Is Sup Forums's taste patrician or just contrarian?

is Sup Forums's taste patrician or just contrarian?

That depends on whether you agree with it or not

This is a board that talks about capeshit and memes 24/7, what do you think


Sup Forums doesn't have an autonomous decision on movies

A mix between childish and contrarian

Also, there isn't such thing as "patrician taste", people who unironically use that term do it because they don't have arguments to discuss about art


Neither, it's the lowest of retarded plebs. These are people who unironically enjoy superhero films and watch RLM for funny insights.

>majority Sup Forums
>capeshit brand wars 24/7
>nothing but recent releases, reality tv and waifus

>minority Sup Forums
>trying to be contrarian as fuck to feel better about themselves

>extreme minority Sup Forums
>true patrician who don't care and actually enjoy film

Do you see anyone discussing Sundance or Berlinale here? Other than a thread Kuso which is practically the usual MO of tv parroting what the normies think.

Both, waifuggot

Why not both?

I didn't want to watch coven but I'm going to watch coven

where would you even get to see those films in a timely fashion for discussion?

invite me

Using either term only confirms you're a fat, underage neckbeard who wears socks and strap on sandals.

Go eat a dick you fucking dildo.

that's ironic. Why exactly doesn't this also describe "childish" or "contrarian" ? Because that's what you love to use to excuse your taste?

The only film critic I pay attention to is Armond White, what does that make me?

Wish she was still this hairy.

An uninteresting person.



new Sup Forums users should be aware that Sup Forums isn't the same thing as it used to be

that is to say, Sup Forums as a single entity, or community, no longer exists. it was killed by the swarms of normies, redditors and underage bastards who all have shit taste and would rather post memes than discuss things they like.

Sup Forums used to be more "patrician" in the sense that the community's taste was much better overall. that's not to say all they did was watch obscure art films, no. Sup Forums used to watch everything but had an understanding of what was shit and what wasn't that was not influenced by trivial matters like popular opinions or politics or whatever else have you.

the idea of Sup Forums being ultimately a contrarian place is just evidence that this place has so fucking changed. you can no longer insult a popular "hip" show for fear being labeled "contrarian" regardless if the show (or movie) in question is absolutely dogshit. gone are the days, where people just discussed the films they liked discussing. the redditors/normies/underage have turned this place into a spawning grounds of poor taste, shitty opinions, yes men, and memes, all because popularity is key.


You must be new here.

This place was nothing but forced memes and cancerous drama bullshit for many years (especially during the abatap years).

Also, forcing an implication of what is shit and what is not based on your experience is really sad on your part. People are going to like what they like and really, no taste is shit if the person enjoyed themselves.

How hairy do you think her asshole is?

Probably the worst taste out of all the "art" taste except Sup Forums. Sup Forums has bad taste too but pretty much all video games is a garbage artform.

Very entry level trash, extremely politic filled (Hacksaw Ridge is good cause Gibson seems republican, BvS is good cause everyone hates it), zero discussion of deeper level art.

You'll never see anyone venture rarely beyond maybe Scorsese and Godard let alone Sica or Kiarostami or Antonioni.

I think it would be okay if we got a seperate /manchild/ board for star wars/capeshit/e-celebs

Emma Roberts is definitely patrician taste.

Highly esoteric and aloof pussy that only deserves the attention of the aristocratic class.

What is her natural hair color?

If you use the word "contrarian," you're literally an idiot. It's a concept invented by idiots with reddit sensibilities who are too fragile to deal with criticism of mediocre media that has widespread appeal.

It's a troubling manifestation of millennials' mental weakness. Seriously, the only people who would even entertain any "argument" involving the concept of being "contrarian" are weak, lazy idiots who can't deal with criticism substantively.

If it bothers you that much that people criticize mediocre mass-marketed work designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, like Star Wars, Breaking Bad, Kanye, etc., you should find a safe bubble and stay there. Or kill yourself.

Star Wars and capeshit should go to Sup Forums I don't know where e celebs should go, but they shouldn't be here.

It's not either lmao

Every single thread on Sup Forums is about the same shit that gets discussed anywhere else on the internet. Blockbusters, Oscar Bait and IMDBcore television. There is nothing different about this place at all.

Emma Roberts is definitely high culture.

- Can't be mass produced. (There's only 1 Emma Roberts)
- Inaccessible to low tier men.
- Difficult to approach and comprehend (Irrational violent outbursts)
- Her tight little body edifies and transcends existence.

We are truly living through the best of times.

>defending being a contrarian shit with this cringeworthy wall of text
Reddit would welcome your pseudo intellectual shit more.

Not high culture until she stops shaving her legs and pits.

she desnt have pubic hair yet, hich is why shes so violent.

I love Emma Roberts! I want to kiss her feet!



>tfw extreme minority