At qt girls house to do project for this class

>At qt girls house to do project for this class
>Shes playing music, its top 40 music but I don't really give a fuck
>Starts talking about how she has people over to her house a lot and that she hates it when people don't put on music that they like because sometimes she can tell when they are bored of what she is playing
>I wasn't bored, but she asked me to put on a song
>Look at phone
>Literally nothing that she will like
>Loveless is on my phone
>For so long have I thought this is entry level
>Its basically pop music
>I put on Loomer
>45 seconds of pure awkward silence
>Turn it off
>"Can I just go back to playing my music again user?"
>"Yeah go ahead :)"

Pretty sad because I'm interested in this girl a lot, I don't think I have a chance anymore sadly.

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nice blog post faggot


man this pasta sucks

You overestimate normies lad. Maybe you'd have gotten away with Only Shallow or When You Sleep.

Why didn’t you just play Mac Demarco on YouTube you dunce.

>For so long have I thought this is entry level
>Its basically pop music
>I put on Loomer
This is where ya goofed. Should've played LDA m8.

you people are dumb, if youre ever in this situation just put on inside out by duster

if you're interested in her why didn't you play Sometimes

>At a party
>Amazingly beautiful girl I had a huge beta crush on since forever is around
>She never notices me and never will
>Suddenly, a wild guitar appears
>Girl goes hyper, asks the guy who brought it to play it
>He stumbles trying to fondle the thing, clearly the guy has no clue
>Now's my chance, I actually play very well and I have a great singing voice
>Walk up to the guy, ask all smooth - "Excuse me, can I try it?"
>She gives me a definite look, I look back, definite something, god I can't believe I'm being so smooth
>She doesn't know I stalked her facebook, know how much she loves Wonderwall
>Guy gives me the guitar
>I take the guitar
>There's an ounce of weed taped to the back

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Actual good advice and solutions brought to you by Sup Forums for once

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duster is ultimate lo-fi lady-laying music

go on

>being this new

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user never delivars

happens a lot with my not-interested-in-art friends.

even shit like the singles off of Pom Pom are too much. though I have one friend who doesn't even listen to that much music and loved Swans and even fucking Leo Ornstein on first listen lol

always have music ready to go. most girls you can throw on any Brand New track and they will like it.

>always have music ready to go in case you have to talk to normal people
lmao @ autists and their bugout bags full of ””””safe”””” music

nobody likes brand new, especially females

i work in a record shop i talk to normal people everyday.... idk about you but i wouldnt throw on gauze or masonna in front of a girl im trying to fuck. dickass.

Your music taste isn't that eclectic if you don't have at least like 10 artists that are somewhat "accessible" to normies.


exactly. hush lil boy.

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>not when you sleep

dumb blogposter

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what a shit project you should give up academics

>show Sufjan Stevens to a girl 2 years ago
>she hates it and doesn't even listen to one whole song

>show her the exact same song last week
>she loves it because it's the guy from Call Me By Your Name

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>not showing your qt some Anal Cunt or Dying Fetus


i hope this is a hot meme. i don't even like duster, and i'm on this board, someone who just likes pop music definitely won't like it. play ariel pink singles or more melodic music, like even vampire weekend or stuff like that. i don't get how so many people on this board don't have a single accessible artist that they like, some accessible artists are genuinely good