Is this show proof that women ruin everything?

Is this show proof that women ruin everything?

Even my wife was rolling her eyes at the shieldmaiden bullshit in the last episode.

I don't see a problem really, I enjoy the sons stuff more but I don't see why it triggers people so badly

>I don't see a problem
That's a problem within itself.

can you post pics of your wifes pusy pls?

How so? Differing opinions?

They have to have more stories to follow now that Ragnar is gone.

We're not degenerates, silly.

Please. It's been shit since Ragnar died, no one has his charisma and the whole shieldmaiden mythical bullshit got seriously out of hand. There's suspension of disbelief and then there's becoming a braindead moron in order to watch this.

No one's triggered, this is a frequent criticism of the show and has been so since season 1, episode 1. It also doesn't boil down to any political opinion for there isn't really a political stance that wants more historical accuracy rather than pulling retarded fan service and pleasing a loud portion of the crowd.

>We're not degenerates
Oh so you're ugly people

Not really.

ignore him user. This autistic fuck wants historical accuracy in a show that is essentially historical fiction. If he doesn't like what he sees, he can easily drop it, but instead he is bitching about it on a board like a pathetic man child.

>still watching after Ragnars death

>historical fiction
you got that right. for one thing vikings are supposed to be mixed race not white

Ragnars' sons are the most boring characters in this show, if they kill Aethelwulf I'm going to be pissed

>this triggered nu-male manlet

I legitimately love athelwulf, he's been fucked over his whole life but he still soldiers on. Pretty great character.

>inb4 cuck memes

how can you like such a pathetic character?

Cuck memes my ass, he's the best character left in the show.

Harald and Haldfan are god tier and even them pale in comparison to Aethelwulf. I hope they don't kill him because of shitty Ivar or someone else needing to shine.

There is no historical accuracy in this show outside of names and places.

Instead of saying how shit the show is just stop watching it. Stop giving them ratings.

Because he's interesting

the point of watching character drama isn't so you can self insert as that character you child

>complains on an anonymous board about a tv show that only has one writer


There's a fine line between taking some artistic liberties and tossing in retarded shit like dragons and dwarves. Shieldmaidens fall in the latter.

What the fuck is it so hard for you to understand?

didnt mean to trigger you.
why are aethuwulf fags to touchy?

>Literally SEETHING and crying
You gonna cry some more, weak manlet? :^)

The first 5 eps of this season were actually pretty good, after ragnar died it's like they made the agenda forcing up 500%

aethelwulf, rollo and sometimes ecbert are the only interesting characters now

>drama isn't so you can self insert
>literally takes it personally when his favorite character gets called pathetic

>women being warriors is as fictional as dragons.

Okay, that's just stupid.

stop projecting any time

Only people who watch it now are cuck sympathizers and stronk womyn empowerment fags.

It is. Every single time women fought in battles (and the cases in history can be counted in one hand) it was out of despair and as a last stand where even children as young as 12 were found dead in the battlefield.

It is as fictional as dragons because women were not fucking warriors you absolute autistic hamplanet. What reality are you living in?

>cases of dragons in history can be counted in one hand
fucking retard

>projecting your own projection

I'm living in the reality that I'm watching a fucking fictional show. I'm not so retarded as to think any of this is in the least bit historically accurate. At the end of the day, it's more feasible to see women fight (which has happened) then see a literal mythical dragon.

Your posts reek of r9k.

Cherry picking much?

Honestly you're both dickheads.

Sure the show should be more historically accurate, but as the actual show creator has stated when broached on the subject before, "A historical account of the Vikings would reach hundreds, occasionally thousands, of people. Here we’ve got to reach millions.”

They intentionally keep the series inaccurate because it's a tv show. They need to make money and ratings.

>Being this retarded
>Having the reading comprehension of an acephalous turd
Consider suicide.

>Moving goalposts because you can't find a reason to include shit as retarded as dragons and dwarves
>Projecting his own r9k status onto others
You gonna cry some more, pussy?

Eh, not really. Historically Vikings were much more brutal. In the show we don't even see the real battles and all the rapes.

The show writers are pussies in their portrayal anyway. I'm sure they won't be showing any shieldmaidens screaming for daddy after they get their guts hewn open in honourable combat. Nor will they be showing a victorious man saw the tits off a wounded shieldmaiden as she bleeds to death.

I think hes referring to how you compared warrior women to dragons. And then you backpedal and admitted that they did exist.
Consider taking your own advice.

Go back to /asp/ Carter you fat fuck. Ya memes aren't gonna stick here ya midget

go away gurofag

>all this forced lesbo shit
>still no steamy man-on-man action

very apt

i know i'm 2 hours late to this debate but are you fucking retarded?

he took offense to the idea that you shouldn't like a pathetic character, not that the character is pathetic in some way - that is the whole point

retards don't like pathetic characters because they want to self insert

non-retards sometimes like pathetic characters because they're entertaining to watch, i mean that's the driving force behind pretty much all comedy shows

Urm; the Eastern Front would account for dozens of battles with enlisted women so no, youre wrong

wait..... shield maidens aren't real???

Compare women's sports to men's sports. Now how would a female warrior fare against a male warrior?

These shieldmaidens piss me off because they don't fit the enviornment.
In shows like GOT it makes sense because they have a tribe of ninja women or whatever that train their whole lives to kill stuff with their thighs.
But in Vikings, they are mostly house wives living with their husbands taught from birth how to wash dishes, take care of the house and the family and in their spare time they sort of do some shield battling or when they become adults they do battling and learn.
The men though are hunting their whole lives, doing battles their whole lives, sleep with their fucking axes and they still get killed by the average housewive that decided to take arms.

Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.

At least that other lesbian is finally dead now

Lagertha losing plot armour when?

Who cares lol

What's about your wife's boyfriend.

What was his reaction?

Historically speaking vikings were ok with lesbianism but homos were punished by blood eagle

You've got quite a wait ahead of you.

Urm; on the other hand Eastern front was textbook fighting "out of despair"