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L'Ami du Chambertin

Me in the middle

Is this thread a homage to fromage?



>yes, of course I eat moldy milk

mon pipi dans le fromage

What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror? HALOUMI!!!!

Hope you can handle me at my worst


it just smiled

Torta del casar

me stealing fromages

In the Cheese Garden of Eden with EDAM and Eve :^)

Would you dare enter the Roquefort™ Pit


Buying second-hand cheese on BRIE Bay

I used to think like this when I was a child, even turned my nose up at mushrooms because I read all about how they grew from decay and waste, particularly the farmed variety which is bedded in horse manure

absolutely devilish *twirls le mustache*

Except the worst happens to be the best

The GOUDA, the Bad and the Ugly

r8 mon petit deg

True dat, blue cheeses are my favorite
Recently bought 200g of english Stilton, I didn't expect it to be that strong (too much salty imo) but it was good

I'm so glad cheese exists I wanna abonDANCE

I like myself a good sharp cheddar cheese, how about you fellas?


dég is for dégoutant (disgusting)
déj is for déjeuner

I prefer a blue semi-hard cheese instead of soft imo.

Roquefort, Beaufort and Pélardon (my local goat cheese) are my favorites
Also this bad boy will fuck up your nose

This terrifies the Norwegian.


For cheddar is has to be extra, extra extra mature but we have so many varieties of hard cheese that cheddar can be boring.

Feta, the greatest cheese in my humble opinion.

At last someone else posts a cheese map. I will save this.

The gouda the BRIE and the ugly

and this is the ugly.

I like all kinds desu

Currently eating this

I have not in my experience seen a cheese like that!

Thinking of Switzerland, I also like boar's head imported Swiss

I've never actually had that, is it even cheese? from the age where I was able to notice that at the super market I thought it looked gross

I like the look of that meat, is it a bacon? or just some kind of cured slice of beef?

All this talk of cheese has made me crave some but the cheese in my fridge has literally grown a beard.
It's not even cheese man. Kraft can't even legally call it cheese AND it doesn't even melt.

By the way the blue in this cheese isn't mold, it's actually ash

why can't Lorraine into cheese?

On the plate are
-Catalan Fuet (pork),
-"Saucisse sèche de Lacaune" (literaly "dry sausage of Lacaune"; pork)
-And the ham is French Bayonne ham, so pork as well




Fucking WWI fucked up the area too much maybe
Can't have cattle graze on lead poisoned soil

Not exactly a map, but here

Might have me a raclette tonight after all this ralk of cheese lads


I think it's neat how they melt that on a huge iron

Dunno which one, but there was one soft goat cheese I had in Nice that was just the worst. It was served on a 4 fromage pizza. Most of the cheese in France was great, but that one got stuck in my mouth for hours, or so it felt.

No idea which one it could be, there are several kind of goat cheese produced in Nice area, and pretty much everywhere in France for that matter
Might have been supermarket tier industrial one, lots of pizza places don't use "real" cheese


I like gruyère, haloumi, jarlsberg for foreign cheeses
stinking bishop, double gloucester and wensleydale for british cheeses

Really ? It's common as fuck here
I can't really tell you how it tastes since cheese made with sheep milk can't be pretty fucking varied
A Roquefort has nothing to do with Feta for instance, or with the Basque Ossau-Iraty, yet they all use sheep milk

I believe mozzarella and feta are made of sheep's milk. Those are great cheeses.

>can't be pretty fucking varied

I meant can*, of course

>tfw no cheese culture

Russian cheese is shitty chemicals, even after snctions we have all kind of foreigh cheeses but the are so expensive

>essence of Vasily's balls mozzarella

Just fuck off with your bullshit.
Why do Russian autists always barge in with their self pity posts and ruin everything. You fucking cuck.

what's the best way to make grilled cheeses desu? I prefer putting non traditional (of the American variety) so like putting on some pepper jack or Swiss on top.

this one is super fancy it's got raspberry preserves and grilled challah bread

frogs, please post picture of Croque Monsiour and the female one too. At my old restaurant we made it "American" by making the sandwich ion buns made of funnel cake.... super amazing desu

no st nectaire = shit chart



I like cheese

Female one is Croque-madame

> tfw no strong Basque gf to eat Idiazábal cheese with

I'm sure this is a common feel.