Rogue One

Other than the fan-service bullshit, this was better than The Force Awakens. Prove me wrong. Protip: you fucking can't

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No one is going to prove you wrong. Prove me wrong

but you're objectively correct

it was the exact same shit as the force awakens

Why would someone deliberately make an argument they know is false?

Oh wait, internet.

but that's wrong m8

The only character with a personality is a robot, the action scenes go on for too long and the visuals, up to the last thirty minutes, are very bland.

Not sure if OP is trolling or not, and I don't particularly care--so I'll just give my straight-up opinion.

Yes, Rogue One was infinitely more entertaining. The Force Awakens' only advantage was the re-introduction of familiar faces, but storywise I just didn't give a shit about anything that happened in TFA. As a few million people have pointed out before me, it was a rehash of A New Hope and lacked anything novel or unexpected. It was kind of like visiting friends you haven't seen in on hand, there's a warm sense of familiarity and nostalgia, but on the other, you realize that they're not as much fun as they used to be and the old days can never be recaptured.

Rogue One wasn't saddled by any need to "universe build", so they could focus on creating interesting and relatable characters without worrying about how they'd fit into future installments. I genuinely felt saddened to watch them all die, one by one.

it was totally old style SWs

too bad the main character was an unlikeable bitch lmao. honestly couldn't give a shit that she died at the end.

Many Bothans died to bring you this thread

It wasn't great, it was really a 100 million dollar fan film, but yes, it was better than TFA.

Star Wars movies have characters.

The Force Awakens was lazy and made with a cowardly reverence for the OT but at least Jew-Jew had the sense to follow action/adventure convention.

Rogue One is a grimy, miserable clusterfuck of a movie that on one hand wants to make Star Wars """serious""" but on the other takes what it thinks are the steps needed to satisfy the Star Wars fans. The failed 'star wars-iness' of the movie is probably the most painful part. Star Wars never had any unique incredible element that made it work, it was just action/adventure conventions. But this is a """serious""" war movie so we can't use those. Instead we get """serious""" war movie characters wearing OT-style costumes. And this extends to everything. The action scenes aren't directed with the intention of exciting or entertaining you, they're supposed to hammer home the horrors of war. The same war we associate with C-3PO and R2-D2. What this stupid juxtaposition creates is a Star Wars movie with no fun or excitement and a war movie that it's impossible to take seriously because it's Star Wars.

Then of course there's the hundred little technical things that were awful, like the cast having no personality beyond the robot occasionally using leftover quips from Guardians of the Galaxy, the pointlessness of half of what happens in the movie, the complete lack of a personal story to engage with, the exploitatively shallow allusions to real-world conflicts. This movie just sucks shit in so many ways.

It was what I wanted from a star wars movie since the OT

Not over saturated with light sabers, no jedi/sith, just a war movie between the Empire and the rebels. Wasnt exactly what I wanted but goddam it was close

Just play the big maps in Battlefront2. Hollywood has better things to be doing than pandering to your aspergic sensibilities.

Rogue One was the worst Star Wars movie ever made.

Star Wars deals in broad strokes
good vs evil
heros journey
simple plot
likeable characters

It's a somewhat campy swashbuckling adventure with wIzards in space. They tie the saga together to basically make it one big soap opera about the most fucked up family in the galaxy.

Now here comes RO to get it completely wrong.They tried so hard to make this movie stand on its own yet none of the scenes feel unique. The best scene is a Vader villian jerk off at the end. It's like cheering for the Nazi on Saving Private Ryan when he kills everyone.

The characters are all Boba Fetts. They look cool, but are one tone, boring, and drab. The only character with an arc or shred of likability was the droid.

Quality of the film is on par with TFA but doesnt capture the excitement of the OT.

Anyone who thinks Rogue One is WAY better thinks Boba Fett is the best character in Star Wars because be looks cool.

>The best scene is a Vader villian jerk off at the end.
Is that the scene where they visit Vader's house in fucking Mordor?

>look ma I did it again

>so they could focus on creating interesting and relatable characters
You and I must have watched entirely different movies. The version of Rogue One I saw had no characters whatsoever.

Very true OP. Can't believe I'm actually agreeing with everything you said.

Characters here were actually real unlike mary rey sue

>Characters here were actually real
What fucking characters? There was Diego Luna, whose one defining thing is that he's apparently the only Mexican in the galaxy. Or Donnie Yen, who seems to have blindly wandered in from a different movie in an entirely different genre. Or his possibly gay buddy, Bishop from the X-Men, whose only thing he does in the entire movie is follow Donnie Yen around. Then there's the Indian guy, whose thing is that he had his brain melte- oh wait, never mind, he's inexplicably completely better now. Or Forest Whitaker, whose thing was this entire subplot could have been cut out of the movie and it wouldn't have changed a goddamn thing.

