Why didn't Obama fulfill his promises, bros?

Why didn't Obama fulfill his promises, bros?

>somehow signing some bits of paper qualifies as "fufilling promises"
Yeah let's see how that wall is going a year from now, when the honeymoon's over and you're piling on the Donald hate bandwagon

>bits of paper

You're right, they're just bits of paper. I'm going to go rob a store tomorrow, after all, the laws saying I can't do it are just bits of paper. It's not like those bits of paper are backed up with force or anything....

>after all, the laws saying I can't do it are just bits of paper
Actually that's true. Enjoy being spooked, my man.


Still in denial stage, Pedro?


because politicians held allegiances to their donors and party. things that trump doesn't give a shit about

>Following through on all his promises

Trump is literally the most honest politician in history.

Are you guys underage or something? Remember when Obama signed that executive order to shut down Gitmo?

>Yeah let's see how that wall is going a year from now,


>Canceled TTP

Say what you will about Donald, but he did prevent a fucking huge catastrophe.

It was a necessary compromise. For all this talk about China, it was needed.

>But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God

1 Peter 2:20

>a year from now, when the honeymoon's over and you're piling on the Donald hate bandwagon

lmao liberals are hilarious

is it really that difficult for politicians to hold their promises?
no wonder america was in the shitter to begin with

obama was shit at his job

he spent so much time trying to find a "middle ground" and to work together with the right who hated him so whenever he proposed something they would accept usually, they completely rejected.

probably because he was black.

yeah, 99% of politicians have to do what they are told because they run on other peoples money

trump doesnt give a fuck, he is just running to make america better

Because they were good he had good intentions unlike trump only wants to create chaos

Well trump is different the congress will approve


Obama didn't understand how to haggle. He tried to jump straight to the end, leading off with the offer you'd usually settle on in order to get republicans on board. Then the republicans just rejected it and demanded more until there was nothing left.