Who the fuck is this guy? When did he become famous?

Who the fuck is this guy? When did he become famous?

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dude who makes wild music. became famous when he got recognized for said music

what you mean wild music? what are some of his famous tracks?

He's very versatile, he can make many styles of music. The song that started it all is "Look at me." It's not for everyone but if you like it, listen to "Jocelyn Flores" after.

Look At Me is his only good song

most talented/versatile of the new wave of "mumble" rappers

plebbit doesn't like him because muh me too
mu doesn't like him because fantano doesn't like him

lol ppl don't like him because he's fake deep and contrived and still hasn't managed to put out a consistently good album. he should have stuck to trashy lofi sound cloud shout rap, 17 is unlistenable and masturbatory, ? is about the same with maybe 1-2 good tracks. the only thing that differentiates him from other mumblecore trash is the speed of his flows and relative unpredictability. but there's no objective artistic merit to his work, he gets lauded for being "edgy" and "emotional" when he's likely just a psychopath.


mediocre and self absorbed emo raps

wew there's a lot of buzzwords there. I'll try to unpack this

what constitutes "fake deep"? He's like 19 do you expect him to be a philosopher? I'm not gonna claim he's a genius or anything but he makes pretty deeply personal music while at the same time having bangers. easy to disregard anything if you call it "trashy lofi sound cloud shout rap"

> the only thing that differentiates him from other mumblecore trash is the speed of his flows and relative unpredictability. but there's no objective artistic merit to his work
how many mumblecore trash rappers dabble in the range of genres he does? How many of them get praised by guys like Kendrick, Joey Badass, metro boomin, etc.

>when he's likely just a psychopath
no arguments there lmao. as if a lot of talented musicians are totally mentally stable

defend this

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manlets make good music
lil wayne, kendrick, prince
next question

>not implying he's on their level, just making a point

X is for people who can relate

Not in the weyounglel vibe but.. hes a poetic and artistic kind of guy born and trapped in a fuckin rathood

He has put 2 serious and soulful albums

People don't like him because all the music he's put is shallow and annoying

Thx 4 not saying shit

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Nice argument Mr. Intelligent person

half a big guy

Not the guy you're replying to, but I'll bite.

>what constitutes "fake deep"?
It's on the same spectrum as pretentiousness. Most of X's narratives fall susceptible to banal messages of pain and insanity; they fail to reveal anything interesting about his life. It's just telling the world secrets that they already know. I'm not entirely averse to shallow music, but if an artist feigns intelligence, like how X's persona attempts to do, then they've ultimately failed. And "bangers" isn't a suitable criteria for discussing music. It's just as much a buzzword as "fake deep."

>how many mumblecore trash rappers dabble in the range of genres he does? How many of them get praised by guys like Kendrick, Joey Badass, metro boomin, etc.
Yes, because those aforementioned rappers are completely credible arbiters on the quality of music. X might employ more musical agility than other "mumble core" rappers, but in the big picture, he's still on the untalented side of the canvas.

>as if a lot of talented musicians are totally mentally stable
Correlation doesn't equal causation. Mental disorders might be common in the realm of artistry, but it still doesn't excuse their failed cognitive abilities. To be honest, I don't entirely agree that X is a psychopath, moreso it's a mere facade. However, don't insinuate for one second that because other talented artists suffer with cognition, it means they and X are exempt from criticism. This is the first and last post I will ever make on this cretin. Goodbye.

XXXanax, Don't Test Me, Imsippinteainyohood, etc.

>became famous when he got recognized for *beating the shit out of his girlfriend and getting arrested for it
There, fixed it. Music had next to nothing to do with it

well said user

I love X, and you're right. Watch the speech at the end of the "Look at Me" video. It's pretty easy to tell when something is pseudo-intellectual garbage, and his speech fuckin' reeks of it. As far as his versatility goes, you're actually a bit misinformed since you're not a fan. Here's the thing: x isn't versatile. Like at all. He's the same as all of the other rappers, he just made chill tracks. Jocelyn Flores is just a Shiloh Dynasty vine with X literally singing the same melody line over it (not creative) and then rapping (not versatile). The three new tracks from his album "?" that have the same vibe as Jocelyn Flores were literally made the same way. Remember, X doesn't do the production, mixing, or mastering. His "versatility" starts and stops with him singing every now and again, which isn't really all that versatile.

X fans: google "shiloh dynasty vine collection" if you understand how making music works you'll understand that X owes Shiloh AT LEAST 30% of his earnings on the singles he jacked from him

his music does suffer from pretentiousness, sure. those intros are pretty atrocious. but lots of music is pretentious, doesn't make it bad.
he's not a storyteller, he just shares short snippets into his psyche. it's just raw emotion. something that a lot of people can relate to, call it teenage angst or whatever you want (I'm in my mid 20s btw)
I guess whether you like it or not decides if you call it a banger or "shout rap" but that's obviously subjective.