Rogue One is the worst example of a movie that very obviously started shooting without a fucking script first.

Vader was better in the Holiday special than in his first scene of Rogue One.

Solely because it wasn't a beat-for-beat remake of Star Wars, Rogue One beats Force Awakens easily.

>what's your name, lady
>..Roe Gwan
> I like the sound of that (winks at camera)

Kinda cheesy to be fair

>underrated comment

I don't know what, they want from me
It's like the more money we come across
The more problems we see

Isn't it sad that the best soft-reboot ever made is a better movie than the first "standalone" Star Wars movie?

Maybe I should re-watch that. I just can't believe how many people seem to have enjoyed it. Are you all Disney shills? Tell me the truth please.

>Uninteresting main characters (bad azz girl #123, morally ambiguous good guy after all #4567)
>Re-shot to hell and back. Full of continuity errors and shit that didn't make any sense.
>No new technology/creatures just the same shit we've seen a million times.
>Nothing happens during the first half.
>The horrible speech she gives to the rebels.

At least I wasn't bored while watching TFA.

Here's what Rogue One did better than TFA:
- the general look of the movie

And that's literally fucking it

the main thing I didn't like about the movie
pretty much the only thing about Rogue One is that I thought that the character development or at least the turn in the dynamic character of the chick protag didn't flow too well, it was too abrupt.

I mean the chick was raised by the dude who said fuck the rebellion and fuck the empire

then dashing rogue comes up and says you gotta fight for the rebs becuase I have a pretty face

then shes all like okay.

it was too abrupt

Ill agree ILM made the cgi a bit cleaner for some parts. Yet still added horrible cgi tentacles during one scene. Couldn't even do one thing better without fucking it up.

Force Awakens has far more dialogue that makes me cringe. With Rogue One it's really just her speech (only autists care about Vader's pun)

>got a boyfriend, cute boyfriend?
>I can run without you holding my hand!

The Storm Troopers had the same armor
It had the old ships and Darth Vader

That's it.

>The best scene is a Vader villian jerk off at the end
I know the fan boys loved this scene, hell I thought it was cool too, but imagine watching this movie like you're a kid who hasn't seen Star Wars.

You're reaching the end of the movie and this guy in a black suit, who you know hardly anything about, starts mercilessly killing all these rebels while they literally scream for their lives. And that's the whole scene, serving so little influence on the plot it could have been left out entirely. Just a guy slaughtering a bunch of other guys. Then the movie ends.

Wouldn't you just be horrified?

Why would anyone be watching this if they hadn't seen Star Wars?

>rebellions are built on hope
>save the rebellion, save the dream
>Vaders voice
>for Galen (these characters were never on screen together)
>overly dramatic music playing while 2 lead characters fall in love in their last moments of life instead of leaving the planet.
>Leia's "hope"
>I am one with the force the force is with me I am one with the force the force is with me I am one with the force the force is with me

Every kid has to have their first Star Wars movie. Not every parent is going to buy the original trilogy box set so their kid can study up before they see the new one. Here's how most parents approach these movies:
"Oh, a new Star Wars movie! I liked those when I was younger. I bet my son/daughter would like these films."

Aside from "rebellions are built on hope" none approach the cringe levels of Force Awakens for me.


It's a movie that validates my passion for childrens franchise.

Watch out, we got two "critics" over here.

You are absolutely correct user but the cringe inducing dialogue is a minor problem (at least to me).

Dialogue becomes shit on an whole another level when 90% of it doesn't further the plot or character development in any way as was the case in Rogue One.

Seriously, how many times did the movie cut to Tarkin talking to other imperial officers? Why? To show Tarkin's frustration with his peers backstabbing him? Why? Did it culminate in some anger filled decision to fight back? Nope. Didn't affect anything at all. Tarkin's whole character development lead in to the cheesiest possible roof top show down.

Who was Saw? Why was he ostracized from the Rebellion? What was his point in the movie? Did he give some unique advice to the main girl he raised as his own? Was there an emotional connection between them that changed her/his opinion on the Rebellion? Nope. He got a message, gave the message to the girl and died pointlessly.

This turned in to an autistic rant but for fucks sake the movie had so much pointless and boring shit that lead to nowhere.


