed 12 inch uncut cock. i'd be too insecure to touch that vagina after that damage was done. tough act to follow, and you just know ross can't fuck all that well

how is him sleeping with another woman shitty? its not the best choice but its like asking "how long is it appropriate to stay single after your husband died" there is no right answer

ross was a loser who let his wife cuckold him with a woman till the wife decided to divorce

I would say he's slightly more right than Rachael.

However, the very concept of "on a break" is flawed to begin with. If you need to take a "break" from your partner for X amount of time, you're with the wrong fucking person.

I mean, it makes sense in a TV sitcom, where there's only like a handful of main characters and the handful of settings exist in a void where one-time side characters die once they walk too far away or the scene changes, and the executives need to change up the relationship dynamics every so often to keep viewers intrigued, so the main characters can't stay together too long or they'll exclude one-time side character introduction options, and the other main characters need to enact every permutation of
>what if X dated Y?
>who would Z date?
to keep the show material running.

In reality, going "on a break" in a relationship typically means
>I'm too scared to break up with you because if you were just a tiny bit different you'd be ideal, but I don't know if I can change you that tiny bit or if I can change a tiny bit to make things work out or if it's even fair for either of us to change so I'm just going to go vent to all my relatives and friends while taking their opinions and distracting myself instead of forming my own opinions through introspection because I don't even know my own damn self
a.k.a just break up if it's bothering you so much you pussy.

The writing in that followup episode made no sense. He slept with the girl because he thought Rachel was with that guy from work, but the next morning he magically knows that she wasn't despite not actually having acquired any new information.


>he was basically just broken up with

Except he wasn't, they were on break.

The problem is he slept with another woman, while claiming he still loved Rachel. If he had her btfo and didn't care then that's fine. But pretending like he still loved her? Fuck off lmao

>Except he wasn't, they were on break.
Yeah, their relationship was "temporarily" terminated. So again, why should he feel shitty about moving on?
>pretending like he still loved her
he wasn't pretending, ross has always loved rachel, but that doesn't mean he magically doesn't find other women attractive. if ross broke up with rachel, or proposed the break, your argument would make sense, but rachel did that, so he thought she didn't like him anymore

ross was in the right. they weren't in a relationship anymore

>"temporarily" terminated

That's a contradiction.

>ross has always loved rachel, but that doesn't mean he magically doesn't find other women attractive

If you really loved someone, you wouldn't sleep with someone else 1 day after ending your relationship with them. That's the kind of shit you do when you're over someone. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

>The problem is he slept with another woman, while claiming he still loved Rachel. If he had her btfo and didn't care then that's fine. But pretending like he still loved her? Fuck off lmao
He does love Rachel. you don't instantly stop loving someone once they dump you, he had sex with the girl but he does not love that girl. He had sex with her because he was in an emotional place and Rachel no longer seemed like an option

>That's a contradiction.
What do you think break is? it means you go on a quest to see if the person you are with is right for you, for many women it often involved having sex with other men.

>If you really loved someone, you wouldn't sleep with someone else 1 day after ending your relationship with them. That's the kind of shit you do when you're over someone.
yeah because everyone has the same response as you right. Do you also scream at people in horror movies ?

>That's a contradiction.
No, that's what a break is. Do you not know what a break is?
>If you really loved someone, you wouldn't sleep with someone else 1 day after ending your relationship with them
You've got a romanticised interpretation of love.

Ross and Rachel are both horrible assholes who deserve to be in an unhappy marriage with each other eventually moving away and losing contact with everyone else which makes them much happier as they no longer have to put up with their constant bitching.

To be on a break means to give each other some space in order to reassess how they both feel about each other, and then decide to break up. Ross was wrong to just fuck some other girl during this period, if he was really serious about Rachel. If Rachel had fucked Paolo not 24 hours after said break, she would also be in the wrong.

Whether the show would portray her as wrong is another question.

But you're supposed to date other people during this period to see if you really want to be with the original person.
Are there multiple people in this thread that don't know what a break is?

>To be on a break means to give each other some space in order to reassess how they both feel about each other, and then decide to break up
wut? There is no mutual "taking a break" its always 1 party initiating it and as far as I know men don't take a break in a relationship, they are in one or not, there is no contemplation. break means "give me licences to explore other options" which often includes fucking, and if you don't find anyone you settle for each other or "realize that you had it right the first time"
>if he was really serious about Rachel
yeah you can fuck off with your "tests"

I've been married for 8 years, so.

That's the thing about the "break": it's a tool.

Like a gun. Really, all it does is shoot bullets, nothing more. It can do good things, it can do bad things, all depending on what it is used for and who is using it.

A "break" is simply a temporary period of time away from a partner. Now here's the thing - a break can be used in good or bad ways. Some people really feel that they need to get away from their partner for a bit to clear their thoughts, focus on themselves, and determine what they really need and if this is something they're going with for life. They'll usually agree upon a set amount of time with their partner beforehand. Other people simply want an excuse to get those last couple dicks in before settling down, or are too timid to actually break up with their partner to their face so they gain distance over time, or may even be trying to determine which of their two current partners they want to keep. They may not set an amount of time, leaving the "break" indefinite, and on their terms alone, they may not even inform their partner of the break, or may even decide to leave at the end of the break, like taking your lunch break 30 mins before the end of your shift at work and going home early - it's kind of a dick move.

>I've been married for 8 years, so.
so, my point stands. i'm not really sure why you mentioned that?

Childhood is thinking Ross was right

Adulthood is realizing that Rachel was actually right

No, but she still acted as a spoiled bitch a lot of the times they interacted in that way. They really shouldn't have gotten together again until the last episode.

