So I like this show well enough, but why did they pick Hugh Laurie to play a british person? His accent is terrible

So I like this show well enough, but why did they pick Hugh Laurie to play a british person? His accent is terrible.

Agreed, it was really distracting.

What made you think this would be a good thread topic, son?

I like this show, let's talk about it.

OK, but why didn't you post something you genuinely had an issue with, rather than a dumb troll topic? It taints the whole thread, and no one will want to contribute anything of any depth.

Well, they shouldn't have picked an american actor for a british role. His fake accent is really grating.

The estate is for sale for 40 million euros btw

this. what were they thinking? Americans always suck at accents.

It guarantees bumps from the idiots who fall for it. Plenty of threads with troll OPs end up having interesting discussion.


Right. Don't say I didn't try to help.

This is a legit concern with the show tho.

The showrunner got fooled. Hugh Laurie did his audition and he said "Yes! Someone with an actual British accent, that's exactly what I want"

An obvious troll is obvious


>you will never be a filthy rich evil international arms dealer with a gold digger giraffe for a wife.

nice facebook frog, dipshit. You really fit in on the board now.

Pepe is classic Sup Forums, friend-o. Lurk moar.

>classic Sup Forums
Fuck off back to gaia, child.

dumb frogposter

2008 is absolutely classic Sup Forums. Pepe is a contemporary of Long Cat and Mudkips and the Milhouse Is Not a Meme meme

... you realize at this point the thread is completely dead right?

Pepe is rageface tier now and I honestly believe that the vast majority of the people still using them are normies. So much OC was created though, and especially with the "rare Pepes" autism craze, people are falling victim to the sunk cost fallacy and refuse to move on from it because they spent so much time saving pepes and organizing their frog folders.

That's pretty much where I'm at. I'm too far invested. If I told you how big my pepe collection is you wouldn't believe it.

Hiddleston was really bad in this. An I alone in thinking that? I don't think he's a bad actor but he didn't really do anything with the part. He mostly just laughed.

>He mostly just laughed.
Did he even laugh, ever? What show were you watching?


He did this chagrined half laugh half smirk thing, but I don't know if I would call it a laugh exactly

It's called a gesture, people outside of the spectrum do them from time to time.

The cum shots were great, though.