I have a better question, why was Tarkin even in the fucking movie at all? Peter Cushing has been dead for more than twenty years. If it was any company besides Disney, they might have been able to get away with giving some PR bullshit about how Tarkin was central to the story of the Death Star (which he wasn't, at least not according to Rogue One's script), but because it's Disney, it just reads as an obvious attempt to cynically rope actors into doing Lifetime Contracts, knowing they have the technology to just age down the actors when they get too old. Or worse, if Rogue One proved anything, the actors don't even need to be fucking alive in order to get roped into doing more movies. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Disney's contracts at some point in the near future give them the rights to your likeness in perpetuity.

What continuity errors?

Characters were fine I think people are hating on them so much because the movie was popular

> no new shit

But there was. Lots of it.

> jihadi Jedha
> nothing happens


So you didn't watch the film then? Glad there's a patrician on this board doing the lords work bashing a popular film.

>Characters were fine
But that's patently, demonstrably wrong.

>Glad there's a patrician on this board doing the lords work bashing a popular film.
says the contrarian who bashed TFA

>I think people are hating on them so much because the movie was popular
Ignorance is bliss

> lists no examples

Ah okay, you sure have convinced me. Excellent argument.

> inb4 I-it's not my job to show you!

What the fuck was the point of black Immortan Joe?

1. His interrogation of Pajeet directly mirrors Darth Vader's torture of Leia.

2. Darth Vader was going to kill the rogue one's and then it would be poetry

I like TFA, even if it is a retread.
That's my point TFA got a lot of hate on here but most people don't mind it's a retread and thought it was great. Literally Sup Forums contrarians.

> tfw too intelligent to like rogue one

I listed all of the examples here I didn't put anyone's names in the movie because I honestly don't remember a single one. The entire movie was bland, entirely forgettable tripe.

If every one in the movie was a one-dimensional stock character, it would have been an infinite improvement, because then they would at least have had the one dimension. The whole movie could have been recast with several 2x4s with a frowny face drawn on them and the only that would have changed is that the action figures would have been far easier to produce.

Fuck, why was Vader even in the movie? All the scenes featuring him and Tarkin could have been cut out and it wouldn't change any of the events. All it did was dilute the influence of the new villain, making him ultimately forgettable.

>What continuity errors?
Leia being near the battlefield for no justifiable reason, C3PO and R2 not being on the ship when the empire invades to retrieve the plans, the guys from the Cantina being in a city that gets blown up, almost certainly killing them both.

>I know the fan boys loved this scene, hell I thought it was cool too, but imagine watching this movie like you're a kid who hasn't seen Star Wars.
From a screenwriting perspective you would include a scene like this to service your main antagonist. You know, showing them do something evil so the audience doesn't like them. This should have been Krennic killing the rebels. As it was though they gave the scene to a character who has no direct influence on the plot of the movie, so that the only function it served was as fan service.

How? Leia had to watch a planet full of people die. The Indian guy got tentacle raped. Where's the parallel there?

How does it tie into the force awakens?

In the absolute surface level nuwars way.
Leia sits on the right as Darth Vader enters with his torture droid, his raspy breathing mixing with her screams.
Darpreet sits on the left as Saw Guevara enters with his torture squid, his raspy breathing mixing with his screams.

>What continuity errors?

They gave a lot of screen time in the beginning of the film to Saw, his minions and his whole mysterious shadowy organization. Just so he could show Jyn an hologram message and then die without accomplishing or contributing anything else.

Saw was meant to have a more meaningful role in the movie but for some reason they re-shot, edited and cut out most of it. The whole build up made no sense and felt clunky as fuck because it was supposed to lead in to something, not just him dying for no reason.

Krennic got the same treatment. A lot of screen time, a lot of building up for something. His whole character arc ended up being pointless and utterly uneventful.

Are these "continuity errors"? I'd argue that they are because you can't just have the original scenes that were part of the original plot and then just have them lead in to something completely different. It is jarring when everything in the movie is subtly hinting and moving towards a certain direction but then doesn't pay off at all.

That is why massive re-shoots ruin movies.

I kinda get it, it works if you're a Star Wars fan because you get too see an iconic villain and it works if you're a newcomer because it establishes an iconic villain.

Of course if you watch it as your first Star Wars movie without any intention of watching the other ones, sure, it's pointless. But that's kinda the thing of Rogue One: It's basically just an incredibly long teaser for the original trilogy.

I'd give it 11/10. Better than Empire.

It was ok. Suffered from bad characterization and wasn't that interesting. Could of been better.