My gf says "It was not clear they were on a break. I'm gonna go with no"

Rachel was right though, Ross behaved like a psychopath and could've cost her her job with his bullshit. She also never cheated and insisted nothing was going on between her and Mark, yet Ross didn't respect that all and was paranoid.

Childhood is having an invested opinion on which of the two retarded characters were right

Adulthood is not caring about a poorly-written and base sitcom from the 90s and early 2000s

This. Have you no pride?

Literally none of that matters because the question was "was ross justified in sleeping with another woman", not "was it "morally" right for ross to sleep with another woman"
ross was not in a relationship when he slept with another girl, therefore rachel was not justified in her anger at this. he didn't cheat on her, he slept with another girl AFTER rachel said they should be on a break.

see rachel even clarified that she wanted a break from the relationship, not just a cool off period. there was nothing ambiguous about it.

The whole point shows like this and Seinfeld try to make is this is why previous generations didn't fuck around with gray area shit, especially in sexual relationships and why you shouldn't. If a girl says you're on a break, end the relationship completely and "verbally" make it clear that it is.

The whole definition of a break does matter, because it means that a "break" is vague. It has no set definition of how long it will be, or if the relationship will even continue afterwards (as they most often do not), so those factors need to be explained/set/shared with one's partner, otherwise it's just a really timid way to break up with someone, akin to saying "I think we should see other people" or "I don't think this is working".

Furthermore, we have to examine Ross's character. He's nowhere near the same league as Rachael when it comes to being attractive/charismatic. He doesn't get a lot of female attention. Something like an opportunity at sex with a woman doesn't come around very often for him (his success rates are highly hollywood-ized vs. if Ross were a real person), and by the looks of his not-relationship with Rachael, possibly not for a long time, or ever again. He probably felt betrayed by being given the suggestion of going on a break, as he clearly didn't want to. He was horny, overwhelmed, and needed to get his mind off Rachael if he wanted every minute to stop feeling like an hour. I'd say he was justified, though not by much. It was still kind of shitty, and if it were any other character, would reveal a super shitty side of them.

You're just typing a load of unnecessary bullshit. The point is they weren't in a relationship anymore. It's as simple as that.

>Literally none of that matters because the question was "was ross justified in sleeping with another woman", not "was it "morally" right for ross to sleep with another woman"
>ross was not in a relationship when he slept with another girl, therefore rachel was not justified in her anger at this. he didn't cheat on her, he slept with another girl AFTER rachel said they should be on a break.
so why should someone who used that vague term be mad at someone else who interpreted that term in one of its legitimate forms

But Mark was trying to fuck her, and women know when men are trying to fuck them.


cynicism hasn't been cool since the 80s kid better get a new shtick

>so why should someone who used that vague term be mad at someone else who interpreted that term in one of its legitimate forms
They shouldn't. Rachael never said how long the break would last, she didn't even say it was temporary, and the phrases break/breakup are separated by a VERY fuzzy line. She wouldn't even try to put it on relatable terms, wouldn't sit down and discuss it, just gave him the words "on a break - plz leave me alone now".

Rachael, and the women/people who side with Rachael, think alike. They think like the typical North American modern woman: That relationships are on their terms.
>I so declare that we shall be on a break
Means that she expects you to just intuitively understand how she's feeling and what she intends to do because she's too upset to actually think straight enough to verbalize it, it's on her terms, she'll let you know if or when the break is over, you just sit and wait, boyfriend.

However, if the guy offers to go on a break, she will immediately assume he intends the worst because she feels extremely emotional and betrayed in that moment, and will instantly go to her friends and family to get their opinions (usually, "fuck that guy dump him") on the story she told from her emotionally-skewed perspective. Then she can take that advice however she so chooses ("Time to get some revenge dick, I'm so "distraught" and "out of my mind" that I have an excuse for it, and I can also blame my actions on my acquaintance(s) who suggested it!")

She's the kind of woman who would be a "bridezilla", demanding that her perfect one-day princess fantasy party wedding be exactly perfect to her standards and imagination while constantly undermining and shushing her husband, as he was simply the means to acquire a wedding and children. Again, everything on her terms.

Ross was the kind of guy who basically just did what a typical woman would do in that situation, and typical woman Rachael couldn't believe that shit.

What part of that is cynicism and what would you consider a normal outlook?

The real issue isn't "was Ross right or wrong about the break", it's that it was ever in question and he dignified accusations with a defense.

>love of your life is overwhelmed by her new job and your insecure beta antics
>says she needs a break from you to get herself together
>sleep with another woman the same night
>spend the next day trying to hide it from her
yes, they were on a "break"
Ross still fucked up his relationship with his dream girl (since he was a teen) over a one night stand.



The break was a shit test.

Ross failed.

this. Given how many times she brings it up after this, I think it would have been better to hash it out or just agree to drop it.

No, they needed to teach young men that relationships are about leverage and control and your only hope of keeping a hot girl like rachel is to be blindly submissive at all times.

you sure sound bitter

I mean he kind of jumped to another girl really quickly. They just got on a break

Rachel's message he gets in the morning states she wants to get back together, so yes, they were on a break.

Ross acted like an asshole and caused everything though. Not trusting Rachel around her coworker frustrated her and caused the break. Fucking a girl the next night was extremely shitty since he claimed to be in love with her since he was like 15 and then hiding her made everything worse.

What if she never found out? Would he just have kept that a secret forever? Like the secret marriage thing? He was an asshole and Rachel didn't need him. She could've been rich in Paris surrounded by foreign dick but for some reason she kept going back to him.

She's dumb. Leave her now. Or at least ask for a break.