Post your two favorite albums of opposite genres

post your two favorite albums of opposite genres

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But punk is the opposite of prog, and Dookie is a pop album?

dookie is pop-punk

have you listened to dookie besides the singles?

>opposite genres

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>opposite genres

deep frieze and filosofem


prog rock with its multiple time signatures, extended guitar solos, and long songs
pop-punk with its shorter songs, speedy three chord guitar, and aggressive lyrics and drums
seems like opposites to me

Like black and white my lad

burzum is literally ambient metal

>black people that say a lot of things fast

>white people that don't say anything

Wow, so this is how it is...

>musical dualism

Shoot me

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Anyway, I guess Ys and Dopethrone

excellent taste

You're an idiot if you think Dookie, or Green Day in general is pop. There's a difference between Pop PUNK and regular pop. Green Day is Alternative Rock, Punk Rock and Pop Punk.

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not disagreeing but whats your logic behind those being opposites?

One is complex, yet light, subtle and calculated, while the other is heavy, abrasive and sloppy.

"post your two favorite albums of opposite genres"
They're opposite, right?

I wouldn't have said better

>opposite genres
>two rock albums

Spirit of Eden (post rock)
King Of The Delta Blues Singer (lol idk I guess blues is basically pre-rock)

>all rock is the same genre

I'm guessing you meant prog and punk, OP. Green Day isn't even punk and later Rush is more power pop than prog. A better comparison for example would be Close to the Edge/Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables

Even then, prog and punk are both types of rock so they really aren't opposites