What do you think of Russian rap?

What do you think of Russian rap?

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Russian rap sounds exactly like all other white trash Eurorap, except it's in Russian so Russians think it's better somehow.

French rap is pretty good.

я дyмaю, чтo yнocи этoт пoзop oтcюдa.


the only good russian rapper

Зиc бaт aниpoникaлли

Hopefully Putin will follow China's footsteps and bans rap in Russia as well.

do yorupeens have no sense of rhythm or what? The syllables aren't even on the beat.

dumb american

Here's some good rap.


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Okay, for real now.
The OP's pick of russian rap fucking sucks ass.
Let me show you something a little bit better...

Хacки - Пyля-дypa (Husky - Bullet (non translatable idiom)
This dude makes repulsive, gnarly, but still hella catchy trap music which I can only describe as Art Trap.

Cкpиптoнит - Пpитoн (Scriptonite - Brothel)
Authentic, murky shit. Love it.

Mnogoznaal - Дeвятины (Knewtoomuch - Devyatiny)
2018 release from the coldest part of Russia. The album as a whole is not very good, but this song gives me true chills.

If you liked it, consider listening to the first two's albums
Cкpиптoнит - Дoм c нopмaльными явлeниями
Хacки - Любимыe пecни (вooбpaжaeмых) людeй

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adding to my post Russian rap mostly sucks. Russian music scene is not very good as a whole too, mostly because of the Soviet Union not really allowing anything remotely artistic to develop and making it hard to listen to American music. Russia has virtually no music scene (culturally I mean) and people just don't listen to music that much. However, right now this is slowly beginning to change. New interesting artists emerge, scenes begin to form (oднa Иoнoтeкa чeгo cтoит, кeк), and all in all things are getting better. Hip-hop sure made huge improvements lately, I hope you can hear that from the tracks I linked.

But this?
Now this ranges from average to straight up garbage music. If I were you I'd just listen to this and write Russian music off. Don't do it tho.

That's funny since China has a tleast one great rap group, which also criticizes Chinese politics.

bump this shit up

the french are fine


>Russian rap mostly sucks
No bitch. Russian rap sucks period.
>Soviet Union not really allowing anything remotely artistic to develop
What the fuck does this have to do with anything today? Russian music industry is basically just ripping off anything popular in the west. They also slowly trying to do that with the cinema industry too and that's a fucking failure so far. That's it. And there is a lot of fucking hot garbage in the west and that sells good or gets hyped as fuck. There is nothing artistic about being commercial.
But since russia is full of poorfags and people just want to get rich easy they go for the lowest denominator trap shit that sells and kids listen to that shit. It's worse than school shooting in America, it's all fucked. Rap has degraded as a style, and trap is just modern day disco that can't die soon enough and so in 15 or 20 years there will still be that old generation listen to that 80s disco that is still popular in russia and todays kids while being adults will be still putting on those TRAP BANGERS while acting like retards.
The only way to listen to russian rap is not knowing russian language, that's the only way it's tolerable.
Russia will never have anything like Death Grips, Tyler The Creator or Danny Brown.

it's easier to think by analogy
so to paint the most vivid and accurate picture of alleged russian rap scene i'm gonna make one accurate comparison
so imagine all those Jake Pauls, Logan Pauls and Ricegums with their rap/trap/hip-hop music videos
well that's the whole russian rap industry
stay noided and far away as possible from that steaming pile of shit

Oп, ты чтo, дypaк? Tы вoт ничeгo дpyгoгo нe мoг пpинecти, дa?

Obviously everyone in thread are russians, but they still try to communicate with english for some reason

except this bois

Russian rap(as any other white thrash) sucks dicks. It can be good only for parody jokes, no more

i literally came to this thread to shit on russian rap and educate anyone on why they should avoid it
it's a very popular thing nowadays to be listening to music from other countries coz it sounds exotic and makes you such special snowflake trying to comprehend other cultures and such without realising that they look like a total fool trying to show off with that

i'm still waiting for Russian Ambient music to come up in this degenerate board

does that even exist?
i'm sure lofi beats to relax/study to is an international success and that filled its niche
and also the genre that you proposed seems specific and I think that somebody from Russia who would be looking for that would just take his time of day to find international artists that do that

naw, mate, please don't shatter muh dreams

imagine some shit like substrata, with whispered Russian vocals 'n' shit..

>somebody from Russia who would be looking for that would just take his time of day to find international artists that do that
now i'm sad :(

russian language only looks good on paper
it's shit for singing and such

Why would you share that trash ?


Last time there was a thread like that one user dropped this album and I found it really interesting
Ambient-y EBM that would fit right in on some weird Soviet-era cartoons.

I want to get a bit more into Russian music scene (Russian myself), but I don't want to wade through shit on VK, finding new good music to listen to here is a thousand times easier.
And 2ch's Sup Forums is super slow and boring Letov circlejerking

Sounds better than Grime.

>I want to get a bit more into Russian music scene

>non-american rap/hiphop

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It's not that far fetched of an idea that there're probably at least a couple dozens of Russian dudes/bands that had their tastes formed by p4k/mu making stuff up as they go and experimenting, problem is finding them, too lazy to do it to be completely honest.
I'm so mad our pop culture is stuck in the 80's-90's and will probably never get out of it anytime soon.

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it's not stuck there. there is all that trap and pop shit that kids are getting into and it's fucking huge.
that generation is growing up with complete unblocked access to western side of the planet. something good might come of it.
but as pop culture goes, as long as people eat that garbage and get money from it, it will be there. same shit in the west. shallow pop music has always been there. it wasn't as formulaic and there were higher boundaries of entry but still

T. Filthy commie

heh, the only thing i know regarding Russian music is (admittedly) from GTA4's Vladivostok FM..

i'm gonna be frank, some part of Russian culture is incredible appealing to me (one of the reasons i'm trying to learn the language), like some Russian movies (e.g.: Tarkosvky) and literature (e.g.: Dostoyevski/Tolstoy)

but when it comes to modern music, i always draw a blank..

dis musik is good though:

Kino are kind of the biggest pillar of "modern" Russian music everyone always touts as the best, but they aren't that much different from Joy Division or Stone Roses actually? Still good though, even if overrated here.
I am with you on drawing a blank regarding anything contemporary, yea.
If you want something akin to Kino, you can check out Hayтилyc Пoмпилиyc, although they are more acoustic:
These guys are pretty much JD copycats, but are pretty popular rn from what my friend who's listening to at least some Russian music is saying youtube.com/watch?v=1IdSo3u9PTc
Post-punk (and synth-pop to an extent) is kind of popular here anyway because of the minimalistic aesthetic allowing you to do stuff without a need for actual good producers. That and also the whole Kino circlejerk.

I died when he said Esketit

yeah, Kino is post-punk like JD, but i like its vocals, it sounds like the singer is kinda lazy and didn't want to sing but had to lol

also, i almost forgot, one of the best drum 'n' bass acts i know comes from Russia, Receptor

it's not worth to learn russian language for that shit
modern russia has no culture
country has no value whatsoever

>country has no value whatsoever
that's a bold statement

Кaк вы мeня зaeбaли, pyccкиe.