Excellent fight scene that still holds up

Excellent fight scene that still holds up.

Really felt like Tony was pulling out all the big guns and still only seconds away from the Hulk ripping him to shreds.

That 10 seconds at the end of the latest Rambo movie where that pacifist faggot nuts up and beats the chink to death with a rock.

I thought it was so dull, repetitive and made hulk look quite pathetic.

And the whole scene had an orange filter over it or something. Revolting color palette.

Yea, I kind of agree. Give Hulk a line or two. Give him something to destroy. Like a swat truck or helicopter. It seemed like Tony fanwank.

>hulk ever losting to tinman

I would accept Thor beating hulk but never at any point should ironman be able to stop him

Iron man didn't beat him.

The exosuit that Banner helped Tony design SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS SITUATION did.

Amd even then look at how ineffective it was at quickly neutralising him. The Hulk is a fucking near indestructable rage monster.

Fuck me, it's as if you only stare at the screen without bothering to listen to the dialogue.

Stop spreading falsehoods.

>The exosuit that Banner helped Tony design SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS SITUATION did.
The Hulkbusters have never worked in the comics because the whole thematic point of the Hulk is that he is an unstoppable force that grows stronger in responce to violence. The only way to stop a Hulk rampage is to calm him down. And Whedon is too fucking incompetent to realize something as simple as this.

There is alos the recurring thematic point of Tony Starks hubristic belief in his technology being able to solve everything which is again a reason the Hulkbuster armour should never actually work. Again something very simple Whedon couldn't understand.

Save... Martha!

this was the only good part of the movie desu

in fact super heroes fighting each other are the only good parts now because its the only time you dont know which one is going to win


Checked and true as fuck

cerberus is tiny and adorable!

I'll never stop being blown away at the fact someone was so skilled he managed to turn a block of marble into something so defined using only hand tools

sometimes i wish i was that autistic

>It seemed like Tony fanwank.
well, he is the main character in the MCU


I'm always astounded that someone can be so skilled that they can make a hard rock like marble seem as soft and flowing as flesh or cloth.

And they tell us whites have no culture. SMDH.

True that, I still struggle to this day drawing faces, and then this cunt that lived 400 years ago or something can do such incredible artwork

Like one single mistake, and it would be noticed like fuck.

I'm glad Whedon is finally gone, he should have never made Avengers 2. Avengers 1 was a nice introduction, but 2 sucked ass on so many levels. Don't even get me started on Ultron.


>Excellent fight scene

Two words

Hella freaking epic

>the Hulk gets beaten in a straight fight



>The only way to stop a Hulk rampage is to calm him down. And Whedon is too fucking incompetent to realize something as simple

and you are too fucking incompetent to realize that in the scene after the skyscraper crushed on him, Hulk/Banner saw all the destruction and panic and fear he created and that shocked him and calmed him down enough that Tony could K.O. him

what warhammer 40k game is this?

You can't K.O. the Hulk, that's the point.


it was bullshit because the hulk wasn't even trying and iron man kept randomly getting large amounts of time to come up with new shit to fend him off. total bullshit fight.

Who gives a shit, it's just a movie, and they're much weaker than the comics anyway.