Sup Forums Friday hangout and live strea

Everybody get in here and heat up your crab legs

Friday movie thread, get in the discord and we'll figure out what to watch and hangout

Other urls found in this thread:


hehehe nice vigh russ opie

do some horror

star wars

Noice I'm in



What else should we use

come watch Doctor Strange faggots

What are we watching op-kun?

How about we watch the columbine reenactment documentary "Zero Hour"

I can stream

really dude just have your own thread who cares

Because that guy is streaming unlike your faggot ass chat room with 2 people talking like homos

Enjoy OP, made this myself

I was just kidding and giving it a bump at the same time


This thread breaks global rule 11 I cannot allow it to continue

>have my own thread

Okay, I made one. Bump it for me you lovable bug you.

>unlike your faggot ass chat room with 2 people talking like homos

Holy fucking shit rekt so fucking hard.

uh oh

Nothings loading on this.

Plus I wanna watch Doctor Strange.

Then why are you still here?

Stop posting diferent streams and just tell me wich should i go o, faggots,, I really need something to do.

Because I'm gay.

>create a chat room to discuss what to watch
>just end up doing it in the thread

I hope you see the pointlessness of making a chat room when threads exist

>that fart noise We're watchibg hidden figures

glad to see Sup Forums still trying to be a community. been too long since these threads were commonplace. here's a bump

We're here now.

Watching Arrival atm.