what did she mean by this?

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That she ran.

ugly bitch

dumb frogposter

Ran so far away?

I normally don't like Emma but something about her in this movie, that scene in particular, made me fall in love with her

Not Iran, I used to be a man


>mfw Americans pronounce Iraq as "eye-rack" and Iran as "eye-ran"

She just ran?

She's mocking him for running away while she was complimenting him. It's also nice because the piano component of the song is so bloody simple (a simple chord every bar) that it was bound to infuriate a snobby jazz pianist.

>it's a sebastian shouts a line and scares people scene
loved those parts

Couldn't get away..

Nah, liberals started pronouncing everything exactly the way Obama does, it's so fucking pathetic.

>that cute as fuck smile she gives after

Damn, Emma Stone is a cute froggo. I might have to see this.


I want to watch her run.

nah, Dubya Bush started the "eye-rack" and "eye-ran" meme due to his Texan accent