>Yes, because those aforementioned rappers are completely credible arbiters on the quality of music.
they're the kind of rappers who generally don't associate with the new wave of rappers generally touted as untalented (besides metro). even you admit he employs more musical agility. I'm just saying to take their opinions into consideration, as well as the opinions of the memethony melons out there

I'm not even sure what you're trying to say with that last paragraph

>unironically using the word cretin
lmao are you a bond villain

>I love X
>proceeds to shit on X for a couple paragraphs


first user here, my biggest issue with the content of his music and reason for calling it "fake deep" is not that he doesn't fit in the intellectual bubble. it's that, while his lyricism isn't objectively terrible, he fronts as if he's the next Camus, when really he's not really going much further past the pretty typical "my life has no meaning shit's hard nobody understands me I wanna die". it's not the content, it's the ego. if he had more personal lyrics, or at very least went about it in a more nuanced manner, I would listen. music is always better when it tells the artist's story versus tries to make you believe what they want you to believe about them.
in reference to the artists you mentioned, those are all talented people, but ultimately individuals. just because someone famous like Kendrick or metro backs something doesn't
mean that it's automatically good. pretty basic principle here.
psychopath comment was unfounded, I agree, but it's more or less what I offer as a read on his tendencies. despite his lyrics, his actions and PR moves don't really show him as self hating, in fact quite the opposite, and he's said previously that he sees his fans as a "cult" that "believe his every word". I agree that mental illness has influenced a significant amount of awesome musicians, but making it the foundation for the entirety of your art isn't necessarily conducive to something being automatically good.
also yeah i used buzzwords, im trying to communicate something quicks on fucking Sup Forums, I am a member of society, what do you honestly expect?

obvious mobilefag

>but lots of music is pretentious, doesn't make it bad.

Dude what the fuck are you talking about. Good music isn't pretentious. Pretentiousness is literally a sign that the music is bad. Genuinely innovative music never sounds pretentious.

95% of the music people love on this board is pretentious as fuck

>death grips
>frank zappa
>the entire genre of IDM (fucking intelligent dance music come the fuck on)
the list goes on :^)

What the fuck does that have to do with anything I said? Are you trying to say that you think all of that music is good? I couldn't care less about your personal tastes or the ironic shitposting on this board.

ok bud

Most of those artists received high acclaim because they genuinely innovated. They took artistic risks in their music and ventured into territories most lesser artists wouldn't even dare to do. What makes an artist pretentious is that they believe their messages are highly original, when in reality they just... aren't. They delude themselves into the illusion that their music will lead the world into a new revolution, when other artists who actually innovate revel in modesty. Especially Radiohead.

all i see in this post is "i'm too dumb to enjoy mainstream music unless it only uses three chords"

idm is shit but the name was coined after a compilation called "artificial intelligence"

why don't you just listen to the music instead of paying attention to what he tweets and shit. his persona and his music are two separate things. I'm discussing his music.

never claimed these artists were bad. actually the opposite. but you're too excited to call somebody dumb to into reading comprehension

Are you familiar with the concept of enjoying an artist's music but having issues with the artist and their fanbase? "Alone", "Imagination", and "Jocelyn Flores" are all just shiloh's vocals/guitar looped with a trap snare and 808 kick over it. That's not cool. That speech about equality that he did at the end of a video in which he hung a child, not cool. I really fuck with his music but the man himself does a lot of things that gross me out. That being said, super glad he didn't fall off. Hoping for an excellent release before 2020

oh, also, no u

so in other words your post was totally pointless

I don't think this is a musician thing lmfao, I think it's more closely related to the fact that he's a junior in high school

yup just like yours

what I was saying was that some pretentiousness doesn't invalidate the quality of your music

>Good music isn't pretentious
>Oh yeah well Sup Forums likes Radiohead and I like them too

You can choose one of the following:

1) Radiohead isn't good
2) Radiohead isn't pretentious
3) You and Sup Forums at large are both completely retarded

radiohead is good
radiohead is pretentious
no u

It's funny to know that half this board could beat the shit out of him and that's saying a lot because everyone here is a soylet.

Then you chose 3.

if you think radiohead is both good and pretentious then you're probably legitimately too stupid to have any insight on why you believe those things or what radiohead contributed to mainstream music

good talk boyos

>why don't you just listen to the music instead of paying attention to what he tweets and shit. his persona and his music are two separate things. I'm discussing his music.
I wasn't trying to talk about his Twitter account, though. It's just that most of X's persona seeps through his music, and he's one of the few musicians in which his music reflects his persona.

? Isn't he 19, almost 20? How is X a junior in high school? Are you talking about his worldviews?

Okay, I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here and side with him. Pretentiousness doesn't automatically mean the music is bad. There can be artists that have pompousness as a traitor but make excellent music, like Arcade Fire and Wilco. It's when you overuse your pretentiousness that it becomes a problem.

>Pretentiousness doesn't automatically mean the music is bad. There can be artists that have pompousness as a traitor but make excellent music, like Arcade Fire and Wilco. It's when you overuse your pretentiousness that it becomes a problem.
fuckin thank you idk how that's so difficult to understand

and I agree that some of his pseudointellectual persona seeps into his music, particularly the intros. But for me it's so rare that I can chalk it up to him being young and his music not being perfect